Michael Grey - 'Bonnie & Clyde'

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It was the Epsom Races.

You and the Shelby Gang had a job to do, to get Tommy closer to the Duke of York. No questions asked. You knew what your role was and was you needed to do.

"Arthur you cover the west entrance." Tommy ordered as he points over to the right, before they hurry off to their side. "Michael, Y/N, you cover the east."

You nodded as you look to Michael, smirking as you nudge your elbow against his arm. "Keep up Michael" You smile, as you wonder off. Your hips swaying side to side, your blue polka dot dress and your laced hat that covered your eyes ever so slightly.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Michael smirks as he follows closely behind you, as your hands gently brush past each others as you walk. Michael was wearing a dark navy suit, that matched your dress. Your engagement ring shining, reflecting the sunlight as you held onto Michael's arm, pretending to be a normal couple.

"Where is he?" You whispered to Micheal as you both looked around, turning to be face to face, leaning against the stand, having a look around while trying to look natural. Seeing the police walking in pairs around the track, watching out for trouble.

The glint of your hat shone Michael in the eye, you having a staple blade in it.

"He is over there." Michael whispers, as he leans in, kissing your cheek before grabbing your hand again, pulling you off closer to the Duke and those who were following him.

"Any bets?" Someone mutters, as they opened their coat, not wanting to alert the police and you both gently shake your heads no. The police soon come buy, see the man and immediately drag him away.

"Jesus they are everywhere." Michael huffs, seeing the police swarming the place and arresting anyone that just even looks the wrong way. Sighing, you look around and see the Duke heading into the tent.

"Wait here, come find me in the tent in 10 minutes" you say to Michael, kissing him softly before walking off into the tent after the Duke, seeing no one else walk in after him.

You look around, watching to see if anyone was following you, as you catch Michaels eyes, before disappearing into the tent. Turning, you see the Duke snorting up white powder on a golden spoon.

"Care to share?" You smirk, leaning against the side of the tent, seeing  his face look to you in shock. "I um.." He stutters and you walk closer. "Don't be shy your grace, I promise to not tell a soul" You put a finger to your lips as you move even closer, grabbing the small spoon and having a sniff. "Our little secret." You whisper smirking.

He looks to you, as though he has been entrapped by your looks and is frozen still.

"How did you see me?" He asks, looking you up and down.

"I see everything your grace, nothing gets passed me" You say, walking around him, his eyes never ever leaving your body. "Who are you?" He questions. "I am Y/N." You instantly reply, his hand soon grabbing your waist to keep you still.

Looking to his hand, before looking back up to him. He looked as though he was in his 40's, his moustache kept trimmed and fine. Smirking you lean up, your nose nearly brushing against his.

"Your grace, your hands are rather cold." You whispered, smirking as he leans down. "I wonder how they would feel on your bare waist." He growls playfully, flirting as he kisses at your neck, nibbling as his hair tickles your neck.

Rolling your eyes, you look to the tent and see Michael coming in. Smirking as you watch the rage in his eyes, knowing he was about to lose his shit.

"Oh your grace.." You moan out, as he pushes the dress off your shoulders biting your shoulder gently and growling like some animal. You were repulsed by him but you knew you had a job to do. Your hands traced down his sides and reaching down to your leg and taking your blade attached to your thigh.

Your eyes do not leave Michaels, as you reach your hand up and stab it straight into the dukes side, twisting the blade as your put a hand over his mouth to muffle any noise. He was strong, but was too high and caught off to fight back. Blood poured as you removed the knife from his side, entering it again to make sure the job was done.

Michael comes over, lifting his foot and stamping down. You cringe slightly as you watch the head of the dukes shift, his face unrecognisable anymore. Sorting yourself out, brushing down your dress, you wiped your blade on his clothing, putting it back and grabbing Michael's arm again before walking out the other side. Walking as if nothing had happened and rejoining the crowd.

Tommy walks by, cigarette in his mouth as he hands on to you, accepting it and holding it still while Michael lights it for you. You nodded your head slowly and you all walk off, going back to the cars. Getting in, you look to Michael and let out a sigh. You never admitted when you were nervous, but the weighted feeling sometimes came out in a sigh.

"One less bastard in this world" Michael said, as he put his hand on your thigh and his thumb rubbing your skin softly. "For a moment in their you had me worried that you might have enjoyed it" He added, your head snapping towards him.

"Stop the car." You demanded. He looked to you and then back to the road, with a quizzed look on his face. "You what?" He asked, still driving.

"Stop the car Michael" The car came to a stop and you looked to him, moving so that you are straddling his lap. You feel him shift underneath you, as his breathing becomes some what laboured as he looks you in the eyes. Your hands moving to slowly undo the buttons on your dress.

"I want you to know-" you began, as undo each one at a time. "I never ever, want someone else's hands on me but yours" you whisper as you slip off the dress and put it where you were sat a moment ago. In your petite coat as you slowly start to slip that down.

Michael says nothing. His eyes on yours. His hands on your lower waist. His body aching for you.

"Kiss me Michael..." you whisper as you sit there, naked, as he leans down and kisses you deeply.

You were to stay Bonnie and Clyde forever.

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