John Shelby - 'Dejavú'

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"You need a husband" Your bosses grandmother sighed as she tapped your head as you typed away.

"No she doesn't" Your boss, Kyle frowned; looking after you like you were his daughter. "She will when she is ready."

"And maybe she is ready" His grandmother frowned and you laughed at them arguing about your love life.

"Will you two quit arguing" You laugh as you put on your coat; looking at the two of them and treating them like small children. "I don't want you two arguing over something no existent."

"Oh you are beautiful Y/N" Grandmother cooed as she kisses your forehead; looking to you as she pulls away. "The sooner you realise that you can whip a man off their feet, the better."

"You are only saying that" you chuckle as you raise an eyebrow to her.

"Oh hush!" She scolds And you chuckle more at her; looking to Kyle who gives you a wink. "You need to get married so you can have some children!"

"Mother leave the poor girl alone" Kyle laughed and you giggled back to them; her eventually sitting in her rocking chair.

"Anyways." You smile, doing up your jacket so it will keep you warm. "I better be off."

"Will we see you tomorrow?" She asks and you shake your head no; holding the door handle.

"I have three days off" you reply and she nods her head slightly; smiling goodbye as you walked out.

Walking through the streets, you put your hands in your pockets to keep them warm. As you walk past the park, you see a little boy being shoved to the ground by a couple of boys. Frowning, you walk over and see that he is bleeding.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You snap and the boys disperse from the little boy on the floor.

You leant down and picked up the little boy in your arms; he cried into your chest as you brought him to your house to clean up.

"Hey little man" You smile as you place him on the couch in the living room. "My name is Y/N, what is your name?"

"My name is Louie miss" He sniffles and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Nice to meet you Louie, I am just going to get some cloth and water to clean you up." You explain and he nods his head; understanding what you are going to be doing. "Do you want a drink of something?"

"Yes please" He stutters and you smile, getting him some water and the things you need to clean him up. "There we go."

After you cleaned the little boy up and gave him a bite to eat, you could not help by recognise the little boy from somewhere. He looked so familiar but you knew that you have never seen this little boy before.

"Should we get you home?" You ask him and he nods his head; hugging your waist - the little child only being 9 years old. "Lets go then. Where abouts do you live?"

"Small Heath" He answers and you frown slightly in shock.

"How the bloody hell did you get this way to Kings Heath?" You gasp to him and he shrugs his shoulders in reply. But you used to live in small heath before the war started and you knew it very well - almost too well.

"I don't know miss" He says and you sighs; running a hand your through hair.

"Well, lets get you back" You smile and you both leave the house; getting a taxi to small heath.

Being in kings heath was great because no one lived through fear of being mugged as you walked down the streets. You moved to kings heath because you were given a job there during the war, helping Kyles grandmother (while he was fighting in the army) do the finances of the business, while he was gone. But you missed small heath, you lived in a small net of well known people; people that you missed dearly, but you knew being around them would cause yourself danger - plus you couldn't not take the opportunity.

Once being in love too while in the small town. He was at war and you were never there to see him return back home - which made you feel awful.

"This is your stop miss" The taxi man smiled as you got out the car; thanking him as you gave him some money.

"Which One is your house then" You ask the boy. In reply, he grips onto your small hand and pulls you to follow him. The two of you seem to walk around in circles for a ages as he rattles his brain as to where he lives - it was now becoming dark and you were anxious that his parents would be freaking out; hoping they would not blame you in anyway.

You stop outside a house. A very familiar house. Shaking all thought of it being dejavú, you try to not let it get to your head.

"It is this one" He says after a while and then you knock on the door; still holding the child's hand. "Thank you for taking me home."

"You are more than welcome" You smile; bending down to his height.

Just as you look to the small boy at the same height, the door opens. Looking up, you see someone you never thought you would see ever again.

Not knowing what to say, the two of you stare at each other in shock; seeing each other for the first time in years.

"This lady helped me dad" Louie smiled and you stood to your feet. "Max and Ernie were hitting me again, she helped me get away from them. She cleaned me all up!"

"Next time they hit you, you hit them back" His father answers; hearing his voice again making you shiver. "Say thank you and go inside."

"Thank you Y/N" He says and his father turns back to you in shock once more; before the small child, Louie walks inside the house.

"I should go" You say after a few moments.

"Yes, you should." He frowns. You look to the ground and turn around to walk away from him once more.

"Y/N?" He calls your name and you turn around from him.

"Yes John?" You stutter and he runs his hands through his hair.

"It is too late for you to be wondering around Small Heath at this time." He sighs. "Come inside?"

You think for a moment.

'What would his wife think?'
'Did he have one?'

"I can handle bad things John" you fold your arms with a smug look. "I learnt from the best."

"Well, That is indeed true." He smirks and you bite down on your lip to stop the uncontrollable smile. "Please just come in."

Nodding your head, your feet move forward and you walk into the house; admiring the beauty and the memories once shared in the house.

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