John Shelby - 'Your highness'

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"Your highness?" Someone calls to you as you stare at the horses going by. "Princess?"

"Yes?" You mumble, coming out of your trance.

"Your father wants you to come for a drink with some of the other dukes and duchesses." Your butler Monty said but you turn your nose up; refusing to go.

"Tell my father I would prefer to stay out here" You tell him as he goes back to see your father.

You are the kings daughter, the middle one; the child he never seemed to interested in and only wanted you to marry for money but you were a hopeless romantic - not wanting to marry for money but for love.

"I am going down on the tracks" You say quietly to yourself as you manage to sneak out the party.

You are at the most prestigious horse racing event of the year in England. It was the only one that your family would go to, it was so famous due to your family attending the event.

Walking to the horses, you manage to get through to see them face to face. Brushing the mane of one of them; you kiss the nose of the horse.

"You like him?" You hear a voice say from behind you; making you jump as you turn around.

"You frightened me" You gasp when you see a very handsome man; his hands in both opposite pockets - his heading dipping slightly.

"Sorry about that" He chuckles and then walks closer to you. "The name is John Shelby"

"My name is Y/N" You smile and recognise the name of the young man.

"What are you doing here then?" He asks as he smokes on his cigar.

"Well this is the most prestigious race Mr Shelby" You tease and you lean against the wooden fence. "Why would I not be here is more of a question to ask."

"Very intelligent" He smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"You act surprised sir" you throw back to him and he shrugs his shoulders, taking a deep breath in.

"I have not met any intelligent ladies" He truthfully spoke and you rolled your eyes.

"You most live a boring life Mr Shelby" You turn struck the horse behind you as the sound of his footsteps come closer to you.

"Maybe I do Miss...?" He asks as you swallow hard.

Continuing to look at the horse, you stay still and are completely unsure what to say to the man in front of you.

"Y/L/N" You stutter and felt as if you could trust the man in front of you.

He pauses and says nothing; turning around to make sure no one was near the two of You. You panicked as he grabbed your shoulders.

"Are you crazy?" He whispered and you blushed; shaking your head. "You shouldn't be here."

"I wanted to see the -" You begin but he stops you from talking by speaking.

"I know but do you understand there are some nasty men here that want to get back at the king?" He frowns and you stare at him in shock.

"Why do you care?" You whisper, more like a statement rather than a question.

"I am trying to protect a lady" He spoke softly as you looked to his good looking features.

"And Why would you do that, Mr Shelby?" You ask him as he looks down slightly. "You don't even know me. A lot of people would jump to the chance to take the kings daughter. Not that he would care much."

"He is crazy not too." He stumbles and then looks to you innocently. You grin and blush obviously.

"Well isn't that nice" You stutter as you look towards him; biting down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling like a moron.

"I think you should go back to your people." He looks behind him as two men come around the corner. "Like right now"

"I want to groom the horses" You blush; not seeing the men coming around behind John in front of you.

"Look, Princess, you have to go for your own safety" He urges and you see the men coming closer. Looking in fear you climb over the fence, ending up being closer to the horses, that started to get a little restless.

"Calm down" You hush as you place a hand on the horses nose. You try to concentrate and calm down the horse as a gun goes off. Jumping, you try and control the horse more. You think about the handsome man who helped to protect you; not being able to get him out of your mind.

Another gunshot goes off and it disturbs the horses. As you put your hand down you feel someone pull you to the down to the ground, into the hay. Looking up you see the same man, John, who was over the top of you; putting a finger to his lip for you not to talk.

You nodded your head and trusted the man for than anything. He watched you as you stared up to him. The sudden urge to kiss him went through your head, but you brushed it off quickly so you did not blush.

Gunshots went off and you closed your eyes; hiding your head in his chest. He kissed he side of your head and butterflies erupted. Looking up, you kissed the stranger that made you feel like you had known him for your entire life.

He kissed you back; shocked at first but feeling the exact same as yourself. You pulled away when you heard a familiar voice of your fathers guard ordering people to come and find you. Pushing John off you, you stood up and brushed the hay off you.

"Princess!" You heard someone call and you turned to see your butler coming over to you. Looking back, John had disappeared.

"I am fine." You snap to them and then are pulled away from the situation.

While the guests are watching the horses race, you stand on the other side of the balcony; watching the horses being fed and warmed up.

"I did not realise that the princess of this country could kiss like that" You hear the familiar voice of John.

Turning around and looking to him; you feel a sudden urge of confidence.

"I can do it again if you want" You smirk; making him smirk right back.

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