Thomas Shelby - 'Help In The Campaign'

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"You want my help?" You repeated, shocked that Tommy had even asked you.

"Yes, I think you will be very beneficial for my campaign for mayor." He answers. "You know the ins and outs."

"What are you even interested in getting as mayor for?" You ask, but he comes over, standing very close to you before talking.

"Y/N, when people ask questions it causes them to be in danger" He mutters softly, making her shudder with fear and another feeling you couldn't shake off - attraction.

"Some people like a bit of danger Mr Shelby." You whisper back, your smart and witty reply makes him smirk with amusement - but not in an mocking way, he was impressed.

"I like you very much" He says and your cheeks tint with a rosey colour; not believing what you have just heard. "I trust you as well. So anything I say, must be kept under strict secret Miss Y/L/N."

"Of course, Mr Shelby." You nodded, respecting his privacy and not to mention the fear behind your eyes; knowing what would happen if you overstepped.

"Please call me Tommy." He smiles, looking to you before lighting a cigarette in his mouth. "You used too when we were younger."

"That was before you got so... prestigious" You tease, making him chuckle.

You and Tommy were friends at school, well, when he would actually turn up. You were both very intelligent and when you finished school, you went off to further on your education; leaving Small Heath behind and all the friends you had within.

Coming back after years of being away, was a relief and a half. You had been back for a year now and rekindled relationships from years back - Tommy being one of them, a working progress.

"Very funny" He sarcastically laughs, smirking slightly at the teasing. "I could say the very same thing about you."

"I did not have a posh education Tommy, I was just smart enough" You wink, joking around with him once more.

"Which is why I want you here, helping me." He blows out the smoke, looking very attractive when he does so. You watched him intently and studied his face as you stared for what seemed like a long time.

"What's in it for me?" You question, continuing to keep the eye contact.

"£10,000" He says and you almost choke on your own spit; in complete and utter shock.

"That's a lot of money" You breathe out, but you realise, the more money - the harder it was probably going to be. "It is going to be very hard isn't it?"

"Do you know why I wanted you to help me Y/N?" Tommy asks, pointing is finger at you with a cigarette in between his fingers.

You shook your head, not truly knowing why Tommy wanted specifically you.

"I trust you." He stands up; walking over to you and invading your personal space, but you did not mind at all. "I know you'll do a good job and you are loyal."

"You have many people who could help you Tommy." You pick, still staring at him.

"What if I said, I just wanted to see you again?" He questions and you blush slightly at his words.

"I wouldn't say anything" You answer, smiling at him before tapping his chest. "You were always a flirt."

"Not to anyone" He defends himself and you shrug, looking up to him.

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