Thomas Shelby - 'Left At The Orphanage."

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"Hey sweetheart" You smiled at the small child who was bundled up in a basket, that had been left on the porch outside the orphanage you worked at. "What are you doing here."

As you brought the baby inside the house, you turned the blanked over to see a small envelope; alongside some money. Picking up the letter, it had Thomas Shelbys name on it. Your heart skipped a beat as you read the name.

You had always liked Tommy, but since Grace died, he barely looked to you. The two of you were great friends when you were younger and even more than friends when you were teens - but war stripped you both apart. You stayed friends, but things were never the same.

"Well, I have to call you a name." You spoke to the small child; placing the letter in your pocket (alongside the money to give to Tommy). "I think I am going to call you, Ivy. Yes. I like that, little Ivy."

Taking the child out of the basket, you walked towards the spare cots you had in the infant room. Placing the child in the cot, you walked to the telephone and rang through to Tommy - who you knew would still be up.

"Hello?" You heard his husky voice speak.

"Tommy, it's me, Y/N" You breathed out, rather nervously.

"Y/N" He sighed; making your stomach turn as he said your name. "How can I help you?"

"Tommy, we have had a child been left outside the door tonight." You began; taking the letter out of your pocket. "There was a letter and it had your name on it; alongside a huge lump sum of cash."

"How much is there?" He asked; making you count the many notes.

"£500" You finally answered.

"Fuck." He muttered and you furrowed your eyebrows. "This could not have come at more of a fucked up time."

"Tommy, what's going on?" You ask him, getting more and more concerned as the phone call went on. You heard his breathe harshly down the phone.

"Y/N, I am going to come to the orphanage." He declaims and you start to get even more nervous then before. Your hands became clammy and sticky. "Who is working tonight?"

"Just me, Janice called in sick." You answered, wrapped the cord around your finger as you spoke.

"Good." He spoke huskily. "I'll be there soon."

He hung up and you awaited for the visit from Tommy. As you walked around the orphanage, you looked to see all the children fast asleep in their beds - looking so peaceful and content with life.

After a short amount of time later, you heard the door open and Tommy walked inside. He looked to you as you came down the stairs. Looking you up and down, you blush a bright red; hurrying past him.

"I put her in one of the spare cots" you informed as he followed behind you. "It would be much more comfier than the basket."

"Thank you Y/N" He breathes out, walking to see the small infant asleep in the cot.

"Tommy, what is going on?" You ask him as he walks closer to the child. He looked to the little girl once more, then turns to you.

"I don't want you thinking badly of me." He frowned slightly; making you roll your eyes playfully.

"I know you better than anyone else and for a long time too." You smiled amusingly. "There is not anything I don't know already, that has made me not think badly of you."

"Don't joke with me right now" He begged and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just, it is just different this time."

"What do you mean?" You question. "Tommy, is this child yours?"

"I had sex with this woman." He muttered. "Just after Grace died. 9 months ago. I paid for her and even for contraception - but it clearly didn't work."

You stood there in shock. Tommy had done it before, but it was different. You felt embarrassed by your feeling towards Tommy, you felt though you were not good enough and never would be good enough.

"Say something" He begged. But you couldn't. You were incredibly shocked and hurt.

Shaking your head, you decided to keep it professional. Your way of pretending to make it go away, was to act as though it was not there.

"If you would not like to keep the child, as part of the orphanage we shall take her." You spoke in a monotone voice, not wanting to burst out into tears - something you were holding in. "But if you would like to take her, you can do so."

"Y/N" He shook his head and moved closer. "What is wrong?"

"Which would it be?" You pressed and he moved you so your back was against the wall.

"You are beautiful" He breathes out and you looked away from him as he brushed his hand against your cheek.

"Stop" You squeaked out, not really wanting him to do so - but you were in self denial.

"You don't want me too." He shakes his head and moves it closer to yours.

"Yes I do." You nodded your head, your voice shaky and exposing your lies.

"I wish war had not of torn us apart." He breathed out, his lips brushing past yours.

"It was not the war that tore us apart" You shook your head, your eyes tearing up. "It was the two of us growing up. Now which would it be?"

Tommy stopped moving closer and looked to you with sadness and heartbreak in his eyes. You felt bad, but you believed the words you spoke - even though you did wish you were still together.

"I am going to take her with me" He answers and takes a step back away from you.

"I will grab you a small jacket for her." You begin to hurry off, but he pulls you into his chest.

"I have not gone a day without thinking of you." He breathes out, wanting you to believe him.

"You know Tommy, I would have believed that was true." You sigh, looking at the wall behind him and then towards the small child he had helped bring into this world. "But, you were married, had a child, then given yourself to another woman - so I don't believe it."

"Y/N-" He begins but you cut him off.

"I am going to get the jacket." You walk towards the draws and pull out a knitted jacket, donated by the old people home beside the establishment.

You put it on the small child, not waking her up. Then picking her up, you hand her to Tommy. She cuddles into her father and you look up to Tommy, kissing his cheek.

"Goodnight Tommy" You whisper. He looks to you with sadness and then to the ground. "Oh, your money."

"Keep it." He instructs but you shake your head frantically; placing it in his pocket.

"I don't take money off of paid whores." You shake your head, walking away from him and back up to the bedrooms to check on the children.

You hated Tommy but you still bloody loved him.

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