Finn Shelby - 'Forbidden Marriage.'

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"Meet me by the stables at midnight." Finn breathed out, kissing the top of your forehead. Nodding your head, you leaned into him and put your hands on his chest.

"Then we will be finally married." You smiled, grinning from ear to ear.

"You will turn up, won't you?" He smirked, teasing you slightly as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Possibly." You teased back. "Perhaps I might get cold feet."

"That would be very unfortunate." He grinned, screwing his nose up at you. "But you wouldn't do that to me."

"Oh wouldn't I?" You pressed, brushing your nose against his.

"I know you, better than you know yourself." He raised an eyebrow, leaning down more.

"And that is why I am marrying you." You breathed out, kissing his lips gently. His lips touched yours and they melted together as they continued to touch.

"I need to go." He pulled away, leaning his forehead on yours and taking in a deep breath in. "Tommy is waiting for me."

"I will see you later at the church." You smiled, pulling away from him. "I love you Finn."

"I love you too Y/N." He grinned, hugging you tightly again and pecking your lips once more before walking away from you.

You nervously awaited for the time to come, where you and Finn would finally be married. You both were doing it in secret, because no one agreed with the marriage and forbid the both of you from doing so. The Shelby gang wanted Finn to marry someone that could help their empire and cause treaties to benefit them. Your parents did not want you to have any association to the Shelby name and wanted you to marry a doctor or lawyer. But the only thing the two of you wanted, was to marry each other.

It was soon midnight and you wore your best dress, as you waited at the chapel for Finn. As soon as you arrived, you felt Finn wrap his arms around you.

"Are you ready?" He asked, smiling down at you.

"Just hurry up and marry me." You giggled, pulling his hand into the church.

The vicar stood at the end of the church and waited for the two of you.

"Have you brought the rings?" The vicar asked, looking to Finn and you. Nodding your heads, you bringing the rings out of your pockets. "Right, so we shall begin."

Marriage isn't a ring worn or a paper signed. It is not something endured but savoured. It is the union of two hearts beating as one, each that would sacrifice for the other's happiness and wellbeing. Marriage is something so beautiful that in that natural world it would be an opening rose, always with radiant petals left to unfurl to a warm sun. Perhaps that is why we give roses to those we love and often have them at our sacred unions. Marriage is the blessing we give to one another, an eternal bond of soul-mates.

"Finn John Shelby-" The vicar began as he looked to your future husband. "Do you take Y/M/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He says, making you grin from ear to ear.

"Please place the wring on her finger." He instructs and Finn slowly slips the ring on your finger perfectly. "Now, Y/M/L/N, do you take Finn John Shelby to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." You grinned, slipping the ring perfectly on Finns finger.

"Now repeat after me." He said, making your hands sweaty and clammy, but you wouldn't change it for the world. "I vow to support you, push you, inspire you, and, above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live. I take you to be my spouse. I promise to choose you every day, to love you in word and deed, to do the hard work of making now into always."

You both repeated the vows and you were now both legally married, to the law and in the eyes of God.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife-" He began. "You may-"

Before the vicar could finish his sentence, Finns lips were attached to yours in seconds. You didn't need someone to tell you both to kiss, that was a talent you both hand.

"-kiss the bride" The vicar finished, looking at you both.

"We are finally married." You breathed out, looking up to him in utter awe.

"You are now all mine Mrs Shelby." He grinned, pressing his lips on yours again.

"I just want to savour this moment forever." You smiled, leaning your head on his chest, closing your eyes and replaying it over in your head.

But it was to soon end very quickly.

"What the fuck have you done?" You heard an unknown voice say, making you jump and look up to see Finns family in the church.

"Polly it is none of your business." Finn snapped, holding your hand and bringing you closer to his side. "I am married now and you can't change it."

"Finn you can't marry her." Tommy breathed out. "We can annul it."

"I'm not annulling anything Tommy." He argued more, making you feel so uncomfortable. "I am not taking back my vows to my wife."

"We needed you Finn, to keep our relationship with the Golds." Tommy said, walking closer to you both. "We needed you to marry a Gold and make sure they stay on our side."

"Well I'm already married Tommy." Finn spat, looking down to you. "Y/N is my wife."

"Y/N?" You heard your mother whimper, as she pushed past the Shelby gang and walked closer to you. "Please tell me it's not true, say it's just a story!"

"Mum I am married to Finn now." You mumbled, looking up to her. "There isn't anything you can do about it."

"Let's just run away." Finn whispered in your ear. "I want to get away from them."

"I want to go Finn." You hiccuped, closing your eyes and you continued to listen to your mother scolding you.

"You need to divorce straight away!" She screamed at you. "This gang is dangerous, they might-"

"-Mum they aren't going to hurt me." You shouted back. "The only thing that is hurting me is you!"

"Me?" She scoffed, folding her arms in annoyance.

"You all are-" You began. "-I love this man and there is nothing that will break that or take it away from me. I'm an adult, I can do as I please!"

"Come on love." Finn whispered in your ear, holding your hand and walking out.

You turned around for one last time, seeing you family and your new family watching you both walk away from them - you didn't care as long as you had Finn.

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