Finn Shelby - 'I can trust you'

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"You have been staring at her for ages" John smirked as he ruffled Finn's hair; messing up - which he quickly fixed, after all he wanted to impress you.

"John please shut the fuck up." He groans and then John smirks even more, winding Finn up.

"If you do not go and talk to her, I will" He threatens and Finn knew he was not lying.

"Stop" He groans and pulls John back. "I will go talk to her."

You walk through the bar once more, walking outside for some fresh air because of all the men that would be right up your arse the entire night. Taking a deep breath in, You hear the sound of footsteps behind you; turning around you see a recognisable Shelby - Finn. All the girls your age fancied him and you always knew the reasons why.

"Hey" He breathes out as you watch him come closer.

"Hello" you smile to him as you lean against the bar opposite you.

"You come here often?" He asks with a stutter and you let out a sweet giggle.

"Is that really your line?" You retort with a slight smirk. "You can do better than that."

"Where are you from?" He blushes and you smile friendly to him.

"Kings Heath" You answer and he shrugs.

"Not in the best past" he winks and you are taken back but you like it. "I can tell you prefer it here."

"Oh really?" You challenge; flirting back with him. "What makes you think I prefer it here?"

"Then why are you here in the first place?" He smirks and then walks closer to you. "Besides I don't think you have nice gentlemen like myself at your side."

"Valid point" You shoot a wink to him.

"What is your name?" He asks.

"Y/N Y/L/N." You smile. "And you?"

"Finn Shelby" He shakes your hand and you freeze slightly.

"You are one of the Shelby brothers?" You ask, not sure whether to be in fear or not. You had only heard of them back of home and the power they held; knowing not to be alone in small alley ways.

You look around and realise that you are in fact in an alley way; alone with the Shelby brother. Your heart beats fast as you look to him.

"Please don't be afraid of me" He begs as you take a step back. "I won't hurt you, Y/N."

You watch him and trust the words he says; knowing that he won't hurt you. Breathing out, you look around and then to the ground in pure embarrassment.

"I am sorry" You mutter. "I have heard stories about you and your brothers."

"I am nothing like them" He says and lifts your chin up. "I swear."

"I feel like I can trust you Finn Shelby." You stutter as you look to him. "In the short space I have met you, I feel like I could trust you with my life. Why is that?"

"Because you can trust me." He whispers and you get goosebumps. "I can keep you safe."

"Once you get involved with a Shelby, whether it just be a simple period of talking, like us; it never turns out good for anyone." You say to him and he shakes his head.

"No One care about me." He says and you watch the sincerity on his face as he believes the words he is saying to be true. "I am the brother that no one seems to know about or is afraid of."

"Isn't that a good thing?" You question as he hand falls down; brushing past yours.

"I guess so" He shrugs, walking over to the edge of the alley way and by the river that went through the town. "Depends how you look at it."

"Don't you want to be in the gang?" You carefully say and you snaps his head around quickly.

"You have no choice when you are a Shelby brother" He sighs and you feel a strong ache for him.

"Then leave the gang?" You say and he laughs; shaking his head.

"It is not as easy as that" He answers as you sit beside him on the canal side.

You decide not to question the man even further and you both look up into the sky; seeing some stars coming through all the smoke and the moon so bright. Feeing Finn look at you as your attention is up above.

"Y/N?" He whispers and you turns to look to him.

"Yes Finn?" You smile and bite into your lip.

"I have never met someone that I feel like I can trust with my life." He frowns and your heart sinks slightly. "But in these few hours, I feel as though I can trust you with anything."

"I feel the same way" you smile as you look up to him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks in a gentlemanly way. You grin from ear to ear and nod your head frantically as he chuckles slightly.

He leans in slowly and presses his lips to yours. They move against each other as you move your hands to his chest; as his go to your face and cup it. You continue to kiss as minutes go back and he ends up pulling you into his lap.

The more you kissed, the more heated it go before you decided that you should stop before you couldn't control yourself.

"Finn-" you breathe out as you pull back; resting your forehead on his.

"Y/N?" You hear your name being called as you looked up to see your sister at the door.

"Fuck" You whisper and stand up quickly. "Yes?"

"We are leaving soon" She says and you nod your head; watching her walk back into the bar.

Turning back to see Finn, you realise he is right behind you.

"I have to go" you frown and he leans down; kissing you once more and leaving a gentle mark on the side of your neck.

Pulling back from him, you see the smirk on his face.

"I thought you said you weren't the dangerous one" you smirk as he pulls you against his body.

"Did I?" He teases and then kisses them once more.

"Come visit me sometime?" You beg and he nods his head. "And I will come back here."

"Deal" He grins and then pecks your lips; before walking away from him and bidding him goodbye; not baring to look back.

"Fuck" you whispered as you touched your lips; missing his on yours. The man you surely fell in love with at first sight.

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