Thomas Shelby - 'A Killer Not A Lover'

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"You do realise that the Peaky Blinders are the cause of the huge amount of men and woman that have died in Birmingham."  You stresses to your friends as you sat around the table in one of the small cafes in Small Heath. "They are dangerous men."

"Oh Y/N, please stop lecturing us." Betty rolled her eyes as she huffed.

"She is right" Mary nodded her head; shrugging her shoulders as the other girls huffed.

"You two are so boring" Ann rolled her eyes as she sipped on her tea.

"I just think they are so overrated." You huff, standing up. "They are killers. I have to go, I need to get home before it gets too dark."

"We can take you home later" Mary offers but you shake your head.

"I need the walk, besides it is not that dark" You breathe out as she looks to you. "I will see you guys later on"

"Why is she so moody?" You hear Ann mutter and you walk off, your eyes tearing up as you walk away from them.

Wiping away the tears that fell down your face, you looked at your feet as you walked; not paying attention to what was in front of you. As you looked up, you suddenly saw a black figure that shoved you against the wall. Their hand was wrapped around your neck as they strangled you; lifting up your dress as you screamed and shouted for help.

"Get off me!" You scream and try to shove the drunken man back, but he was too strong.

"I think the lady told you to do something" You heard a deep voice say from behind the attacker. The rat turned around, still blocking the deep voiced man who demanded to get off me.

"Sorry" He stuttered and rushes away. Frowning in shock, you brushed down your dress and tucked the hair behind your ear.

Looking up, you saw the man that put the fear of God into everyone. Your eyes widened. Fear raced through your brains and you didn't know whether to run or not. It was the one and only -

Thomas Shelby.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked as he came closer, inspecting your face as he looked to you with an unnerving smile.

"I'm fine" You coughed and brushed your skirt down once more; checking your top too. You slowly began to become unafraid of him, knowing that he would not hurt you really.

"Here, you have got a little -" He began to say as he pointed to the mud on your skirt. He pulled out a napkin and went to hand it to you.

"I don't need your chivalry" You snapped and he looked taken back by your sudden change of mood. "Thanks. Also, I have no intention curtsying to you so you can just forget it. You are no King of Birmingham."

"Well, you can curtsy or not. That's your choice. There's really nothing l can do about it." He smirked, playfully as he looked to you. "Except have you shot and forgotten about, but that seems a bit extreme."

You rolled your eyes as you bent down to tie your lace up.

"Charming. Why don't you do what your people usually do?" You snapped sarcastically as you stood up to face him. "Steal my land and destroy my livelihood. Now, if you'll excuse me."

You go to walk away, back on on route to home. But the sound of his voice, made you stop in your tracks.

"Wait a second." He calls to you. "Come back here."

You curl your nose up and huff, just wanting, to get away from him and his stupid gang. However, you felt somewhat bad - you owed something too him (not that you were sure what) but he did save your life and your dignity.

"Yes" You huffed as you walked back to face him.

"What is your name?" He asked you as he looked at your face intently once again.

"Y/N Y/L/N" You muttered as you tuck your hair behind your ear.

"Well Y/N Y/L/N - ." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You're the first woman I've met who hasn't swooned at the sight of me nor feared me and my power of destroying."

"Then maybe I've done you some good." You snap back and begin to walk away again once again; wanting some peace. But instead of peace, you get Tommy following after you; still talking to you.

"Look, I may have stolen some land or others livelihood and maybe killed a few men along the way but." He argues as you continue to walk. "l want peace in Small Heath, just as much as anyone else. I don't want people to walk all over us."

"So you have a new plan, instead of killing, once you take over the whole of Birmingham?" You ask him while you walk further away.

"Well" He stuttered and you rolled your eyes for the millionth time; expecting that to come out of his mouth. "Sort of. Of course, l couldn't reveal it to a woman. Especially a stranger."

"That is what I thought" You laugh sarcastically. "You guys are all just the same. You care more about your love struck whores and your next drinking session. Rather than the lives you are fucking up."

"No, actually, I've never been comfortable with the whole love stricken whore thing." He mumbles as he walks close by you. "Perhaps that's why l find your obvious disdain for me so refreshing."

"Obvious?" You chuckle sarcastically as you stop walking to look at him. "And l was trying so hard to hide it. Besides, I am not a whore."

"Did not seem like it then" He glares, seeming to have had enough of your smart come backs for the evening.

"You are a real son of a bitch" You snap and shoves his chest back in anger. He mockingly laughs at you and shakes his head.

"You know a simple, thank you, would suffice." Tommy retorts back. "Considering I just saved your life and your reputation."

You folded your arms and bite down on your lip. Knowing even thought he was a massive prick, that he did deserve a thank you.

"You are right" You sigh, looking to the sky. "Thank you."

"You are welcome" He lights a cigarette and breathes out the smoke. "I must say Y/N Y/L/N, you are not like any other woman I have ever met."

"Tell me about it" You muttered and looked to your feet, feeling very awkward and not knowing what to do nor say.

"I should walk you home" He suggested but you shook your head.

"I will be fine" You ensure and he looks intently at you, unsure himself. "Really I will be fine. I am almost home anyways."

"Okay, well -" He begins and walks over to you; picking up your hand and kissing it gently. "Goodnight Y/N Y/L/N."

"Goodnight" You tried not to stutter.

Walking back home, all you could think about was Tommy and feeling very bad about your judgment upon him - you had to keep reminding yourself that he was a killer not a lover.

Unknowingly, Tommy watched you walk home until he knew that you were safe in the walls of your own home. He felt something different about you and he already liked it.

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