John Shelby - 'Wedding guests'

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"You look incredible Linda" you grinned to her as you were handed your flowers.

You and Ada were Linda's bridesmaids for her wedding. Linda was so nervous but she looked so beautiful; you were so happy to be able to help a close friend on her wedding day.

"You look so beautiful Y/N" Ada grinned as she looked you up and down; Linda agreeing. "John will be very, happy"

"Oh hush Ada" you laugh; blushing slightly as you looked into the mirror. "We all look incredible, so beautiful"

"I am getting so nervous" Linda called out as she looked to the mirror one more time.

"Do not be" You smiled to her as you fixed her hair slightly. "Arthur is a very lucky man Linda."

"He will be so stunned Linda, he won't know what to do with himself." Ada smirked and you all laughed; knowing full well that was the truth.

"Excuse me" You hear a man come out to you three. "It is time"

"You can do it Linda" Ada smiled.

"We will be just in front of you" You add onto the conversation.

"Here it goes" She muttered in reply to Ada and you.

The music started and everyone stood up. However, the sound of a familiar child started crying - you knew it was Joesph, John and yours son.

As the music went on, you turned to see John smirking at you as you went down. Your hips swayed slightly, which caused lust to fill his eyes. Walking down the end, you stand with Ada; waiting to see Linda come down.

John puts a hand on your waist as Joesph keeps crying behind you; In the arms of Polly.

"You look so fucking good" He mumbles in your ear. You move so your body is against Johns as you watch Linda get to Arthur.


"You may now kiss the bride" The conformer spoke as the two of them exchanged a passionate kiss.

Everyone cheered and yelled friendly at the two of them kissing; which lasted a very long time. John kissed your cheek as you turned to see Joesph calling for you. Walking over, Polly handed him to you and everyone disappeared around the house in which the ceremony was at.

Joseph started to have an angry fit as your other child, Luke played with his feet.

"Will you two behave" you snapped to the two boys, who kept teasing each other. They continued to mess around; which wound you up even more. "I will tell your father."

They both stopped and Joseph went down to the ground; starting to running around the area.

"They are so bloody hyper" You groan to Polly as you drink some champagne given to you.

"They get that from John" She laughs and you groan jokingly.

"Brilliant" you laughed back to Polly as the two of you watched the two children nearly ran into the butlers. "Fuck!"

"I will go warn them" She laughs and shouts their names as she goes closer.

Looking around, you see John talking with Arthur and Tommy. You frown at the two of them as John looks up to you; seeing your confusion. He walks over to you as he pulls you into his body.

"What's with the frowns sweetheart?" He asks and kisses your lips.

"Please tell me you aren't doing business on Arthur's wedding day?" You frowned as he kissed your lips one more time.

"No love we aren't don't you worry that pretty head of yours" He grins and you put your hands on his chest.

"Good, because I don't want you boys ruining Linda's day" You kissed his lips back but was disturbed by the sound of Joseph shouting Luke's name.

"Fuck sake" You groan. "They are nothing but hyper today."

"They get it from-"

You interrupt him before he can carry on.

"You. God help me for marrying you Mr Shelby" You tease him, then the boys start shouting more.

"I'll go deal with them" He kisses your forehead as he walks over to the two of them. Bending down and sternly speaking to them.

You smirk at how attractive your husband was, a bad boy yet a family man at heart. As the two boys listen intently, you turned to see Tommy come over with Charlie in his arms.

"How are you Tommy?" You ask him as he looked to you.

"I'm fine thanks Y/N" He lights a cigarette as you take Charlie in your arms. "How about yourself?"

"Are you sure Tom?" You ask and he sighs; exhaling deeply.

"He has stopped calling out for her now." He frowns and breathes out the smoke.

"If you need anything, you know John and I are there for you" you remind him and he nods his head in reply; knowing it meant thanks in Tommy's head.

"Luke, bloody hell boy" You hear John yell as he picks up the glass on the floor.

"They are so hyper today" tommy laughs.

"You wait till this one starts his terrible toddler stages" you tease as you look back to see John holding the two of them in his arms.

"We are going" John rolled his eyes as the two boys started making a fuss again.

"You want us to look after Charlie for the night?" You asked tommy but he smiled to the two of you.

"I won't add another child to your hyper ones already" He thanked and then took Charlie after you kissed his goodbye. Tommy kissed your cheek and slapped Johns back as you both went to say goodbye to Linda and Arthur.

"We are going to go linda" you smiled as she turned to you. "Thank you so much for making me bridesmaid!"

"You are my best friend Y/N since I got here, I could not ask for anything else." She grinned as she hugged you. "Thank you for coming"

"Bye Arthur" You smiled as he kissed your cheek. "Be good to her okay?"

"I will" He laughs and you hug into Johns arm as Luke starts to kick about.


"Finally" You sigh as the two children fell asleep. John was lying on the bed as you looked to him; starting to undo your dress.

"Stop" He says and you obey his command.

"Let me do it" He smirks and starts to kiss your neck; making you shiver under his trust.

"Ever since I first saw you wearing it come down the aisle, I wanted to rip it off your little body" He growls playfully in your ear.

"Then hurry up and do it" You smile and he pushes you down on the bed; making sure you were both quiet so you did not wake up the children.

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