Tommy Shelby - 'Happy at last'

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife" The vicar speaks. "You may now kiss the bride."

"I guess this is the part" Tommy whispers as he looks to you; placing his hand on your check and pulling himself closer. "Make It look convincible."

"I will try my best" You whisper back to him and lean in slowly; kissing Tommy's lips gently and pulling back quickly - just a small peck.

The crowd cheered as you both walked down the isle and out of the church; dry petals being thrown at you as you went down. It was strange for you to be walking down the isle with a man you had only met just once. Your father was apart of the American Mafia and demanded that you both got married to form the alliance with the two gangs. You followed your fathers orders; living in England most of your life, you were used to the ways of living - however you were subjective to the idea of marry a man you have not fallen in love with.

Tommy was very sensible about it all, he did it for the good of the gangs and nothing else - for what could you think he could do it for, he was not in love with you either. The two of you wanted to try and make it worth; the two of you never admitting that to each other but you knew deep down that you were so respectful to each other.

"You okay?" Your best friend Rebecca asked as she stood beside you. The wedding had moved to Tommy's mansion on the outskirts of Birmingham. There was a lot of food on the table and everyone was drinking and chatting to one another.

"Yeah" You breathe out; grabbing a drink of champagne from the waiter coming around and chugging it back in one.

"Wow, I started to believe you until I just saw you drink that like a fish" She teases and you giggle at her; watching tommy walking around and greeting guests. "He seems lovely."

"He is" You answer truthfully, still watching him and the way he is with people is fascinating.

"Well aren't you a good talker tonight" She rolls her eyes and you sigh, bringing your attention to her.

"I know" you confess and apologise. "I am really sorry Rebecca. It is just, I don't know what to feel anymore. I'm so crowded with people that I don't know. The only people I really know are you and my father. That's it. Not even my husband."

"Y/N..." She sighs and pulls you in for a quick hug so no one would suspect you being upset. "I know it's hard."

"Will all due respect, you really have no idea how hard it is" You answer, turning your back to the people and pretending you are looking out the window. "I can't even breathe."

You look to her and rush out the room for a moment; going past people quickly as you try to get some fresh air.

Sitting on the swing in the garden, you slowly go backwards and forwards; trying not to think of anything but breathe normally as your dress flows in the wind.

"Mind if I join you?" You hear a voice say behind you; you turn your head to see Tommy standing there.

"Not at all" You smile and he stands in front of you, lighting a cigarette and breathing out the smoke.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks and you shrug your shoulders; unable to speak in case you melt down in front of him. "You can trust me you know?"

"I know" You truthfully say; biting down on your lip. "It just seems weird."

"I know" he agrees. "But as I said, Y/N you can trust me and as I am alive; standing in front of you right now, you are now my wife and I swear to you right now, I will be so loyal to you and treat you as if I have known you forever. I won't hurt you sweetheart and I will protect you with my life."

"I bet you say that to all the girls" you tease and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Wow, I say something nice and that's what you answer." He winks to you and moves closer; pushing the swing back; making you giggle at him.

"I appreciate it Tommy" You laugh as you jump off the swing; stumbling slightly as you crash into his chest. You look up to him; he looks down to you and puts his hands around your waist - making you body tense but then relax under his touch. "I really do."

"You not gonna say anything back?" He winks, teasing you.

"Dammit, we are already married." You giggle, shoving him back and making him laugh aloud. "Can we go back? I want a divorce already!"

He pulls your arms to him and you both keep laughing uncontrollably as he gives you a hug; kissing the top of your head.

"I have never laughed like that with anyone in my entire life." He breathes out a chuckle as the two of you walk back; hand in hand and your other hand holding onto the arm you were holding.

"I am glad" You look up to him. He smiles to you as you both enter the stables - which confuses you.

"I have heard you love horses" He speaks and you nod your head quickly.

"I am in love with the creatures!" You gasp as you see the four horses in the barn. Touching their noses as you go by, admiring every single one of them. "I have heard that you love them also Mr Shelby."

"I do indeed," He smiles and touches the mane of the horse; looking to you. "Mrs Shelby."

You blush and stroke the horse some more; not realising that Tommy is admiring you as you stroke the horse.

"I have a surprise for you" He smiles and pulls your hand to follow him.

"What is it" You grin and he taps his nose; covering your eyes with his tie he has just taken off.

"Follow my voice" He smiles and holds your hands to help guide you to where he needs you to be. "Ready?"

"Yes!" You squeak and he takes off the tie, to reveal a pure white horse in front of you. "Is that ours?"

"Yes" He nods his head and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Oh Tommy" You gasp and hug him tightly, looking up to him. "Thank you so much."

"I want to make this work" He smiles and you raise an eyebrow.

"You know, getting a horse for me does not have to be your way of trying to get my attention" You gently speak. "I am willing to make this work and I have a feeling that it will."

"Good" He winks and you lean up; pressing your lips to his and tugging the back of his hair as you both commit into a very passionate kiss.

His arms wrap around your body and he lifts you up slightly. After a while, you both pull back and breathe heavily.

"We Should head back to the people before they wonder where we are" You blush and he nods his head in agreement. Holding his hand, you go to walk back to the party but he pulls you back; kissing your lips once more before walking back up to their others upstairs.

"This will work" You whisper to yourself as you hold your husbands hand, happy at last.

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