Isaiah Jesus - 'You Love Him'

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"There He is" Your best friend Rose grinned as she looked towards Isaiah at the other end of the room. Your eyes looked over to Isaiah, the man you have had a crush on since forever - but it in your head, you never thought it would work out. "He looks so superior standing next to them."

"He looks well" You tuck your hair behind your ear shyly; as he looks over in your direction - sending his cheeky smile back to you (which made you blush even more.)

"Don't be so modest!" Rose scolds you playfully. "He is so incredibly handsome. It's a shame his folk don't get praised enough for anything."

"That's why nothing could happen." You sigh, looking anywhere but him. Rose looked at you perplexed.

"What do you mean?" She asks and you shrug your shoulders, taking a deep breath in and looking back to him.

"Because he would get more stick with being with me." You sighed, looking at How wonderful he was and how incredibly handsome he is.

"You should not let that affect your feelings" She put an arm on your shoulder. "It should not matter what anyone thinks-"

"But it does when his life could be at stake" You interior her and she mocking laughs at you, not in a nasty way but in a 'you are totally wrong way.'

"That's bullshit" She shakes her head.

"No it's not" You stand your ground. "His fucking cousin was with a white girl and he was hung because he was with her."

"That was 10 years ago, times have changed." She huffs and you roll your eyes.

"Not that much" You sigh, looking to the front area to see him with another girl. "Besides, He has her. I am not apart of anything that could involve him."

"That is again bullshit" She huffs and you look down in disappointment. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"Don't give me false hope" You mutter so quietly that she doesn't realise that you have even spoken. She looked to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"He does like you, I am sure of it" She smiles and then saw Finn come over to you both. "Hey Finn."

"Hello you two" He smiles and gives a hug to the both of you; making Isaiah's head turn to look. He moved away from the girl and came over to you guys.

"Hey Finn." He smiles and then looks at Rose; then you. "Hello ladies."

"Charming" Rose flirted, then nudging you slightly; which made you blush profusely.

"I try" He winks.

"So you and that girl huh?" Rose smirks and your eyes widen at her growing confidence.

"Nah, She is my brothers girlfriend." He smiles and Rose nudges you; making you blush even more.

"Do both of you ladies fancy a drink?" Finn asks, changing the subject, which you were really grateful for.

"Yes, that would be great!" Rose smiled. "Let me come with you to get them."

They both walk off together, leaving you standing with Isaiah. Your heart thudded quicker than anything and it made you feel so much more nervous.

"You having fun?" He coughs, making conversation with you.

"I am, are you?" You awkwardly said back, trying to make it flow.

"It's a bit boring" He raises an eyebrow in amusement, making you giggle.

"Oh really, and you could do it better?" You question, flirting confidently - which made him smirk with relief and humour.

"You know I could sweetheart" He winked, making your cheeks tint red.

"I'll hold you to that" You wink back, looking around to see Finn and Rose watching you both from the bar. Rose shuffles her hands at you, pointing to the dance floor. "Do you want to dance?" You blurt.

"Sure" He smiles, walking over with you to the dance floor. His hands went in yours and twisted you around as the two of you followed the beat.

"I don't really know why I asked you to dance!" You shout to him over the music and his face becomes sad.

"Sorry to disappoint you-" He says but you cut him off.

"No! Oh my god no, that's not what I meant" You laugh. "I meant, because I cannot dance one bit!"

"Well neither can I" He winks, making him feel less nervous. "I guess you'll just have to trust me."

"I do" You blurted out, coming closer to him and he softly smiled to you; brushing the hair behind your ear. It made you shiver as his fingers touched your cheek.

"Good" He said, loud enough for you to hear. Before anything else could happen or be said, he spun you around and danced with you once more.

He picked you up and span you around, making you feel such a high as he did - making you giddy with excitement.

You both danced the night away and had the time of your lives. Rose would make small remarks on the two of you, for the entire night; which made things known to the both of you - in regards to each others feelings between one another.

Isaiah offered to take you home, which you agreed too, making Rose giddy with excitement also. You said goodbye to Finn and Rose, walking out of the pub; your hand around his upper arm as he walked you to your home.

"I had so much fun tonight" He smiles and you nod your head; agreeing with him.

"I never want this night to end." You sigh, smiling as he looks to face you as you both walk. You noticed his staring and you blushed, before turning to him. "What are you staring at Mr Jesus?"

"You" He simply answers.

"And why would that be?" You flirt more, making him stand still to face you.

"Because you are beautiful." He answers back, this time making your face turn bright red - luckily, the darkened night, made it difficult to see.

"Thank you." You whispered, but more so squeaked out.

"You are welcome, it is the truth." You both began walking again and you eventually got to your house; making things really come to an end. "This is me."

"I really have had an amazing night." He smiles, putting his hand on your cheek.

"Me too Isaiah." You whisper, leaning in as he does too. The two of your lips meet and you break a bond that held you both back. He pulled you into him, kissing you passionately as he moved his hands on your cheek.

Pulling back to catch your breath, you looked to him with shock and happiness.

"I should get going." He smiles and leans in to peck your lips once more. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Isaiah" You wave him off, before sneaking quietly into the house, so you did not wake up anyone.

As you shut the door, you smiled widely before turning around and smacking straight into your mother.

"Oh mother, you scared me!" You gasped, not realising she was there.

"Why were you sneaking around?" She snaps and you frown, afraid she saw the kiss between you and Isaiah - you knew what she would say.

"I did not want to wake you up" You muttered.

"Who were you with?" She asks.

"A friend."

"He looked like more than a friend." She snarled, making you panic. "What is his name."

"I am really tired, i am going to go and get some sleep." You said, before going to go up the stairs to bed. However, your mother pulled you back harshly; bringing your ear to her lips.

"If you ever, go near that boy again." She began, making your blood curdle. "Bad things will happen little girl."

You ripped your arm out of her grasp and ran upstairs; crying into your pillow, not knowing - what the hell to do.

After all - You loved him.

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