Michael Gray - 'He will kill you. I promise you that.'

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"Michael will find you" You growl to the Priest - father Hughes. "He will kill you. I promise you that."

"He is too weak." He laughs mockingly. "He won't have the balls to do anything."

"You know nothing" You yell and he smacks you again the face.

You gasp in shock as you fall down the ground from the impact of the hit. He looks down to you and then walks away; leaving you racking your whole body into sobs.

"Michael" you call out in a cry as curl up into a ball.

"Mum I need to go." Michael snapped to Polly as he looked to Tommy. "I am going to kill him. I want to kill him."

"Michael don't be so stupid" Polly argued back to her son. "He is twice your size and you have never killed anyone before; it won't happen now!"

"Mum!" He yells. "He has Y/N! He has fucking Y/N! I am going to kill that bastard for taking her from me."

"Polly he needs to do it" John agreed with Michael. "Otherwise He ain't going to let it go. Once he has done it, he will feel free."

"Michael you are never going to forget it!" She panics and he steps aside from her. "You need to rethink it."

"I can't mum." He sighs and holds in the tears as he looks to the photo of the two of you. "I need to protect her. I need her back and if that means killing him, then god so help me I will fucking do it."

"Why?" You ask him as the priest walks back in again.

"What?" he snaps back to you.

"Why are you trying to hurt him more?" You ask him as you stand up, looking at him intently. "What did he do so wrong to hurt you?"

"You will never understand." He rolls his eyes. "I do things in the name of God. I need favours and if the Peaky Blinders cannot give me what I want; then I will have to take measures into my own hands."

"You do not act in God." You glare. "You act in the name of the devil. You're a coward Mr Hughes. Not worthy of anything."

"And what are you?" He laughs mockingly. "You are whoring around with Michael. No doubt sleeping with other men in the gang. You are nothing but a whore."

He walks out of the room.

"How dare you!" You yell and then he suddenly comes back in with some food on a tray - putting it in front of you.

"I am not hungry" You mutter and he shrugs his shoulders before turning away again.

"Michael, you go but let those men kill him okay?" Polly pleaded and Tommy agreed with Polly; yet did not really seem to mind which way it went.

Michael got in the car and went off with the other two members of the gang who were ordered to kill the priest and he was to get you.

"Stay in the car" Michael spoke harshly to the men. "And that's a fucking order"

With no word, they followed through with what the young leader had to say. They both stayed in the car and watched him walk into the home in which the priest was keeping his love. Not knowing that Michael was ever going to come - completely off guard.

"Get off me" You shout the man as he tied the rope around your hands and feet. "Please you are hurting me. Stop please"

He slowly lifted your skirt slightly and kissed your inner thigh.

"No!" You shout more and start to cry out for help.

Before anything else is able to be said or anything else traumatic happens, the sound of a single gunshot went off into the sky. Father Hughes turned around and whispered 'bloody hell'; you could not see who it was and you could only pray that it was Michael.

"Stand up now" The familiar dazed voice yelled; full of anger and venom. "Get the fuck away from her."

"Micheal" you call out as you struggle to keep your eyes open; after not being able to sleep for days - due to your entrapment.

"Stand up!" He yells again to the Priest as he stands up to his feet.

"Michael, you won't shoot me" He smirks and Michaels hand starts to shake from the emotion building up inside of him.

"You want to bet?" He glared.

"Michael" you call out again in pain, from lack of water and food. Your body starts to weaken.

"She is calling out for you" He smirks. "You know Michael. She is incredible at pleasuring people."

"He's lying Michael" you call out but he is so focused on killing the man.

"She has such a wonderful body and an amazing mouth, with gives me so much Pleasure -" He mocks more and Michael's breathing starts going rapid and he cocks the gun.

"What do you think you're doing, boy?" He starts to panic. "Please, don't Please don't shoot Please, don't shoot.
Please, don't."

"Please? You rat!" Michael laughs mockingly. "What do you think you're doing, eh? Do you know who you're fucking messing with?!"

He walked towards the father and point the gun to his eye; then to the middle of his forehead.

"I'll take the fucking life from ya, will I?" Michael yelled to this face.

With one swift movement the gun was thrown from Michaels hands and the both started to fist fight each other. The gun flew beside you and you kept trying to grab it. Then suddenly, Michael was thrown to the ground; hands going around his neck.

"Let go!" You scream out in horror.

"You're a gypsy bastard." The priest yells to Michael as he tightens the grip around Michael neck.

"Who wants to be in heaven, eh?" He screamed in Michaels face. "Who want to be in heaven when you can be sending men to fucking hell?"

Grabbing the gun, you shot the man who was on top of your true love.

He fell to the ground beside Michael, who kept hitting father Hughes until the blood was all over Michaels hands and body.

"Michael stop please" You cried out and he carried on hitting him.

"Michael stop!" Arthur shouted as he pulled him away from the dead body. "Go to your girl"

Arthur pushed Michael to you as you tried to untie yourself. He untied the rope and brought you into his chest.

"It has finally done Michael" You cried and he kissed your head.

"God it is fucking done sweetheart" He cries into you. "I love you so much"

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