Michael Gray - 'Misunderstood'

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"He doesn't like you, you know that don't you?" Maria, the worlds biggest bitch, snapped to you as you stood in front of her, with your best friend Hannah, while she spoke about Michael. "He loves me. Not some parent-less bitch like you."

"You really are a massive c-" You began to say, but Hannah dragged you away before you could punch her or say something nasty back.

"Stop Y/N" She calmly said and you walked backwards and forwards; raging about what happened.

"How could she say something like that" You pouted, to stop yourself from crying. "I hate her and I hope she falls down a massive hole."

"I am right with you there girl." Hannah soothingly spoke. "She is a massive piece of -"

She began to say, but the stopped when she saw Michael go over to see Maria. Due to your back being to them, you turned over you head to see where (more like what) she was looking so angrily at.

"Oh" Was the only thing that came out of your mouth.

"Y/N, you deserve better." She said to encourage you to not feel too bad.

You couldn't say anything else and you quickly turned your head away from them. Shaking your head, to brush off the feeling of actually giving a shit, you tried to come up with something different to talk about.

"Want to go to the pub to get pissed?" You suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"Hell Yes!" Hannah cheered and the two of you linked arms, walking to the pub.

Once you got to the pub, you ordered your drinks and drank each one like a fish in water. They kept flowing and you kept on drinking, to the point where everything was in doubles.

"Fuck it, I'll have another" You slurred out and went to the bar.

"You have another one!" Hannah encouraged you and you banged on the bar side in joy and for the attention of the barman.

"Another!" You cheered and the man begrudgingly gave you another.

"Take the shot!" Hannah laughed and handed one to you. "Now, say something you want to get off your chest and drink away."

"That's easy, fuck you michael for being such an annoying prick and for making me think that you liked me instead of manky Maria!" You shouted and you began to get looks from people that were just there to have a nice drink.

Taking the shot back in one gulp, you went to sit on the chair but your butt never landed on the seat - instead it landed on the floor with a big thump.

"Let's get you up again" You heard Michael say as he came towards you; picking you up in one swift motion.

"Get off me" You frowned, feeling the affects of the alcohol all of a sudden and feeling very sick.

"What did I do?" Michael snaps with a frown on his face.

"Get away from me." You argue and you walk out of the pub; onto the streets of small heath and began to walk home - completely forgetting about Hannah (even though you knew she was okay, because she was with a man she liked!)

"Y/N, stop being stubborn and talk to me." Michael begged as he followed after you.

"Michael just shut that handsome mouth of yours" You slurred and put one hand against the wall to sturdy your balance.

"Thank you?" He breathed out a laugh.

"Why don't you do me a favour and leave me alone." You angrily slurred more. "You seem to have be getting pretty fucking close to that slag earlier on, so don't come to me now as a second option."

"What?" He asked, completely confused about what you were saying.

"You know what I am talking about." You hit his chest pathetically. "You don't like me. You prefer her."

You put your little drunk head against his chest; breathing in his scent as you slowly began to close your eyes.

"If only you knew" Michael sighed, knowing you would not of heard what he said. "Let's take you home."

"My mum will kill me" You mumbled and Michael let out a chuckle.

"Well then, come back to mine." He suggested and you looked up to him, before your eyes went droopy and you fell - being caught by Michael. He took you to his house and settled you down on his bed; making sure you were okay.

"Fuck" you moaned as you clutched your head, feeling the extreme after affects.

Looking around, you confused yourself as you had no idea where you were - completely forgetting about what happened last night.

"Where the fuck am I?" You gasped aloud and began to look at yourself to see if all of your clothes were still on - but obviously they were. "Thank the Lord above."

"You are awake." You heard Michael say as he came in and he placed a strange coloured liquid on the side, alongside some water.

Immediately, memories of last night flooded your head and you turned a bright shade of red as you remembered specifics.

"Thank you." You smiled and picked up the strange liquid, examining it before you drank it.

"It's my mums recipe on getting rid of hangovers." He scrunches his nose up, remembering the foul taste, but knew it worked.

"I don't think I want to know what's in it." You nearly puked, holding your nose.

"Trust me, you don't want too." He confirmed and you nodded your head, before taking it back in one gulp.

"Ew!" You coughed as you quickly drank some water to get rid of the taste.

Michael chuckled at you as he watched you drink the water and put it down again. He watched you intently and it made you feel very self conscious because you felt like shite!

"I am a mess." You blurted and looked up to him. "I remember some bits I said and for those I can remember, I am so so sorry for."

"It's fine." He said softly and genuinely meant it. "You should probably go and get some proper rest at your house."

"Oh yeah, well thank you." You mumbled, feeling very embarrassed. Rushing past him, you left the house and ran back home.

Bursting through the door, you went to your room and cried into your pillows - falling again into a dee sleep.

Later on, your mum knocked on the door and poked her head in. You were laying on the bed, looking up at the celling and other thinking everything; with a tear streaked face.

"Hey darling, you have a got a visitor." She said and you heard the door shut - assuming it was Hannah, you started to cry again.

"He hates me Hannah." You cried and wiped your tears, before laying over to one side; expecting her to sit on the side of the bed like she normally does when your are sad.

"No he doesn't." A broken voice said and you quickly looked up to see Michael standing there.

"Michael?" You rubbed your eyes and you sat up to look at him.

He did not say anything, apart from sitting on the bed, as close as he could. He leant in very quickly and held the back of your head; pressing his lips against yours.

You kissed back and ran your hands through his hair; while he transferred you over to his lap to straddle.

"Can't you see that I love you?" He breathed out, as he kept kissing your lips. "I don't care about Maria, I care about you sweetheart."

"Did you just say you love me?" You raise an eye brow as you look to him with a cheeky smile.

"Maybe I did." He smirks and you lean in to his lips once more.

"I love you too" You kisses them and pushed him back, so he was lying on the bed while you kissed...

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