John Shelby - 'I Blame Your Father'

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"Finn come on, stay still man" You huffed as You combed through his hair; making sure he did not have any nits.

You had been in the company of the family, since you were very small. Your mothers were good friends before they both parted the world; your mother died when you were young and The Shelby mother cared for you like one of her own, alongside Polly too.

You were married to John but the two of you had no children as of yet. Finn was a little brother to you and you cared for him like he was your own child, Polly and you would keep a close eye on the boy.

"Y/N, it fucking hurts" He moans as he pulls away again.

"Hey!" You smacked his arm. "Watch your mouth!"

"Geez, that hurt too!" He groans more and you roll your eyes; pulling his head back so you could check one more time.

"I am nearly done Finn" You snap, him squirming even more under your grasp. "You'd rather me do it that Polly. You would have no bloody hair left on your head."

"Yeah, that's true" He shrugs, then you finish and put your hands on his shoulders.

"All done" You smile and he sighs with relief; in which makes you giggle at him. "Come on, lets go get some lunch."

"I'll race you there!" He raises his eyebrows up and down; making you roll your eyes with a stifled laugh.

"Go on then" You start to run before him; starting off ahead and beating him to the kitchen door.

"You are a cheat!" He yells and you laugh at him; pushing him back as he comes to you, before opening the door with him wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You'll get over it" You giggle as you drag him with you into the kitchen.

As you walk in, you look up to see Polly beside the wooden cupboards; Arthur sat at the table; alongside his father who went running 10 years ago and John, who was leaning on the other cupboard.

"Y/N" Arthur Senior cheered as he looked to you. You glared at him, annoyed that he had the nerve to show up. However, you did not reply to his call, you did nothing but nod your head and walk over to John.

"Don't hurt her Finn" John whispered as the other spoke about something; making you smile but you shook your head.

"He is not hurting my John, don't worry" You gently whisper, looking to him with soft eyes of love and adoration. "What is he doing here?"

"I have no idea, but I know he ain't welcome here" John whispers close to your ear; his hand resting behind you as you are close against his side.

"Surely Polly don't want him here?" You breathe out a laugh and John smirks; nodding his head as he looks to Polly, who is looking more pissed off already.

"Doesn't look like it" He laughs and coughs to cover it up when people turn; looking at the two of you as you make a straight face.

"So you two did get married?" Arthur Senior spoke, raising an eyebrow at the two of you. You turned to John, not knowing whether to speak or not.

"Yes" John simply answered and then looked down to the ground.

"Does he speak for you?" He stood up and lit a cigarette. You ignored him and he blew the smoke in your face; making John tense up and grip onto the back of your dress - so no one could see.

"No" You stutter.

"Do I scare you?"

"No." You simply answered.

"Leave her alone" Polly snapped and stood beside you; seeing John about to snap the more he heard his father spoke. "Now, fuck off and leave us alone."

"Well, I see where I am not welcome" He sniffs and looks to John; slapping his face not too harshly but in more of a

"No, you are not" John steps forward and then Tommy walks into the room; looking his father up and down.

"Get out" Tommy snaps and his dad looks to you all; shaking his head in an unworthy disappointment way.

"Tommy, quit being a prick!" Arthur defended his father and John gripped onto your hand. You rubbed your thumb gently on his hand; making you breathe out a smile.

"No, it is fine son." His father snaps. "I won't stay were I am not wanted. No man should."

"Then free feel to fucking leave." John growls and you frown; covering Finns ears.

He just ignored his son.

"Where are you going to be dad?" Finn asked, moving and running to the man who had abandoned him when he was so young.

"I'll be in the boxing house, they have some rooms there." He answers the small inquisitive boy and pats him on the head. Then turns to look to you. "I have to say Y/N, you do look, great."

"Thanks" You mutter and he then walks out; saying nothing else.

"What the fuck was that?" John snaps, not getting angry at you but rather his father.

"Remember Finn is here!" You scold him but he only huffs and lights a cigarette; breathing out the smoke shakily.

"I want to find him" Finn puckered his bottom lip and looked to Polly and you; knowing the two of you were the most compassionate.

"Come on Finn, let's -" You begin to say, but John interrupts.

"Listen Finn, he doesn't give a fuck." He growls to the young boy; scaring him. "You need to forget about him."

"John!" You and Polly gasp but he continued; completely ignoring you both.

"He doesn't care about you and he never will. So get it out of your head that things are going to be okay with him Finn; because it is a fucking lie." He snaps and tears fall down Finns face; pushing past John and running into the other room.

Everyone stood their in silence as you all looked to John. Seeing his nostrils flared and flexed body language. Shaking your head; you walked closer to John.

"You idiot" You snap and run after Finn; making sure he was okay.

Later on that evening, you had spent the entire day with Finn and you were now tucking him in bed - reading his a story.

"I hate John" Finn said for the millionth time that day; huffing as he cuddled into you.

"No you don't Finn" You sigh; rubbing the back of his head. "He loves you. Sure he can be an ass, but he was just angry at somebody else, not you."

"Do you think my dad will come back?" He asks; looking up to you with hopeful eyes. Your heart breaks.

"I don't know Finn" you truthfully answer. He turns away. "But you should go get some sleep, it has been a long day."

"Goodnight Y/N" He smiles as he cuddles up and closes his eyes.

"Goodnight Finn" You smile and shut the door; before turning around and smacking into your calmer husband.

"I am sorry" He breathes out and you kiss his cheek gently.

"It isn't me you need to be apologising too John" You wink and pecks his lips before entering your bedroom you shared together.

You knew John was just mad and he controlled anger unwell. You didn't blame him, but you did blame his stupid father.

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