Bonnie Gold - 'Fireflies.'

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"Y/N, you know he is watching you?" Finn smirked, as you both sat on the forest floor, around the fire.

Tommy had made Finn and you stay with the Golds, who you knew well, while they dealt with the Italians. Tommy was protective of his family and wanted to make sure the youngest were the ones the most safe.

"Finn, no he isn't." You muttered, blushing as you looked to the ground - afraid to look up and confront the eyes that were watching you through the flames.

"He definitely is cousin." He teased more, nudging your arm before standing up. "But I am going to go to bed."

Breathing in, you mumbled a goodnight and continued to stare into the abyss; thinking about everything.

"What you thinking about?" You heard the familiar voice say, as the sit beside was taken by him.

"Nothing much." You blushed, looking to your right and seeing Bonnie.

"It doesn't seem like nothing much." He smiled, bringing his legs to his chest and his arms resting on his thighs.

"I have a very boring life Mr Gold." You shrugged, with a smile on your face as you looked to him.

"I somehow don't believe that in the slightest." He smirked, winking at you. Which of course made you go even more redder.

"What makes you think I'm interesting?" You pressed, biting the inside of your cheek.

"Well, look at you for starters?" He began and you turned to fully face him, folding your legs. His face was illuminated by the light of the fire and it only made him so much more attractive (if that was possible.)

"What about me?" You scrunched your nose up. "You aren't doing a very good job at this Bonnie."

"I'm not am I?" He breathed out a laugh, making you giggle alongside him. "Well what I'm trying to say is-"

"Bonnie?" Aberama called out, looking at his son and you; as he came closer to the both of you. "It's time we called it a night. We have an early start tomorrow."

He walked away, ignoring you as he collected everything up and walked into the wooden caravan.

"He hates me." You breathed out, tucking some hair behind your ears.

"He doesn't hate you-" Bonnie coughed awkwardly. "He just is..."

He struggled to come up with something, but it only made you laugh, as you had proven your point.

"See!" You giggled. "He hates me."

"He just isn't overly friendly." Bonnie smiled, knocking his shoulder against yours. "Nothing like me."

"No, nothing like you." You whispered, looking at him with loving eyes.

The only sound that was present, was the sound of the fire crackling or the occasional sound of a owl finding it's pray. Bonnie stared at you intently, admiring you as you sat before him.

"Would it be crazy-" Bonnie began, as he moved closer to you. "If I kissed you right now?"

You breathed out a light sigh, smiling at his offer.

"Not at all." You grinned, leaning in closer; noses brushing past each other's. You stayed like that for a while, feeling a massive pull towards him.

You were afraid if you kissed him, you wouldn't be able to control yourself. But it was breaking and it killed you to try to control yourself anymore.

Both of your lips brushed pasts each other's, your hands slowly moved to the back of his neck and his hands went to your cheek and waist; bringing you closer. He pecked your lips gently and sparks instantly flew. You held your breath as he kissed you again, this time with so much more passion.

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