John Shelby - 'Time'

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You had just set foot into the familiar town of Small Heath; after being sent away from the home you were at. Being orphaned by your parents choice, you were sent to live with Polly Gray. Polly looked after you and you were once very good friends with her daughter and son; you were the same age as Michael and you all were like a small family. However, one day you were taken away; alongside the other two of Polly's children and taken to the Parish.

Nasty things happened at the Parish but you got off light, as you were taken into a home almost straight away. When the family sent you back to the Parish, you never saw Michael again, but Anna was still there. She had changed a lot and was 14 years old; smoking, taking drugs and selling her body for cash. You tried to convince her to stop, but it did not help.

Anna was sent to Australia, a place that seemed so innocent and a fresh start for people, yet it was the complete opposite - a complete facade. A lie. She was sent away and never seen again, you knew nothing else of her.

You were taken to the Parish and transported from home to home - never finding, what was supposed to be a safe haven for you. You wanted to go back home to Polly, but you were not old enough, however, this was your chance. Just turning 18, you had the choice to go back and you did, a new start for you.

"Y/N?" You hear a gasp as you stand on the front step of the familiar Shelby house.

"Polly!" You cry as you jump into her arms; her immediately hugging you back. The two of you cry into each other as you embrace in a tight hug.

"Mum, Tommy wanted-" You heard Michael say from behind Polly. As you looked up, you saw him looking at you with happy wide eyes. "Fuck! Y/N!"

"Michael!" You shouted with happiness and hugged the two of them tightly.

"Oh darling, it is good to have you back!" Polly kisses your cheek.

The three of you talked for hours and you find out that Anna was dead. Your heart broke, but you knew she was safe up in the sky; watching over you and her family.

"Boys!" Polly called as a familiar trio walked into the kitchen where you were sat. "You remember Y/N don't you?"

"Of course, she was only a small girl when we were younger." Tommy smiled and hugged you as you stood up. "But if you don't remember me, I am Thomas, well -"

"Tommy" You grinned. "I remember, I was only 8 when I left."

"Well," Arthur began and kissed your cheek. "It is good to have you back girl!"

"Thanks" You giggle and he pulls back; then you look to the boy you had a crush on since forever and boy, had he grown up to be a even more handsome man.

"Y/N" He breathes out a smile and wraps his arms around your waist; enveloping you into a tight hug. Your bodies close to each other made sparks fly.

"Hey John" you tried not to stutter; then pulled away and feeling your face flush ever so slightly.

"So, you back for good?" He asks you and you nod your head; looking to Polly.

"Only if you'll have me back" You smile and looks around to them all. "Of course, I will find a job and then eventually get my own house, but just for now Polly I -"

"Don't be fucking stupid, you will stay here!" Arthur laughed and nudged your shoulder; making you stumble slightly but John's hand went on your lower back to steady you - blushing instantly you looked up to him.

"You can stay with Polly, in her new house" Tommy suggested and Polly nodded her head eagerly. Making you turn back to them all.

"You must be tired love, let's go get you some clean clothes and a nice warm bath" Polly smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"We will meet you at the pub later." Arthur cheered. "To celebrate your return."

"That would be great" You grin to him and he puts a hand on your shoulder; then pulling it away.

"Come on then, let's get you back." Polly pulled you along.

You finally get back to Polly's house and you had a bath; cleaning yourself up and putting on some clean clothes - starting off your new life with a new skin. As you got ready, you wanted to have a few minutes on your own and Polly decided to go to the pub on her own and allow you to do so. She was to meet you there later on.

As you went downstairs, you smacked into somebody as you turned around the corner. Assuming it was one of the maids and not worrying there was someone in the house.

"I am so sorry" You apologise to the person as you look up, to then see the face of John. "John"

"Polly said you were here" He coughs and puts his hands in his pockets; looking you up and down. You nod your head and bite down on your lip.

"I wanted to have a few moments" You add on to what he says, making you fold your arms. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you are okay" He brings his hand to your cheek and you turn to see a ring on his left hand as he brings it closer to your cheek.

"You are married?" You ask; your heart breaking as you see his ring that tied him together. He looks to you with a sad face and moves his hand away.

"Yes, I am" He answers and you nod your head; coughing awkwardly as you look to the side of the wall.

"That's nice" You mutter and you shuffle your feet from side to side.

"But, I -" He begins again but you don't let him continue to make an excuse; after all, you did not have the right to get mad or upset.

"We should go, before it gets too late" You interrupt; walking away from him and getting into Johns car so you can drive to the pub.

As you waited for John to get in, your eyes teared up and you quickly brushed them away before John saw. You were slightly heart broken because you had loved that boy ever since you were a young girl and unknowingly, he felt the same way.

His marriage to Esme was a business matter and he did love the girl, but not as much as he loved you. Even after years of being apart, the two of you still shared the same spark, that ignited whenever you were near one another.

All it needed was time...

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