Bonnie Gold - 'I Choose Her 3'

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"Good morning sunshine" Elsa smirks as you came into the kitchen, adjusting your eyes to the light of the room.

"Morning" You croak out.

"Well weren't you the late stop out last night?" She smirks and sips on her tea; meanwhile you walk over to get a cup yourself.

"I had fun" You simply answer, before sitting down beside her on a chair by the kitchen table.

"I have heard a rumour about that Bonnie lad" Elsa grinned as she leant her elbows on the table and you snapped your head to face her.

"What?" You pressed for her to continue.

"I have heard him and his father have been doing some dangerous business with the Shelby's." She informs and you start to think; what did that mean for you?

"Oh." You yelp out, looking to her in somewhat confusion. "Are you sure it is not just a silly rumour that someone has made up?"

"No!" She gasps, shaking her head no. "You know Esme don't you? The one who is married to John?" You nodded your head and allowed her to continue. "Well she told Kate, who told Myra and then Joy who told me, that they were doing some business with them."

"Did the next door neighbours cat get told as well?" You sarcastically speak; making her roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Oh hush, you are being pedantic again" She huffs and folds her arms.

"I need to go to work" You sigh as you stand up; grabbing your coat and walking to the door. "I'll see you later."

As you walk out of the door, you see Bonnie walking down the street with his hands in his pockets; a hat on his head and smiling hugely at you.

"Hey Y/N" He smiles as he comes closer to you; kissing your cheek.

"Hey" You whisper, blushing as he kisses your cheek gently. Before the two of you continue to walk down the street.

"I have heard a secret about you" You raise an eyebrow as you walk on. "About you and some business."

"What?" He snaps and you frown; turning around and walking backwards as he stayed still.

"I heard that you are doing business with the Shelby's" you begin to say but Bonnie quickly pushes you to the alley way and against the walk. "Bonnie?"

"Don't ever, speak about them again" He puts a hand on your face. His eyes were wild, but with fear behind his eyes. "They are dangerous men. Please don't fucking speak about them again."

"I won't" You breathe out as you nod your head; him moving his hand away from your face.

"Good" He whispers, looking away from you yet still keeping the closeness between the two of you.

"Bonnie" You stutter as he turns back to look at you. You put a hand to his cheek as you suddenly see a light bruise on his eye. "What happened?"

"That is what fighters get" He mutters and you shake your head, knowing he was lying - call it good intuition.

"Don't lie to me" You beg and he frowns; unsure what to say next to you.

"Just a run in with a couple of people." He shakes his head and tries to walk away from the situation. "Nothing to bother about."

"What, with the blinders?" You snap and he turns back around to face you.

"What have I told you Y/N." He snaps back and grips your shoulders harshly. "What do you want me to fucking say to you that will get it into your thick head, that if you keep saying that name, something shit will happen."

"You are a prick" You glare and try to shove him back. "Get off me."

"No." He yells and you get frightened, never seeing this side to Bonnie in the days you have spent together. "You listen to me now. You want answers, then you are fucking going to listen to them."

You breathe heavily as he grips your harder.

"There are some very bad men out at the moment-" He begins but you cut him off.

"What bad men?" You question and Bonnie groans; looking up to the sky in annoyance.

"Stop interrupting me" He groans aloud and rolls his eyes. "Stop asking to many questions. Because trust me sweetheart. Once you know all of this shit, you become a fucking target."

"Who says I can't handle that?" You questions with a glare.

"Me." He shakes his head and looks directly at you. "They are very bad men Y/N."

"Who are they?" You ask for the second time, ignoring his almost plea to stop.

"You are so stubborn-"

"Who are they?" You snap.

"Luca. Luca Changretta." He spits out. "One of the most fucking brutal American Italians ever."

Your body shivered in fear.

"Is that what you wanted to hear?" He intimidates you by walking closer and backing you into a corner. "I am working with the Peaky blinders to fight off those bastards off our home soil. Those fucking pricks killed one of the Peaky boys; which is why they want my father and I to stand by them."

You gulp.

"Do I make you scared?" He questions with a slight sadistic smirk on his face. Your body is paralysed and you cannot move an inch. "Does this make you fear me?"

"No" You stutter, unsure whether what you said was truthful. He did make you feel scared, but in some ways it made you more attracted to him.

"Are you sure?" He asks and then puts his hand on your cheek; cupping it gently.

"I am sure Bonnie Gold" You whisper and he looks down to your lips; licking his dry lips because inching closer to yours.

"Then will you kiss me?" He asks and you blush, inching closer.

"Now that scares me" You wink and the two of you laugh to each other.

"Oh yeah?" He smirks and lifts you up; spinning you around as the two of you continue to erupt with laughter, throughout what seemed like a long time.

"So scary" You tease as he puts you back to your feet. Your hands go either side of his face; inching closer as he has a hand on your lower back and the other on the back of your head.

"I'll be scary for you" He whispers and you smile.

"You'll never scare me off though Bonnie Gold" You whisper softly and he grins back to you. Your lips touch one another's as your bodies pull together. His hands bring you even more closer (if that was even possible)

He realised that he had it all and he would never want to change himself or you for the world. He was glad, that he chose you.

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