John Shelby - 'Protest'

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Today was the day. It was the day, you and the girls were going off to march for woman rights across the nation. Polly was the most excited you had ever seen her before. Ada was too, alongside her friend Lucile; Linda was attending the march too and you were extremely happy. You felt empowered when participating in the suffragette movement as you wanted a change in how men looked to you all as a gender.

John hated the idea of you going, along with the rest of the gang. They thought it would be too dangerous, but you girls were having none of their bollocks - you were going whether you liked it or not.

"I don't want you going" John had said to you last night before you got into bed. Putting on your night dress, you laid on your side to face him.

"I won't" you lie through your teeth, but he was oblivious to it all.

"Good" He kisses your lips and blows out the candle beside him; cuddling your body into his as you both sleep.

"Goodnight John" You mutter as he softly snores almost straight away. "I love you."

Now you were awake and still listening to the snores of John, which had gotten louder, meaning he was in a deep sleep. You slowly got out of his grip as you grabbed the clothes on the chair and went into the bathroom to get ready. Looking at the time, it was 5:00am and you were to meet the others outside your house anytime now.

You looked back into the room as you were about to head downstairs; admiring John and feeling guilt towards your actions and disobedience to his pleas of you not to go. Shaking your head, you try to concentrate on the pros of this march, knowing it would help everyone to have a better future.

"What the hell have you been doing?" Polly smacks your arm as you walk towards them all. "The train leaves soon."

"I know, I am sorry" you groan as you all rush to the station and eventually getting onto the train to London.

As you rush on, you take your seats and readjust your hair and makeup; getting eyed up as the men walked past you all.

"Eyes away ladies" Polly smirks. "Ada and I are the only ones allowed to look. Well, mostly I."

"We Can window shop" Lucile teases and we nod our heads in agreement.

"Exactly, we can window shop but not buy." You add with a smirk and the rest of the girls chuckle as you all make yourself comfortable for the journey.

"Well, I think we should drink some of this" Polly laughs as she brings out a bottle of whiskey from her bag.

"You are insane" You laugh to her as you all take a swig from the bottle; getting a little tipsy as the train carries on its course.

You all eventually get to London, seeing crowds of women surrounding the busy city. The march went on and women from up and down the country gathered to fight for freedom and equality.

Throughout the march, all you could think of was John and how angry he will be when you come home. It was night time and you had all got the train home. Polly was pissed, alongside Ada and Lucile; but the two of them went home as soon as we arrived in small heath. Linda went home and you were in charge of looking after Polly, taking her home safely. Polly was really difficult to look after when she was pissed and it would drive you insane whenever you drew the short straw to look after her.

You threw her arm around your neck and clutched onto her as you began to walk to her house - but she had other ideas. Polly pushed you away and walked up to a few men that stood in the corner of the alley way. Your heart thudded as you saw the three strangers look you and Polly up and down.

"Polly!" You whisper yell as she walks away. "Fuck!"

You walk after her and try to pull her away, but she pushes you back.

"Get off me" She snaps, slurring her words as the men come over. "Let me see these lovely men."

"Polly come on, it is late and I want to go home." You beg her but she was no longer listening to you.

"Hello gentlemen." She smirks and the circle her; all talking at the same time. You push past them as you try to pull her away.

"Okay, you have said hello." You mutter. "Now let's go Polly"

"No, I want to stay here with these handsome men." She purrs as one of them puts a hand on her waist. You feel someone come up behind you, placing a hand on your wrist.

"Get off me" You snap, pulling your wrist back.

"That one is too vocal." One said to the other, referring to you. Offended, you step back and pull onto Polly's arm as you try to walk away with her.

"Don't leave us" A man putter into your ear as another pulled Polly to the wall, kissing her as you stood there in fear.

"It is late" You stutter. "I am tired and I want to go home, now if you would excuse me."

"Not so fast lovey" He grabbed your waist and pulled your body against his - your back against his front.

"Get off me" You demand but he does not listen. "Trust me, you have no idea who you are messing with."

"Did you hear that boys?" He laughs, mockingly. "She thinks she is something special."

They all laugh at you, the one with Polly however was completely oblivious, just like her.

"Who do you think you are, a Shelby?" He laughs and you go to speak; answering him but the sound of a gunshot in the air filled your ears.

You jumped as the man pulled you closer to him.

"Actually, She is" you hear the familiar voice of your husband say as he makes himself seen. Your heart thuds faster, happy to see him but you knew he would be so mad at you. "So fucking let her go, or I will kill you with my bare hands."

"Fuck, lets get out of hear" the say as the pull the man who was kissing Polly; running away from the situation. Polly huffs and starts to walk away.

You look to John, not knowing what to say. Playing with your hands, you bite down on your lip - you could tell her was pissed off.

"John I-" you begin to say but he raises a hand for your to stop.

"I'm taking Polly home." He simply says, in a monotone voice. "Go home." You nod your head in reply, watching him walk to Polly who starts to argue back with him and to get away from her.

You start to walk back to the house when you hear John speak to you.

"Y/N, you better go straight home." He orders. "And for once, actually do as I say."

"Yes" you softly speak, walking back to your house and washing your face with water from the sink; preparing to see John.

Sorry I haven't updated in ages, I have been so busy! But thank you for all the support and reads you guys have done! I really appreciate it!

Thank you again!

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