John Shelby - 'I didn't know'

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"You are a stuck up pig" You snap to the man in front of you; smacking his chest so he moved away from you.

"Well at least I am not a arrogant arse" He snaps back; the two of you arguing like little kids and it made everyone turn their heads to look in the direction of the racket.

"You really are a prick Mr Shelby!" You huff; stamping your feet as you clean away things from the bar.

"Stop whining" He groans and you stand still; glaring intently at him and hoping it would make him disappear. "That's all I hear from your mouth, fucking moaning."

"Well at least something intelligent comes out my mouth" You retort and John raises his eyebrows; snorting a laugh as you speak your words. "And at least I have a mind of my own and I think you know what I am talking about."

He shoves you to the wall and your breathing hitches; heart beating faster and faster. His face was furious and you knew you had pushed a big button.

"I suggest Y/N, that you shut that pretty mouth of yours" He growls, completely pissed off. "Before you get into a lot of fucking trouble."

You stay still, unable to say or do anything - he shakes his head and walks away from you; making you feel quite bad for referring to his following towards his brothers.


"But do you know what" You sigh as you watch her do her hair up.

"What?" She asks as she looks into the mirror; you coming behind her and making yourself seen.

"I felt bad" You frown and shrug your shoulders; shaking your head quickly and not wanting to talk about it any further. "But he still a prick."

"You two honestly are insane." She laughs and you roll your eyes.

"You have never met him, so you would not know how annoying he is" You defend your own opinions.

"Well he doesn't sound too nice" She shrugs and you nod your head in agreement. "But please, forget about him and focus on tonight."

"I am excited to see him Mary, I really am." You get her coat and your own, putting it on as you look at her. "But remind me why I am meeting the best man again?"

"You need to meet the man you will be walking down the aisle with" She winks and you roll your eyes as she walks out the house.

"How exciting" You mutter as you turn the lights and shut the door.

"Just promise you will be kind?" She raises an eyebrow to you and you put a hand to your heart; pretending to be offended.

"Oh of course, when am I not?" You wink to her and the two of you link arms; walking to the place you were to meet the two men.


"I can see them both" She squeals as she walks in; holding the door open for you. You start to feel a little nervous as you walk into the pub; following your best friend to her husband.

"Hey sweetheart" She smiles to him as he stands up and kisses her cheek.

"Hey Tommy" You smile as you hug him.

You had never known a lot about Tommy, just that he was a business man, there was very few times you had met him but you knew a lot about him from Mary - only what colour his eyes were, how good he is in bed, all the irrelevant yet revelaba things!

"Hey Y/N." He smiles, looking to the both of you. "I want you both to meet my best man and brother, John."

"What the fuck" You both gasp under your breath and your eyes widen. John stands up and does the exact same back.

"Do you two know each other?" Tommy frowns and you both shake your head no; you reach out a hand and he puts your in his.

"No" You answer and shake it. "Hi I am Y/N."

"John" He shakes your head and both fake smile to each other.

"Great" You mutter and you all sit down, you opposite John and Mary opposite Tommy.


"Hi, can I take your order?" The waiter asked and everyone specified there meals; the waiter going away soon after.

"He was cute" You mutter to Mary; hearing John scoff at you.

Your head snaps towards him and you glare, the other two completely oblivious.

"Pardon me?" You glare, muttering so the other two could not hear as they entered there own conversation.

"You could fall for anyone that is a boy and living." He snaps and you roll your eyes.

"Fuck you" You seethe through your teeth.

"Why did you not tell me that your best friend is marrying my brother?" He shakes his head and you stifle a laugh.

"Why would I want to enter a conversation about that, with you?" You scoff. "Why would I want to tell you anything about me?"

"You are so stubborn" He groans and you clench your fists under the table.

"No offence, but you don't know anything about me." You glare more and he shrugs his shoulders; leaning back in his chair.

"And I don't want to." He argues smoothly and you frown slightly; genuinely upset that was his reply.

"I'm going to get some drinks" Mary smiled to you as tommy stood up; the two of them left you and John alone.

You stayed in silence for a while, not knowing where to look as you tried to ignore the awkwardness.

"You know it's not like it's my fault" You blurt out, your head overthinking as you stare at John.

"What are you talking about?" He asks and leans his arms against the table.

"It is not like I knew that your brother was my best friends future husband" You defend yourself and John stays quiet - knowing you are right. "Besides, I don't know why you even hate me that much."

"I don't hate you" He replies and you frown at him, almost in shock.

"Then why do you always-" you begin but you were cut off by Mary placing a drink in front of you.

"Here you go" Mary smiles as she sits beside you once more, looking to you and John - frowning as she does so.

"Thank you" You mutter as you sip on your drink, wanting this night to end very quickly.

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