Tommy Shelby - 'Not with my baby inside you'

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You were his secretary for years and you were always careful around him incase he snapped. No one knew Tommy better than you did. You knew the things that calmed him down, made him laugh and made him cry.

One night, you both were a little drunk and made love to one another - an act of passion yet you both did not really want to admit anything yet.

"You cannot be right?" You gasp in shock as the doctor hands you a slip of paper, with words that have surely changed your life forever.

"I am afraid so." He mumbles and frowns slightly. "Having it is not a bad thing you know?"

"I do know that sir." You stutter in your defence. "It is just that the father, lets say doesn't have a huge role in my life."

"I am sure things will work out sweetheart." He smiles comfortingly. "Remember to stay away from any whiskey or alcohol as there is a risk it will hurt the baby. Oh and smoking too."

"Yes sir" You note and rush out the door but before turning around. "Thank you for your time."

"Thank you." He calls back to you. "Oh and good luck"

"Thank you sir" you rush out and trying not to trip over anything as you run out the room.

Rushing back to work before you ended up being late, you began to overthink the whole situation with Tommy and yourself; now that you were pregnant. You did not know how Tommy would react to the news - after all, he already had one child to care for and getting over his wife passing away.

All day you had been off and everyone around you kept asking if you were okay or not. You tried to act as if everything was okay but that was the hardest part; because you weren't okay; you were scared and lonely - not knowing what you should do.

You knew you wanted to keep the child as you personally did not believe in abortions. Ethically it seemed dangerous and the amount of women that died due to the procedure scared you even more than giving birth. The only that seemed to really scare you the most, was wondering how Tommy would react to the news. All day, ideas and conversations went around in your head and trying to imagine how it would turn out - some were good and others were bad, very bad. In your head, you decided to do it at the end of the day; when everyone else had gone home from a busy day.

It was Wednesday and Tommy always stayed late on a Wednesday. As you walked to the office door, you took a deep breath in and lifted your arm up to knock on the door.

"Come in" you heard his voice say and you slowly went into the office; Tommy sat in his chair, smoking a cigarette. "Ah Y/N how can I help?"

"I wanted to talk" You mumble and he looks to you; offering you a seat which you kindly decline. "I have to tell you something Tommy"

You take another deep breath in as Tommy looks to you completely confused.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked and you shake your head no.

"They say it is not good for the baby" You splutter out and he looks to you in shock; not knowing what to say to you.

"What?" He gasped and you smile to him; putting a hand on your belly.

"I am pregnant Tommy" You grin and rubs your hand gently across the small bump forming.

"What?" He repeats again and by this time, you are completely embarrassed and want nothing more than to disappear right now.

"Are you thick Tommy?" You growl to him and he shakes his head. "I am fucking pregnant"

"Do you want money?" He asks; obviously not knowing what to say and completely screwing up his words.

"Why would I need-" You begin and you shake your head frantically; knowing what he now meant. "No tommy I don't need your money."

"Look, I know people." He begins and you still shake your head; getting slightly upset that this was his reaction to it all. "They can help and it does not take long at all."

"I am not getting rid of the baby Tommy" You snap and he sighs; running a hand through his hair. Biting down on your lip, a single tear falls down your face as you try not to burst into a fit of sobs.

"Then Who is going to do your job as my secretary?" He asks with a slight smile; making you laugh a bit.

"I am sure I will find someone good for the job Tommy" You smile to him and he sits beside you; putting a hand on your belly.

You both go silent.

"It is definitely mine-" Tommy begins but you cut him off.

"I don't sleep around Tommy" You snap, hurt that he could say such a thing.

"I know you don't" He whispers and then kisses your cheek. "You need to put an advert out in the paper then."

"What for?" You ask him as he stands up lighting a cigarette in his mouth; taking a puff and bringing it out of his mouth to reply to my question.

"Your job" He breathes out and you laugh to him.

"Tommy, I am pregnant not incapable" you laugh slightly and he smiles to you; breathing out the smoke once more.

"I want you to put your job in the papers" He says again and you roll your eyes. "Make sure it is good advertisement and get someone good."

"Good looking?" You roll your eyes once more and Tommy groans.

"No Y/N someone who is good." He says and crouches down to you. "If I want good looking, I'll come to you."

You blush at his words.

"But Tommy, I can still work" You grin to him as he places a hand on your cheek.

"Not with my baby inside you, you're not" He sternly says but makes butterflies explode inside you.

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