Michael Gray - 'Pure Lies'

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"Michael, do you think this is crazy of us?" You ask him; leaning against his bare chest on his bed.

The two of you had spent the night together, much like many other nights done so together. You were both madly in love but continued to sneak around like a couple of unrequited lovers.

"No, I don't" He breathes out a sigh, rubbing his thumb against your bare shoulder. "As long as your safe, that is all I care about."

"I have to tell you something" You sigh, looking up to him. He looks down to you, worried to say the least; wondering what you are about to tell him.

Your heart beat went faster and faster as the man in front of you pondered on your words in confusion and worry.

"What?" He nervously asks and you bite down on your lip.

"I am -"  you begin but are cut off by Isaiah walking into the room, shouting Michael's name.

"Michael we have got business to attend too!" He shouts and then his eyes go wide as he sees the two of you naked in bed.

You gasp as Michael covers your chest up with the sheet; hiding you in his body.

"Get out" He snaps to Isaiah, throwing a pillow at his friend in annoyance; which then makes his hurry out of the room.

"Michael we fucking need you so hurry up!" He yells through the door and Michael throws another pillow at the door to shut it properly.

You lean back on the bed and Michael lets out a huge sigh as he pulls the covers off his body and sits up on the edge of the bed.

"Sometimes I wish-" He begins but you cut him off; turning you back to him as you speak.

"-that they would leave you alone to spend time with me like a normal person" You repeat from the hundreds of times he has said it before to you.

"Y/N..." He says, turning to look at you. "Don't be like that."

"I've heard it all before Micheal" You roll your eyes; your back still faced to him. He places a hand on your bare waist and leans across to kiss your cheek.

"I do love you." He whispers. "You know that, don't you?"

"I do Michael" you truthfully say to him, nodding your head at the same time.

"Good" He smiles and stands up; getting ready to go do whatever the boys wanted him to do during the day.

"When will you be back?" You ask as you sit up, bringing the sheet across your chest and legs to your chest.

"I'll be back for your dance recital." He assures and you believe his words, smiling at him as he changed.

You were a dancer. A very good dancer too. You had been doing dance ever since you were a small girl and many people wanted you at their dance studio; to work with them and boost up their numbers.

"I am really nervous for tonight" You mutter, biting on your lip.

"You will be perfect as always darling" He winks and you blush at his words.

"They have the dancing agency coming from France Michael." You remind him. "It is a big deal for me tonight, to make sure I get it right."

"Like i said before beautiful" He crouches down beside the bed. "You will be perfect. Just be you and it will all work out."

"I hope you are right Mr Gray" You smirk and he comes closer.

"I am always right, future Mrs Gray" He winks and you blush even more; but he is unable to see as he presses his lips on yours.

"Michael!" Isaiah shouts again, causing Michael to pull away from your lips groaning.

"You should go" You chuckle slightly, pushing him off you.

He groans and then goes to the door; grabbing his coat from the chair beside the vanity table. Putting his hand on the door handle, he turns back around and runs over you, pressing his lips on yours once more.

"Goodbye, I will see you later." He grins and then leaves you alone in his bed; leaning back against the bed you listen to the two of them walking out the house.


"I am so nervous" You stutter as your best friend Lucia pins your hair up.

"You are amazing" She consoles you and smacks your arm. "And you will be perfect. Just be yourself and you will be fine and will get what you want from the American agents."

"That's what Michael said to me" You mutter as you try to compose yourself from tearing up.

"He will be there" She reassures you and you nod your head; agreeing with her in the hope that he will indeed be coming.

"I know" You stutter and then shakes off the feeling; standing up and looking at yourself in the small mirror.

"2 minutes!" The stage manager called to you and your heart beat so quickly.

"Shit, I am nervous" You bite down and then you both walk out to the wings of the stage. "Is he out there?"

Your friend Max was the usher of the theatre and he looked out to see if Michael was in the theatre; watching your performance.

"No, I have not seen him" He answers and your heart drops slightly.

"He will be there" Lucia smiles and you start to loose faith in him even appearing.

"You're on" The manager says to you and Lucia kisses your cheek.

"Smash It girl!" She squeals and you go onto the stage.

An applause goes off as you enter the stage, from the entire audience. You go into your position as you look to see the front row staring at you; seeing the American agents watching you intently with a notepad on their laps.

The music begins and you dance around the stage, being entirely graceful as you take each turn and step.

As you go around, you look to see Lucia quietly cheering you on from the wings. Your brain clouds with constant thought of Michael making a promise he could not keep at all.

Taking the next turn, your feet stand still and you fall to the ground in pain. Standing up quickly the sound of the audience makes you want to disappear - the crowd starts laughing.

"Y/N!" Lucia calls as you storm off stage and to your dressing room - slamming the door shut so no one would come in.

Bursting into tears, you curl up in a ball on the floor; wanting to disappear and never come back to reality.

Not helping but thinking - 'Screw you Michael'

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