John Shelby - 'Defience'

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"John you can't keep telling me what I can and can't do" You argue; feeling as if you are some broken record.

"I am your husband Y/N" He snaps as you start to walk away from him in a huff. "Of course I can tell you what I do not like my wife to be doing."

"It is a family thing John, not some party I am flouncing off to." You groan and he folds his arms; you cannot help but feel all giddy on how handsome he looks but the glare he is giving you, brings you quickly back to reality. "You are going to be there."

"I may be there but I cannot make sure I am there to protect you." He snaps. "I do not want to risk you being hurt."

"But Polly and the girls are going." You sulk like a child and John cannot help but give you a cheeky smile. He pulls you into him as your arms stay at your side.

"No they are not." He smiles into your hair. "Tommy has told them they cannot come too."

"Bullshit" You mutter and John pulls you to look up to him. He kisses you softly and you kiss him back instantly.

That evening, you were with Polly, Ada, Linda and Lizzie; sitting around the table as you discuss the struggles of being a woman in this day of age. You stand up and chug back your whiskey as you go to grab your coat.

"Where the hell are you going?" Ada asks as you put on the lipstick while looking in the mirror; before turning around and pucking your lips.

"I am going to the fight" You smirk and the girls all stand up; making themselves look hot as they walk out the house with you. You all had your fur coats on as you walked down the Icey road; too the fight which was about to set off.

"No Shelby can tell us what to do" Lizzie laughed as each one of you linked arms as you walked down the street.

"Not a chance Lizzie." You agree as all start to laugh at one another – you all felt brave and knew the boys would be totally off guard.

As you walk in, all eyes are on you five as all the men start to gawk around the idea of the only five women in the room around them. You walked over to see John and Tommy with their backs to you. One of the men in the room wolf whistle to you as he goes to touch your ass, but Ada smacks it away.

"Fuck off" She spits and you laugh; instantly John turns around to see you there.

"What the fuck Y/N!" He groans as he looks you up and down; gulping as he sees how good looking you are at this moment in time.

"I wanted to come" You moan at him and the other girls take a seat; Tommy rolling his eyes and lighting a cigarette.

"I know you did and I wanted you to be safe." He huffs and runs a hand through his hair; tugging at the ends slightly as he hit the wall to the side of him. You jump slightly and hug yourself into the big bear in front of you.

"I am sorry John." You mutter. "I just wanted to have fun too."

"I know sweetheart." He sighs and kisses your head. "I didn't mean to shout at you. It is just I want you to be safe all the time."

"I know John" You agree and no longer want to argue with the man in front of you. "But I am safer when I am with you"

He says nothing else as you both walk to where the others are. John puts an arm on the back of your chair as you watch Finn fighting another boy. Flinching whenever Finn is hit, John puts a hand on your thigh. The girls all scream Finn's name to cheer him on. You join in occasionally – more so when Finn comes back with a huge punch back to the boy in front of him.

"Go on Finn!" You shout and Polly pulls out a glass bottle of vodka; handing it around the five of you. Before it gets to you, John stands up.

"I will be back" He frowns and with a nod of your head; watching him walk over as you take a swig out of the bottle.

John talks with tommy as you see him through the rope of the ring. Polly starts to stand up with Linda who dance around to cheer on Finn. You laugh at the two of them with Ada and Lizzie; throwing your hands in the air – the drink running to all your heads quicker than any other time.

"Go on Finn!" You shout and you take off your jacket, to reveal your very flouncy red dress you were wearing.

You look to see John glare at you through the string as you watch him with a smirk. When the 2 round bell goes off, you rush up to Finn and give him a big kiss on the cheek. Finn blushes as his sister in law to be kisses him. John is not very happy with you and is starting to get more jealous.

"I am going to the toilet!" Linda called and the whole girl group followed her in. Sitting on the side of the bathroom, you fix your hair and makeup.

"Lizzie has something to tell us" Polly laughed as you turned to them both.

"What is it?" Linda asked as she sniffed up the white powder on the side; your nose turning up in disgust.

"I am pregnant" She smiled and we all congratulated her.

"Who is the father?" You ask and Ada sits beside you.

"Tommy" She mumbles and you look to Ada with a raised eyebrow.

"Congratulations" Ada smiles and you stand up; telling the girls you were going to see John for a moment.

You start to walk down the corridors and hear the sound of a gunshot. Jumping slightly, you rush down the corridors to see what was going on. As you turned the corner, you saw Uncle Charlie up against the wall; falling down the ground slowly.

You scream in horror as you run out to John who looks extremely concerned. He rushes over to you and hugs you into his chest.

"Y/N what's the matter?" He asks and you cry out to him what you saw. Sending a look to Tommy he goes to the direction you once went in. "Let's Get you home sweetheart."

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