John Shelby - 'The Only Life I Want, Is With You'

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"I don't want to marry him mum" You groaned, as you put on your jacket, about to go out.

"You are going to-" She shook her head, coming to you wish a dish cloth in her hand. "-whether you like it or not."

"But I don't love him." You frowned.

"Don't be silly Y/N." She glared. "People don't marry for love anymore. That only happens in story books."

"That's not true." You snapped and walked out of the house; making sure to slam the door as you went out. "I am not marrying him" You said to yourself as you walked out.

"Hey Y/N" Your friend said, making you jump slightly.

"Fuck, I didn't see you there Maria." You breathed out, laughing slightly. "You alright?"

"I am good." She sighed, and you frowned slightly, knowing something was up.

"What is wrong?" You questioned.

"Nothing- "

"-Don't bullshit me Maria." You rolled your eyes.

"I heard you were going to marry Henry." She shrugged, looking to the ground and then at you.

"My mother wants me too- "You began. "Not me."

"I did not think you liked him- "She shuffled her feet, and you knew she was being really weird about it. Did she like Henry?

"-I don't" You snapped and rolled your eyes, not wanting to go further with the conversation. It had already upset you enough and knowing the whole neighbourhood knew about it, made you feel even more anxious.

"Then why are you- "

"-Maria, with all due respect, you have no idea what I am going through." You got angry, losing your patience. "My mother is making me do it and I am not going to go through with it. So back off, will you?"

You walked away from her, leaving her dumbfounded. As guilty as you felt for yelling at her, you had enough of her questions and judgements against you. It was annoying you.

"Y/N" You heard a deeper voice call out, making you turn around to face the culprit.

"John" You breathed out; making your heart flutter as you looked to him coming closer.

"How are you." He smiled gently, putting his hands on your waist; bringing you into his chest for a hug.

"Not so good." You mumbled, breathing in his scent; which seemed to calm you down.

"What's wrong?" He frowned, pulling you back to face him.

"I have to tell you something." You whispered, looking up to him.

"Hey Y/N" Another person called. "I heard about you and Henry. Congratulations."

"What?" John frowned, and your heart dropped.

"That is what I wanted to tell you." You mumbled, looking to him with sad eyes.

"You are marrying him?" He breathed out, making your heart break over again.

"I – "You began to defend yourself, but John cut you off.

"I'll see you later." He shook his head, walking away from you. Tears pricked your eyes, as you watched the love of your life, walk away from you – heartbroken that he was not going to be the one, to spend 'till death do us part.'

Coming home, you were due to go to the square with your family – something that the whole of Small Heath did; coming together for St Georges day. You did not want to go, considering the talk of the town was about yours and Henry's wedding.

"I do not want to go." You huffed as your parents dragged you out of the house.

"Well too bad." Your father shook his head. "You are going to see Henry while you are here."

"I do not want to marry him." You frowned, walking down the street to the huge party going on.

"We are no longer going to discuss this." Your mother snapped, making your angrier as you looked to her.

Once you got to the square, everyone seemed to be having a good time. People were drinking and eating food, talking to anyone who went passed them.

Looking around, you saw John, talking to Rose; laughing and joking around. You watched him, until his gaze caught your eyes; the two of you unable to break the stare.

"I will be back" John mumbled to here and walked away; making you follow him as he went away in anger.

"John!" You called out, but he continued to walk away. "I want to keep things the same between us."

"We can't do this anymore." John stood still and looked to you. "You have to go through with it. You have to marry Henry."

"But you know I don't want Henry." Your eyes welled up. "Don't make this something it's not."

"Look, we had our fun." He harshly spoke to you. "That's all it ever was.

"I don't believe you." You shook your head, smacking his chest.

"Leave me alone." He shakes his head, walking away once more.

"What's the matter with you?" You yelled, still following after him. "What do I have to do to make you stop?"

John said nothing but continued to walk away.

"I love you, John." You whispered, unsure if he even heard. "Besides, what are you doing with Rose? You don't even like her."

"I don't have to like her" John snapped, turning around to face you. "-to get what I want from her."

"You're a terrible liar." You frowned, leaning towards him, making your body close to his. "I know you feel like I do. I know you're burning inside."

"I'll never be able to give you anything like Henry could." He shook his head. "He could buy you anything you wanted. I can't."

"You think I care about Henry's money?" You said, annoyed he would think so.

"You have a future with him." He snapped. "I'm not going to let you ruin that."

"Did my mother get to you?" You argued, not wanting to hear anything more from him. It was not him talking.

"Y/N, I'm wrong for you." He muttered, and you pushed him to the wall behind him.

"I don't care." You whispered, close to his lips and craving his touch on your body. "Do you want me?"

"The only life I want, is with you" He whispered back, turning you around, so you were against the wall. Then he leaned in slowly, pressing his lips on your and kissing you so passionately, as though it might be your last kiss.

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