Alfie Solomons - 'Your wish is my command'

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"Your father hired me to protect you and that is what I am going to do" Alfie whispered in your ear; making your body explode with goosebumps and butterflies.

You did not know what to reply with, instead you just froze on the spot; making him smirk at the power he had over you. Your father was a very well to do man; he wanted to protect his only child, therefore he hired one of London's most feared gangster to personally protect you on a day to day basis. All private moments were gone and you seemed to spend every minute with Alfie.

"I am going out" You stutter as you move your arm from his grasp.

"Where are you going?" He asks and follows you as you walk out the room to get your coat on.

"Out." You simply reply putting your coat on.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock" He groans and runs a hand through his hair; looking incredibly frustrated. "Where specifically are you going?"

"To the lake" you cautiously say and he nods his head in reply to you; following you out as you wrap up warm.

As you walk to the lake, Alfie follows you behind and the both of you say no words to one another - which becomes awkward. You trip over a risen root from the oak tree, awaiting to fall to the ground, you feel Alfie's hand go around your waist to stop you falling to the floor. He turns you around and you put your hands to his chest, you were right up against his body as you stared at his face; blushing ever so slightly.

"Thank you" You whisper as you stutter on your words. He smirks as he sees the affect he has on you and softly smiles back.

"Be careful next time" He smiles and lets you go.

"Will do sir" You smile as you step back; turning around and beginning to walk again to the lake.

As you see the lake ahead, you start to run towards it; dodging the twigs that stuck out and running as fast as you could. Looking around, you seem to have lost Alfie somewhere in the forest. Shrugging It off, you take off your clothes and leave your petite coat on as you dive into the water.

"Fuck it's cold" You shiver as you come up to the top; running your nose as you breathe normally.

You wonder where Alfie is as you start to swim around the small lake, taking in the bright sun that shone down on the lake - warming you up. However as you look up, you see a dark cloud, slowly making its way over to where you were. As you lay on your back, you hear your name being called - assuming it was Alfie, you look up and see him bleeding on his nose and lip.

"Y/N?!" He yells as you see him; him seeing you as he calls you to come to him. You swim over and get out of the lake; shivering as the air hits your shoulders.

Alfie pulls your hands so you are hear him. You put your clothes on and he wraps his coat around you to stop you from shivering.

"What happened?" You ask as you touch his face softly, he flinched slightly as you moved your hands away from him.

"Sorry" You mutter, looking down in embarrassment.

"You hands are cold" He breaks a smile as you look up to him, smiling back. "But to answer your question, I just had a little run in while trying to find you."

"Shit That is all my fault" You frown and curl your fists up. "I shouldn't have ran away like that."

"It is fine" He stops you as he places a hand on your upper arm. "I am fine."

"You don't look fine" You mutter and he shoves you gently.

"Hey, that is not very nice" He teases and you smile to him, biting down on your lip as you then look down to your hands.

"You know what I mean" You giggle and he nods his head; both of you standing there in silence - unsure what to say next.

The wind picks up and you shiver; his arm wrapping around you as you walk through the forest. Looking around, it goes dark because of the dark clouds blocking the sun - you move closer to Alfie as you walk, getting warmth off his body heat.

"I should not have gone swimming" you chuckle and Alfie nods his head, smiling slightly.

"If you get ill, I will kill you myself." He teases and knocks your shoulder. "As you father will fucking kill me."

"I won't tell him" You smile and turn your head to face him.

"You don't have to defend me" He speaks, looking ahead and his permanent frown on his face.

"I was trying to be kind" You defend yourself, him continuing to look ahead; driving you insane. "Sometimes you can be a total ass."

"What did you say?" He smirks in amusement, turning his head to look to you.

"I said, you are sometimes a total ass." You stand still, him doing the exact same thing. "One minute you are kind to me and the next you are a fucking prick. Which one is it Alfie? Because I am getting a headache because of it."

He just watches you and says nothing; admiring your features as you get a little fed up with him. You start to walk away, huffing as you turn your back to him but he pulls you hand; making you come back to him.

"What?" You snap and he pushes you back; up against the tree behind you.

"I am sorry" He whispers and you stutter, unable to speak due to the closeness.

"Thank you" You blurt out and he chuckles, brushing your hair behind your neck as he cups your cheek.

"Y/N, I know I shouldn't" He begins and you bite down on your lip.

"Shouldn't do what?" You innocently ask as you move closer to him.

"Kiss you." He whispers even closer to your face.

"Please do" you beg softly and he places his lips on yours; kissing you as the rain falls hard against your skin.

As you pull away, Alfie laughs and pulls your hand to follow him - the man ran as you rushed after him; giggling as the rain came down harder.

Rushing into the back passage of the house, you shut the door and catch your breath as you look over to Alfie who is doing the same. You giggle as you look up to him, leaning against the door and then moving over to him - putting a hand to his hair and playing with the wetness of his hair.

"Kiss me again Alfie" You beg as you lean in closer and pressing his lips against yours - his hands resting on your back as your bodies go up against each other's.

"Your wish is my command" He whisper against your lips.

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