Alfie Solomon's - 'Thomas Shelby's Secretary'

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"Y/N, I need to get these documents over to London for me." Tommy said as he looked to you, his best secretary.

"I will Mr Shelby." You nodded your head and took the papers, but he stopped you.

"What have a I told you about that, call me Tommy please." He smiles and hands them over to you; you nod your head and he goes to his desk.

"Yes, Tommy" You softly spoke, looking to him. "When do I need to go down?"

"Tomorrow morning." He says and your eyes widen. "I know it's late notice, but I will give you double if you do go down."

"It is fine, I had nothing planned anyways." You shrug and pack away the things on your desk; to take with you.

"I am not going to come down with you but Marcus is." He said and you shivered, you hated that man. Tommy trusted him and you did not know what for, you knew he was a low life and would be a traitor.

"What time do I leave?" You ask, fearing an early start off.

"7:30am tomorrow" He says and you nod your head, not thinking the time was that bad.

"Brill, I will see you when I am back." You smile and his Tommy a goodnight before you go back to your home - to pack and to sleep for the busy days ahead.


"You are an arsehole." You snap as you get off at St Pancras station, Marcus shoving in front of you.

"Just shut up whining, you incessant woman." He growls and walks off ahead.

"What a moron" You mumble, walking off to where you knew the gangs location was.

You walked alone and you could no longer see Marcus anywhere. As you walked through the streets, you ended up going through an alleyway. Looking down, you walked through; as you thought it was the right way.

"Hello pretty lady, what are you doing here?" One smirks as they come closer to you.

"Get away from me" You stand your ground; trying not to show them how afraid you actually were.

"Look boys, she think she can tell us what to do." One of them snarled as they came closer.

"Leave her alone boys." One man shouted from behind them; making them shoot their heads around to face the person.

He comes form behind the men and looks to you, his body fairly close to yours.

"What is your name?" He asks and you get very nervous all of a sudden.

"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N." You stutter, looking up to him. His face was very handsome and you felt somewhat safe when you were around him.

"You are the Shelby girl" He says and you frown slightly.

"No sir, I work for a Shelby but I am not one of their girls" You confidently say, looking to him with gentle eyes.

"Very well" He smiled. "I believe you are expecting to see me?"

"Mr Solomon's?" You question and he puts his hands in his pocket, nodding his head.

"Yes, i am him" He nods his head and then offers his arm out to you. "Please follow me this way."

You ended up following him back to his office. The two of you discussed all the business that Tommy wanted to tell him, Alfie listened to every word you said and was really fascinated in you.

"He also wanted me to give you these documents." You added, handing his over some papers to him. "Mr Shelby wanted me to show you the investments of the liquor that is in the US at the moment and-"

"Come our for a drink with me" Alfie asked, but was not going to take no for an answer, so it was more like a demand.

"What?" You gasped, unsure what he had just said to you. Blushing slightly, you tucked your hair behind your ear.

"You heard me" He raises an eyebrow and you blush even more.

"I-" You began but he cut you off.

"I won't take no for an answer" He smirks and you bite down on your lip; smiling as you looked at him.

"Fine, if I have no choice-" You started. "Then I might have to come."

"Good, I'll meet you at the club 'George's Arm' okay?" He smiles and you stand up, walking out of the room and taking the bag with you. "I'll meet you outside?"

"Okay" You breathe out, smiling at him.


You brought yourself a new dress before you went to the club to meet Alfie. Nervous was an understatement on what you were really feeling, you were so anxious on what was going to happen tonight.

"Hey darling" A random man shouted as he saw you wait in front of the pub alone, he was quite far away from you.

"Hey sweetheart." You fed someone wrap their arm around you. Looking up, you saw Alfie as he moved you closer to him.

"Sorry Alfie, did not know she was your girl" The man says as he looks to you both.

"It's all good mate." Alfie fake smiled, pulling you into the club with him.

"Thank you" You breathed out as he held your hand; walking inside and staying close to him.

"Don't thank me" He winks and then pulls you through the crowd of people, sitting you down in one of the back rooms of the club.

"Wow." You look around, seeing the room and the beauty of it.

"I am going to get us some drinks" He says and walks away leaving you alone but he quickly returned and handed you one.

The two of you spoke for ages, you talked about everything from work to personal life. You both could not stop the great feeling you had when you were together and neither did you want it to stop.

The two of you went silent and he looked at you while you sipped on your drink slowly, looking up to him and catch his stare. You grinned at him and stopped drinking.

"What?" You blushed.

"You are beautiful." He whispers and leans in closer to you.

"Thanks" You smile shyly, looking down to your drink.

He made you feel nervous but a happy nervous. You wanted to be more confident around him but you felt so shy.

"Look at me" He says, lifting your chin up to face him. "You really are beautiful Y/N."

"Mr Solomon's-" you blush even more.

"Alfie, please." He says and you smile widely at him. You both move even more closer to each other; your lips brushing against each other's before moving in further and kissing his lips properly.

He moves you close to him and stands up; still kissing you as he picks you up in his arms. Your hands went around his neck and played with the back of his hair. You pulled away slowly, leaning your forehead on his gently.

"Wow" You breathe out, smiling widely at him.

"You are incredible and to think you are Thomas Shelby's Secretary too, what a lucky man to see you everyday." He says and puts his hand on your cheek; cupping it gently before kissing you again.

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