Alfie Solomons - 'Fooling Around'

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"Do you think this is crazy?" You asked Alfie, as you both lay in the bed together bare underneath the sheets.

"What do you mean?" He asks back, confused on what you were trying to suggest.

"If Tommy or my other brothers found out us, they would not just kill me, but you too." You rolled your eyes as you sighed deeply.

"They won't find out." Alfie brushes off and closed his eyes again.

"Secretly I want them too." You began again, knowing that Alfie was not listening to you, so you decided to get his attention with just a few words. "I am pregnant."

"What?" He snaps and sits up fast, looking at you with shocked eyes.

"Now I have your attention" You raised an eyebrow in annoyance and got out of the bed. Alfie groaned as he saw your partially angry face.

"Y/N" He breathed out a groan once more; sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you in between his legs.

"I want them to know about us, not now, but some day." You ran your fingers through his hair and he smiled with pleasure.

"And they will sweetheart, just not now." He whispers and presses his lips on yours. "Round 2?"

"Animal" You giggle and fall on top of him.


"Stop chewing like that" Ada snapped as she watched you scoff your lunch down.

"Fuck off Ada" you spoke with your mouth full, glaring at your sister.

"You eat like an animal" She groans. "Chew before you fucking swallow."

"Stop talking, you are boring me" You brushed her off and buttered another slice of bread. "Pass me the jam."

"Holy shit" Polly gasped as she came into the room; coming over to you and lifting up your boobs.

"Polly!" You choke on your bread as she holds your tits up. You were unable to say anything else, due to the pure shock of your tits going up in the air.

"You better go see a doctor" She raised an eyebrow and you from back to her.

"What for?" You rolled your eyes; awaiting a snarky comment from her. But it was in fact the complete opposite.

"You are pregnant" She informs and you nearly choke on your food again.

"You what?" You cough, looking to her in shock again.

"You are pregnant Y/N, you are going to have a baby." She smiles, looking at you carefully.

"Shit" You mutter, sitting back in the chair; not looking very lady like whatsoever.

"So, Who is the father?" Ada asked as she looked very happily towards you.

"No way am I saying" You refuse, knowing that Alfie would go crazy if someone knew and then subsequently told your brothers - specifically Tommy.

"Who is is?" She persists and you shake your head; standing up and trying to walk out of the room, but they both stand in front of you - not letting you move.

"Get our of my way" You snap, trying to push through them but it was no use.

"Tell us" Polly folded her arms; both of them with a slight smug look on their face. You scoffed at the both of them, biting on the inside of your cheek to not say anything at all.

"Tell us or we tell Tommy" Ada raised an eyebrow and you glared to her.

"You wouldn't dare" You sneered and Ada laughed.

"Why wouldn't we?" She asked and you stepped forward; wanting to rip your older sisters hair out of her head.

"Ada stop being a fucking snitch and grow the fuck up!" You yelled and pushed through the gap; making your way to the doctors to get a real diagnosis.


"Well my dear, it seems as though you are pregnant" The doctor smiled, handing you a slip of paper for diagnostic purposes and dismissing you from his surgery.

Walking out of the surgery, everything seemed to hit you at once. You were to be a mother and you did not know the first thing on how to become a mum or even what to do. However, you did not want to give the satisfaction to Polly that she was right, so you decided to go off and tell Alfie on the big news.

Getting the bus to where he was staying in small heath, you got off at the stop you needed too and made sure that no one recognised you.

"Alfie?" You whispered as you knocked on the door; soon after revealing a very attractive looking Alfie. Blushing with nerves, he motioned you to come into the house.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. "You normally come at night so no one will be able to catch us. That was a risky move Y/N, you need to be a lot more careful about how you-"

"I am pregnant" you cut him off.

"Ha Ha very funny" He roller her eyes; not believing you. "You have played that joke before, start thinking of a better one Y/N"

"I am serious Alfie" You spoke sincerely; looking at him with a straight face, before handing over the piece of paper to confirm.

He said nothing but looked to you in pure shock.

"Please day something" you nervously said.

"I..." He began but struggled to find the words; making you feel on edge as you watched his lips intently and begging him in your mind to say something.

"Alfie, I know this is not what you wanted-" you started but he went down on one knee in front of you.

"Marry me" He says with demand and you look to his in shock and confusion.

"What?" You breathe out a smile.

"Marry me Y/N" He smiles and you look at the ring he held in his hand.

"Oh Alfie Yes!" You squeal and jump in his arms; him spinning you around in happiness.

"It may not be what we were planning for right now." He starts and puts a hand on your stomach. "But, I know we can make it work."

"I love you" you smile, placing your lips on his gently but full of so much love.

"I love you too-" He says but the sound of the door being bashed; makes you jump out of your skin. Alfie looked to the door and went to answer it.

"Where is my sister Alfie!" You hear Tommy snap as he pushed through and comes in the house to find you.

"Tommy, just the person" Alfie collars after Tommy, who ends up stopping still in shock as he looks down to your hand to see the pregnant slip and the engagement ring.

"What the fuck" Tommy snaps and you roll your eyes. "Don't give me that attitude Y/N."

"Shut up Tommy, you are not the boss of me." You glare. "I am old enough to do my own things and I don't need you to preach to me what I should and shouldn't do."

"You are coming with me!" He yells and grabs your arm; making Alfie tense up and you warn him not to stop your brother (in case of a fight.)

"No Tommy!" You stand your ground. "I am not leaving."

Tommy's eyes go wild and his nostrils flare with anger as he looks to the two of you.

"Quit fooling around! You know what, fuck you both" He screams and storms out of the house; leaving you both almost star struck; unable to move or comprehend what has just happened.

"I knew that's how'd he react" You sigh, walking upstairs to have some alone time to calm down.

Tommy made things more difficult for you and you hated it. However, you were lucky that Alfie was so supportive and able to help you be financially and emotionally stable - plus a lot of love and happiness within your life.

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