John Shelby - 'Secrets Made To Be Broken'

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"Kiss me" John begs as he pulls you against him.

"No!" You giggle, smirking at him as you put your hands on his chest; leaning against the wall.

"Y/N, kiss me" He begs and you smirk even more at him. "Stop teasing me!"

"Stop moaning" You giggle, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.

"Kiss me and I might stop" He winks and you roll your eyes playfully. "What was that?"

"What?" You tease him and he picks you up; making you squeal.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?" He smirks at you, while your wrap your legs around Johns waist.

"What you going to do about it?" You raise an eyebrow, making his smirk grow even more wider. He pushes you gently against the wall, you still in his arms.

"I am going to do this-" He says and presses his lips on yours. The two of you get things very heated. You tugged in his top; almost begging for him to take it off.

His top flies off and he brings you to the sofa; slowly playing you down as he gently lays you down, before towering over you.

The two of you make things very heated, until the sound of someone walking through the door tore you both apart. As you went into another room, pretending you were making a cup of tea and pulling out your best acting skills.

"John, meeting at the betting office." You heard Tommy say. Tommy walked into the kitchen and saw you standing there. "Y/N-"

"I heard you Tommy" You smiled, walking out with the two of them and walking down the streets to the office. As you walked down, you could see some of the girls drooling over John.

Rolling your eyes, you tried to ignore the girls. You were doing so well, when one of the girls grabbed John and pulled him into her. You glared at her, it was Betty, she was always getting under your skin when it came to John. John knew you hated her, but continued to tease you over it.

"John hurry up" You snap and John chuckles, trying to talk to Betty and shortly running after you and Tommy, to catch up with you both.

You both walked in silence and you were mega pissed off with John. He did that on purpose and it frustrated you. John was smirking at his reaction and the hold he had over you, it made you mad that he knew you were jealous.

"Did you have fun there?" You muttered, making sure Tommy did not hear.

"I did thank you." He teases and you look to him with annoyance on your face.

"Dick" You snapped under your breath and John could not help but burst into fits of laughter. "Such a prick."

"You are so lady like" He teases you even more.

"John, you are seriously crawling under my skin right now and if you do not stop, I am going to snap!" You growled and stood still.

"Keep walking" He muttered and looked to Tommy. You both kept your relationship a secret, so it did not cause any issues within the gang. Most people knew the attraction you both clearly had; it was impossible to not feel and see.

"No, not until you apologise." You stubbornly snap.

"Y/N for god sake, keep fucking walking." He groans and you shake your head; folding your arms and refused to walk. John ran a hand through his hair and sighed, before looking around. "Fine. I am sorry-"

"Mean it" You interrupted him and tried to hide the smirk on your face. John grinned at you and shook his head, amused by your stubbornness.

"I am very sorry" He smiles and kisses your lips briefly before stepping back before someone saw.

"I forgive you" You grin and John chuckles, before watching you walk in front of him and following quickly behind Tommy and into the office.

You hugged everyone that was already there, which was the whole gang. You were a member of the Peaky Blinder gang since you were tiny. Your father was apart of the gang, but he died when you were small. Polly looked after you when he died.

"Hey Y/N" Michael smiled as he hugged you.

"Hey Michael." You grinned and kissed his cheek; immediately making the attention of John turn to you both.

"So I heard about you and Jo-" He began but you put your finger to his mouth to hush him.

"Do not say it" You hushed him. "No one can know yet."

"Why not?" He questioned and you shrugged.

"It just is not the right time yet." You sighed and then shook your head to regain awareness. "Why and how do you know."

"I saw you both kiss the other day." He screws his nose up, which makes you laugh and John glares to the both of you. "He is getting jealous."

"Good, he deserves to feel what I have to put up with." You huffed and Michael laughed at you.

"You are crazy" He laughs and puts his arm around you. You cotton onto what Michael was trying to do, making you smirk at his genius idea. You hugged into Michael and then pretended to laugh at something he said.

"You are winding me up" You heard John mutter as you saw his hands ball up into fists. You smirked at him and the meeting began.

You watched him throughout the meeting and kept making flirtatious eyes towards him. As soon as the meeting ended, everyone was distracted; making John take you by the hand and dragging you off outside.

"What was that about?" He snapped as he pushed you against the wall. As you looked to him, you smirked with amusement. "God Y/N stop smirking at me."

"Revenge is a medicine best served cold" You smirked and folded your arms. John rolled his eyes. "See, you now know what I feel."

"No, that is completely different-" He began. "He is my cousin-"

"Stop talking" You smirk and lean up; kissing his passionately and pushing him to the wall on the other side. You did not care if anyone came in and saw the two of you; it no longer mattered. What mattered was the feelings you and John shared.

I guess some secrets are made to be broken.

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