Michael Gray - 'Adopted Mums Nurse'

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"I really appreciate this" Mrs Johnson croaked as she coughed fiercely.

"It is no trouble, really" I assured her, handing her the medication she needed throughout the day. "My colleague will be over to help you with the intake of fluids, so you do not have to do so on your own."

"Thank you Y/N, you really are a lovely woman." She smiles softly; laying back down on the bed in exhaustion. "I just hope he listens to you."

"As do I Mrs Johnson, but I am sure she will" You encourage her that it will all be okay; yet in reality, you did not what to expect at all. "But I should go, the train is due to leave very soon."

"Good luck my dear" She coughs more and then dismisses you to catch the train to Small Heath.

Mrs' Johnson had asked you to go to Small Heath; to explain to her adopted son, Henry - wait no - Michael, He had changed his name back to his original birth name. You got onto the train and tapped your fingers on your knee - a trait you only did when you very nervous. The nerves hit you when they announced after an hour of travelling, that Small Heath was the next stop. Grabbing your small bag, you stepped off the train and onto the platform on Small Heath. Looking around the busy station, you see people running late for their trains; mothers holding their children close and others allowing their children to run around and hit into people passing by.

"Can I take you anywhere mam?" A horse and cart pulled up beside you, looking up you see a older man offering you a lift.

"Too The Garrison please." You smile at his offer as you read the piece of paper that Mrs' Johnson gave you. The man frowned and shook his head; before getting the whip and making the horse go on.

With no other word, the man went off; leaving you completely baffled. How rude, you thought to yourself as he picked up another person; taking them away in the direction they had wanted to go.

"Arsehole" You mutter and then walks over to a man who is selling todays paper.

"Want to buy a paper love?" He asked and you gently shook your head.

"I would like directions to take to get to The Garrison" You asked confidently this time. The man showed the same expression as the nasty horse and cart taxi.

"What would a pretty, innocent girl like you, being doing there?" He asked back with a frown. You looked to him, just as confused.

"Why would I not go there sir?" You are taken back by his comment. "I am a very capable woman sir, I am just intending to find someone."

"It is all the way down the street and you take a left at the end of the lane." He informs and you smile to him, very grateful. "The pub will be on your right."

"Thank you so much" You smile as you hand him a few coins for his trouble, feeling a little generous considering your awful start in the city - besides a little kindness hurts no one.

Following the mans instructions to a T, you end up where you are meant to be. You walked into the bar and took a deep breath as soon as you walked in; men turning around to face you as you walked to the bartender.

"Are you lost?" A man smirked as he stood beside you.

"No I am not sir" You snap to him as you flip him off; turning your back slightly to him.

He glared at you as he walked away to his friends on the table near by; drinking his huge glass in front of him.

"Can you help me?" You ask the bartender.

"Yes, how can I help?" He agrees and you look to the piece of paper once more; making sure you got everything written down, right.

"I wanted to speak to Michael Gray" You say and some people start muttering louder as you say the name. "I need to speak to him urgently."

"Mum I am fine" You hear a voice snap as the bar doors opened; revealing a older woman and her son as they walk into the small room. Following them in were three other men and another woman who looked similar.

"That is them" He muttered and you gulped loudly; becoming less and less confident as the day went on.

"Have courage" You encourage yourself as you knock on the door. You hear a 'come in' from one of the men; making your feet move inside the room, they all turn to look to your unfamiliar face.

"I have been told I can find Michael Gray in here?" You softly speak; fear coursing through your veins as you look around the room.

"Why would you want him?" The older woman that came into the pub first, says as she looks fiercely at you.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I am Michael's adopted mums nurse." You whisper and a small mutter comes from everyone's mouth.

"Well he is not available to come." She says and holds firmly on the boy next to her; glaring at him to shut up.

"Mam I have come from London, a trip that takes an hour or more." You politely say. "In the most due respect, I need to speak to him and not you."

Everyone was silent and the handsome boy stood up; walking over to you.

"I am Michael." He spoke and you smiled gently; his hand pulling your arm gently to follow him.

He takes you to a smaller room behind the front of the bar. Shutting the door, he turns around to face you.

"I remember you." He frowns slightly. "I met you before I left."

"Yes you did." You look to the ground. "But I am not here for greetings sir. I have come to talk about your mother-"

"-adopted mother." He interrupts.

"Yes, well she is very sick." You pout slightly and his eyes well up. "I have never seen an condition like the one she has, quite so bad. She is really different compared to the others I have treated. But sir, she has nothing but weeks, maybe even days left."

He sits on the chair and you timidly walk over to him. Putting a hand on his back, you rub it up and down slowly to sooth him as he cried.

"I am really sorry." You whisper and he shakes his head as he stands up.

"Please, take me too her." He begs and you nod your head; holding the emotional man close to you as you walked out of the pub and on the way to the train station.

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