Finn Shelby - 'Boxing Teacher'

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"Come on Finn, you are a fucking Shelby" The boxing master shouted as he watched Finn and Isaiah practice.

"I hate coming when they are fighting" You wince as you see Finn being punched in the face.

"We come because they look fit when they are fighting" Your best friend raises her eyebrows up and down, making you laugh and roll your eyes. "Isaiah just looks to hot"

You say nothing but intently look at Finn, not helping but think how attractive he looked, even if he did look rough. The two of them stepped away for a break and you snapped out of your trance when you heard your name being called.

"Y/N, lets go then" Rosa grinned as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to the boys.

The two of them looked to you both as you walked closer. Finn looked you up and down, smiling at you as you came closer, seeing you tucking your hair behind your ear nervously.

"You two are pretty good" Rosa winks, mainly flirting with Isaiah.

"Come up" Isaiah says and they both open up the sides, allowing you both to slip in. You get through easily, but you footing ends up with you tripping over your own feet. Falling, you end up slamming into Finns bare chest. His hands fall on your waist, steadying you onto your feet once more.

"Hello there" He winks and your heart explodes from your chest.

"Sorry about that" You blush, stepping back and it causing his hands to drop from you.

"All good" He smiles and looks you up and down, without you noticing, not helping but feeling so nervous around you - much to your acknowledgment.

"Looked pretty brutal between you and Isaiah-" You begin to say as you see some blood running down his cheek, gasping slightly, your lips parted and you grabbed your handkerchief. Pressing the clean cloth on his face gently, you wipe away the blood.

"Y/N, we are going to be late!" Rosa gasped as she realised the time, making you smack you arms to your side.

"I have to go to my ballet class" You stumble on your words, handing him the handkerchief and turning around to follow after Rosa.

"Wait" He blurted, pulling your arm and bringing you back to him once more. The proximity was very close indeed! "- meet me here tonight? 8?"

"9" You breathe out, biting on your lip as you looked into his eyes.

"Y/N-" Rosa called out. "Come on or madam will murder us!"

You stepped back from Finn once more and followed Rosa out of the building.


"One and two and three and four" Madam spoke to the people in the class as she watched them perfect the precise move.

"You are meeting him there tonight?" Rosa repeated what you told her, while you both tried to keep quiet so madam wouldn't hear.

"Yes!" You gushed, grinning from ear to ear.

"You so like him!" She gasps and the two of you giggle.

"I really do" You breathe out and the two of you laugh even more, but this time, it captures the attention of the madam.

"What is so amusing miss Y/N and miss Rosa?" She spat, sharing a disappointed look. "Care to share it to the rest of us?"

"No madam" You both said in chorus, trying not to giggle anymore as you were too afraid of what madam might do.

"Then quit messing around and concentrate!" She slams her cain in the floor and continues to count to each step the girls did.

After the class had finished, you grabbed your things and said to goodbye to Rosa; vowing to tell her everything tomorrow! Rushing to the boxing centre, you slowly opened the door and you saw Finn punching the practice bag. His skin was glowing with a slight over-shine of sweat, but it only made him look more attractive.

Admiring him, you got lost in the moment and realised you had been staring at him for a long while.

"You going to keep staring?-" Finn smirked as he saw you. "- or are you going to come over and say hi to me?"

You smile widely and walk over to him, indulging in a hug with one another. It was as if you were both, each other's missing puzzle piece - you fit together perfectly.

"So-" You spoke as you pulled back. "You going to teach me how to punch?"

"What would a girl like you, want to know that information for?" He questions.

"A lady has to know, how to defend herself." You simply answer with a smirk.

"That's what their men are there for" He states and you blushed but tried not to let it overwhelm you with anxiety - otherwise you would blush profusely and quite obviously!

"Well that is not an option for me right now." You push further, to see what his reply might be.

"It could be" He muttered so quietly that you were only just able to hear. Your face went bright red and you looked down to the floor for a moment.

Finn coughed and cleared his throat. He took your bag off and put it to the side. Grabbing your hand, he  wrapped some tape around it, to support your wrists.

"I'll show you how to punch." He smiles and you watch him carefully put it on.

Afterwards, he took you over to the punching bag and told you to hit it. You gave a hard smack, but it was fairly pathetic.

"Try again" He says and you do it again, with the same outcome.

You looked to him and let out an embarrassed laugh, wanting to give up.

"You need to try it like this-" He grabbed your waist, holding you and pressing you against his body. Your back was about his chest and he held either side of your arms from behind. "Now- punch."

You let out a punch and the bag moved vigorously! Letting out a squeal of happiness, you grinned and turned to Finn. Releasing how close you were to him, you angled your head slightly and he turned you around to be face to face.

"Good" He breathes out. "That was good"

"Thank you" You whisper and put your hands on the back of his neck. "I had a good teacher."

"He probably deserves a reward" He flirts and you nod your head softly.

"That he does" You grin and you both lean in, pressing your lips against one another - gripping each other tightly, he lifts you up and wraps your legs around his waist.

Putting you down on the bench, the kisses get more and more passionate: which I am sure you can guess that one thing led to another!

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