Tommy Shelby - 'Don't hurt me ever again'

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"You son of a bitch" you scream to Tommy as you through the glass bottle behind him. "Why can't you tell the fucking truth Tommy for once!"

"I only saw her Y/N!" He yells back to you. "We did not do anything"

"You never came home Tommy" You screamed back to him. "You never came fucking back last night!"

He stays quiet and smokes his cigarette very calmly.

"You expect me to think, that nothing had happened; when my fiancé did not come home last night and seeing a woman in whom you were once in love with." You slam the glass and it cuts your finger.

"Y/N..." he tries to help you but you put your hand up to stop him from coming closer to you.

"Do not come fucking near me Tommy" You cry aloud. "Do not come near me."

"What you want to stand still while you are bleeding?" He frowns and you roll your eyes.

"You did not give a fuck about me last night, so don't pretend you care now." You cry to him and storm past him.

"For fuck sake Y/N" He growls and throw his glass in the fire.

"Piss off Tommy" You shout from the stairs and start to pack up all your stuff into a small bag you found under the bed.

Throwing everything in, you pack everything up and not caring whether anything is neatly packed or not. Each thing your three in, your eyes would well up; the emotion and anger racing through your veins as it powered an adrenaline rush through out your body.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He groans in shock and leans his head against the wall; it banging slightly.

"Fucking leaving Tommy" You shot back at him as he looks towards you. "You are so - urgh!"

"Just stop packing" he comes to you and tries to stop you. But you carry on shoving things into the bag. "Y/N fucking stop!"

"No Tommy!" You snap and he grabs your wrists pulling you to the bed as he puts your hands over the top of your head. You shout at him to let go.

"Stop" He growls and then looks down to you. You start to sob as you finally give up the fight to get him away from you.

"Why would you do that to me Tommy" You hiccup. "Why would you?"

"Y/N I did not sleep with her" He frowned and then looked around the room; then back to you. "We kissed. That's it."

He slowly pulled his hands away from you as you looked to him in a pit of pain. Another tear fell down your face as you stood up slowly; stumbling into the side slightly but you held to the side of the window sill. You looked out the window as you put a hand over your mouth to stop the loud sobs to escape your mouth.

"Y/N" He mumbles as he comes closer. You step back further.

"Tommy don't you dare" you whisper. "Please get away from me."

"You have to understand that I did not mean to do it" He begs as he kneels to the ground. "I was so drunk-"

"Don't use that excuse for your fucking stupid mistake" You roll your eyes and walk around him; running down the stairs.

"Tommy I do not want to speak to you ever again" You cry as you storm out the house and into the night.

Running to Linda and Arthur's house, you knock at the door and they let you in. You break down into tears one more night; while Linda hugs you into her.

"Oh Y/N I am so sorry" She sighs and then you stop crying; feeling your face ache because of the tears that have fallen repeatedly down your face for the past hour.

"I hate him for what he has done" you whisper to her as she rubs your arm gently. "I really do fucking hate him."

"No you don't Y/N" She says to you; making you bite down on your lip and staring at the celling for a long time - not seeming to blink.

"I don't even know what to think anymore Linda" You mutter. "I do not feel like I even know my fiancé anymore. I think I have lost him forever."

"You should not think that" She frowned and held your closer. "You know Tommy and I do not get along, so well. I don't agree with the things he does and the things he says. But I really do believe that he loves you Y/N. You said he was drunk. Maybe it was by mistake."

"He loves her Linda" You stutter and you shake your head in upset.

"He loves you." She tells you and you nod your head in agreement.

"Where is she?" You hear your fiancé voice echo through the building. Hiding into the sheets, Linda gets up and walks downstairs to speak to Tommy.

"Y/N?" His voice comes more hearable as he comes closer. He kneels beside you as you cry into the pillow. "Y/N I love you. Not her"

You say nothing and continue to cry on the beds pillows.

"You have to believe me sweetheart" He whispers and kisses the side of you cheek. His arm wraps around your waist as he gets in the other side of the bed with you.

He pulls you up against his chest as you hide into it. Tommy kisses the top of your head as you snuggle into him.

"God I love you Y/N you have no idea" He honestly spoke. "I am so sorry. So so sorry."

"I love you Tommy Shelby" You muffled in his chest. "I really fucking love you. Please do not hurt me ever again?"

"Never sweetheart" He frowned and kissed your lips. "Never ever again"

With that you fell asleep in each other's arms; so exhausted from the nights doings. You loved tommy so much and he really did love you.

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