Thomas Shelby - 'I Take It Back'

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"What is one plus eight." You asked Finn, as you were sat down with him and helping him do his homework.

"That is easy Y/N" He rolled his eyes and you laughed at him.

"Go on then smarty pants, what is the answer?" You smirked, looking at him.

"9" He smugly said, making you laugh even more.

"Well done." You clapped. "So what is five times five?"

"I don't care about times tables." The seven year old frowned. "I will never need them."

"You might do." You shrugged. "The boys would find adding up easier, if they knew their times tables."

"And they do just fine without it." A voice said as they came into the room. Looking up, Tommy walked into the room and sat down in front of you both. "You do not need it Finn."

"See Y/N." Finn chided and folded his arms.

"Thanks there Tommy." You grumbled, standing up and packing away Finn's school work. "We will do the rest tomorrow. Go outside and play."

Finn did not need to be told twice, to go outside and play with his friends. You looked to Tommy as he sat there, smoking his cigarette and drinking his glass of whiskey.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, going to the kitchen sink to get some water.

"I wanted to talk to you." He shrugged, looking to you as you faced away from him.

"About?" You questioned, looking out the window in front of you; not wanting to face him.

"What happened the other night?" He began.

"When you tried to kiss me?" You blurted out and turned to face him; feeling your face flush.

"I wanted to apologise for it." He frowned. "That is not something I usually do-"

"What do you mean?" You scoffed, starting to feel offended by his comments.

"I don't normally kiss random girls." He shrugged again, and you frowned - getting annoyed at him.

"How dare you" You blurted.

"I didn't mean it like-" He began but you cut him off.

"No." You put your glass down on the side. "How dare you! I am no random girl Tommy. I have known you for a very long time - we grew up together. I help your family with loads of shit. I am not fucking random."


"No and now you treat me like I am one of your whores?" You growled. "You tried to kiss me, remember? Not the other way around."

"What I am trying to say." He scowled, looking at you. "Is I do not like you like that. I have no feelings for you. It was because I had too much to drink."

"Tommy save me the bullshit." You snapped, picking up your glass and throwing your water at his face. He looked to you unmoved and wiped his eyes.

"Y/N, I need you to come with me to get some-" Ada smiled as she walked in, looking at you and Tommy. "I should go-"

"No." You snapped, not aiming your stressed out behaviour at her. "I think it is time for me to go."

"I will wait outside." Ada muttered awkwardly and walked out of the kitchen.

"Y/N" Tommy sighed as he stood up; coming to you.

"Please stop talking Tommy." You looked to him, a tear slowly slipping down your cheek. "I thought you really cared about me. But it seems I am just another mistake."

"I didn't mean it like that. I am sorry-" He began but you cut him off once more.

"Just leave me alone." You let another tear fall and Tommy leaned in to wipe the tear away from your cheek, but you stepped back before he could touch you. "Bye Tommy."

"Just leave me alone." You let another tear fall and Tommy leaned in to

You walked away from him and went with Ada to the shops. She did not mention anything about what happened between you and Tommy - she could see how upset you were and did not want to make you more upset.

That night, Ada thought it would be a good idea, to bring you along to a party she was attending - bringing you as her plus one. Feeling up to drinking your sorrows away, you decide to go and try to forget everything that had happened between you and Tommy.

"Did you want to talk about it now?" Ada asked as she got ready beside you.

"A few nights ago Ada, we all had a bit too much to drink and to cut the story short, your brother tried to kiss me." You blurted out. "The reason we did not kiss, was because you and John came in."

"Oh my god." She gasped. "That was why you guys were doing before we interrupted? Oh shit!"

"Yeah, well I am glad you did." You frowned. "He is a fucking douche bag."

"Come on, let's go and party." She giggled, grabbing your arm and bringing you with her. "Forget about my brother."

You both went to the party and Ada introduced you to people she knew. Everyone was laughing and having a good time; drinking and dancing around the place.

"Hey." A male voice said from behind you. You turned around and saw a very handsome man in front of you.

"Hello." You smiled back, blushing slightly.

"You must be Y/N" He grinned and you nodded your head in reply.

"I am indeed and you are?" You asked with a smile.

"Luke Meadows." He smiled. "Care for a drink?"

"Please." You nodded your head and followed him to the bar, where he ordered you a drink and handed it to you. "Thank you."

"Most welcome." He held his glass up, to 'cheers' it against and you followed his command. "So, you are from here?"

"I am, born and raised." You smiled. "I can tell you are not from around here."

"How did you know?" He smirked, chuckling slightly.

"The accent." You laughed. "I am assuming you are from London. The posh end of course."

"Yes" He chuckled. "I am from Chelsea."

"Very nice." You raised an eyebrows and drank you drink. "So, you are here for business?"

"I am here to close a deal with some investors of my father." He began. "We own a steel factory in London and we want to expand up you see. My father runs the business and I will one day take over his business"

The man continued to talk about himself and it started to bore you. Rolling your eyes, you looked to him and pretended you were interested. All you could think about was the situation that happened earlier and it started to make you said again - you really cared about Tommy and it broke your heart that he did not feel the same way about you.

As Luke continued to talk, you nodded your head and continued to pretend you were listening.

"Excuse me." You heard the familiar voice say as it came behind you.

Before you could speak or even Luke had time to register what was going on, Tommy stood in front of you and pulled you into him - pressing his lips on yours.

Shocked at first, you kissed back and placed your hands on his face; kissing him with just as much passion. You both pulled away and he placed his forehead on yours, smiling at you.

"I care about you." He breathed out. "A lot."

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