John Shelby - 'Dejavu 2'

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"Betty I was helped by a really nice lady" Louie giggled to what you were assuming to be his little sister who sat on the floor playing with her dolls.

"Is that her?" She points to you and you look to John.

"Yes!" Louie giggles and then she waves happily at you; making you smile and wave back to the happy girl.

"You have really good kids" You tell John as he walks in front of you to the dining room area.

"Thank you" He smiles as he leans against the side of the kitchen worktops. "You want to sit down?"

"I'm okay standing thank you" You reply as you look around the area; remembering so much that happened her.


"John!" You giggled as he pulled you from behind and into his chest; your back right up against him.

"Kiss me" He laughs and you cheekily shake your head no.

"No way!" You smirk and he turns you around and pins you to the wall behind you.

"Kiss me" he repeats again and you fold your lips in and shake your head; unable to speak. "Right that's it"

He leans in and then kisses by your ear; your pressure point and John knew it was your weak point. Letting out a sigh of pleasure, your lips parted and John took a swift movement to kiss your lips - slowly and passionately.


"It seems weird to be here" You mutter as you look to John. "I should not be here."

"Why not?" He frowns; confused by your sudden mood.

"You have children and a wife" You breathe out as you point to the ring he is wearing.

"Why would that make a difference?" He questions and you look down; jumping to conclusions before your mind processed what you said - speaking before thinking.

"It doesn't" You mutter as you look around, then to the ground in embarrassment. John walks over and lifts your chin up, making you look straight into his eyes.

"It does matter" He whispers and you freeze in shock. "Tell me why me being married and having children would affect us right this moment."

"It depends what you were to do in this moment." You answer and places your hands on the worktop behind you.

"What if I wanted to kiss you?" He seriously asked and your breathing hitched - happy that he wanted to do just that after years of not seeing one another.

All feelings came back and hit you at once; making you want to kiss the man so badly but the wedding ring around his finger made you hold back. It was a decision you were unsure what to decide - but the chemistry and connection the two of you hand was too strong to ignore.

"Then I would allow you" You whisper honestly and he leans in slowly; pressing his lips against yours.

You slowly moved your hands to his back as he moved his body against yours. He put a hand so It cupped your cheek and another on your waist as you locked lips with each other.

Pulling away slowly, you brushed your nose against his.

"I've missed you" You whisper as he pecks your lips once more.

"I have missed you too darling" He mutters and tucks your hair behind your ear. "So much."

"We have a lot to talk about" You frown and he nods his head in reply; agreeing to you. "I have a lot to tell you."

"A lot to explain" John sighs and then Louie comes running in, looking at the two of you standing near each other.

"I like her daddy." He smiles and John kneels down to the small boy.

"Do you?" He smirks and looks up to you from his sons height.

"Yes!" He squeals And hugs his father. "Can she stay forever!"

"I am not sure mummy would be very happy" John answered truthfully to his son and Louie frowned; pouting his lip.

"Mummy is never here" He huffs and crosses his arms. "Where is she now?"

"I don't know son" John sighed and hugged his son. "Come on, lets take you and Betty to bed."

"Okay daddy!" He obeys and then ran to go get his sister.

John stands up and looks to you unsure what to say to you.

"She is never here?" You ask him; breaking a silence that could have been cut with a knife.

"She has a habit of staying out late and doing shit that I don't want her to do." He mutters and you walk over to him.

"Then why the hell are you with her?" You frown and John rolls his eyes.

"Because Y/N, when you broke my heart, I was made to marry her for an alliance. It keeps the two gangs at peace. She is the mother to my children!" He snaps and you roll your eyes back; folding your arms.

"You can't blame me for marrying her" You defend yourself; making John scoff in reply to you.

"Yes I can" He argues back and then walks closer to you. "You left me. You left small heath. I was to marry you, not her."

"If tommy wanted you to marry her then it would not have mattered who the Fuck you were with" You spit back and John holds your shoulders.

"No, no he wouldn't have! You left because you got a fucking better offer. I was at war and I came back to fucking nothing. You were a whore that could not help but leave because your boyfriend was not at home-!" He yells and you raise your hand; slapping the man in front of you around the face - making him stop talking.

You both look to each other in shock at your action that you just did. Johns nostrils flared and his eyes went wild as his jaw clenched; scaring you slightly.

"John-" You stutter as you put a hand on his cheat.

"No Y/N" He snaps and then moves your hand away. "You should leave."

"John I am so sorry" You breathe out and he moves your hands so you can't move.

"Just go!" He raises his voice; making you jump.

Nodding your head, you walk past him and to the front of the house; turning to see John putting a cold compress on his cheek. Walking out the house you slam the door shut; crying as you walked away for the second time...

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