Finn Shelby - 'Don't Panic'

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"You are new here?" One guy smirked as he lifted up your skirt.

"Back off" You scowled, pushing the guy away and walking away.

"These are no places for pretty little girls" Another man spoke as they came around the corner.

"I won't say it again-" You start to get angry. "-so back the fuck off!"

"You heard the lady" You heard the familiar voice of your fiancé say behind you. "Back the fuck off, before I cut off your dicks and shove them down each other's throats."

You hold in a disgusted smirk on your face, wanting to laugh on how gross and screwed up Finns threat was - but it seemed to work.

"Let's get out of here" One of them mumbles and they scurry away back to living in their pathetic little lives.

"Seriously?" You grin and shake your head.

"What?" He breathes out a laugh.

"Back the fuck off, before I cut off your dicks and shove them down each other's throats." You point your fingers as quotation marks and burst out laughing once you had finished.

"It came out of my mouth and I had to end it somehow" He laughs more and puts his arm around you as the both of you walk.

"What made you even think of that?" You chuckle and he wiggles his eyebrows at you.

"Well-" He began but you cut him off, walking backwards as you stood in front of him.

"Never mind." You shake your head. "It's going to be something dirty. I don't want to know."

"Save it for the bedroom later?" He winks, playfully suggesting but definitely wouldn't turn it down if it was offered.

"In your dreams Shelby." You wink back. "Dirty talk isn't my scene. You should know"

"Indeed Mrs Shelby-" He teases and pulls your waist, so you are up against him. "But I am all about trying new things."

Before you could say anything else, Johns eldest child, who was 12 years of age, bolts around the corner towards the two of you.

"They have called for a meeting." He says out of breath. "I have been looking for the two of you all fucking morning."

"Watch your language." You knocked his shoulder in disappointment. "Or I will tell your father."

"Snitch." He mutters and the group of you walk to the house for the family meeting.


"You want her to do what!?" Finn shouted as he slammed his hands on the table; making you jump in shock.

"Finn, we need it to happen" Arthur calmly spoke, breaking out the smoke from the cigar.

"Over my dead body-" Finn began to backchat But Tommy interrupted him.

"Finn, it will be all of our bodies if she doesn't go" Tommy seriously spoke. "It needs to happen!"

Finns haw tightened in anger and more so frustration, as he new his elder brother was right. They wanted you to go to the Sandy Club in Leeds, alone with another girl. Finn hated the idea of you being flirted with and would do anything to try to protect you.

"Please Tommy, there has to be another way" Finn sighed, as he ran a hand through his hair. " I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to her."

" I will be safe Finn" you held his hand and rubbed your thumb over his knuckles softly. "I will be safe from harm because I trust Tommy and I know that nothing will happen to me. This needs to be done and I am the only one who can do it. They know my brothers. They trust me. So it has to be me."

" I don't think you understand Y/N" He admits, forgetting there were other people in the room. "-I cannot live without you. "

"Nothing will happen to me so don't worry about that, hell don't even think about that. "You said, stressing it more and more.

"I am scared." He muttered and you shook your head.

"Everything will be okay Finn" You whispered and cupped his cheek. You pressed your lips against his, keeping it short and sweet due to the others being in the room.

You decided to go to Leeds and Tommy sent four bodyguards with you.

Managing to get the work done, you come back home completely safe.

Finn was so worried about you; and he was also struggling to get a good nights sleep while you were gone - out of pure worry. However neither could you, but due to a different reason. A very different reason completely.

Rushing out of bed in the morning, you threw your face into the toilet and puked your guts out.

Sniffling, due to your hatred of being sick, you wiped your mouth and went to get back into bed - but you softly smacked into Finn before you could do so.

"You okay?" He asked and you looked up to him with hopeful eyes. "What?"

"I need to tell you something." You mumbled and Finn panicked, thinking you all the bad things one could think of.

"You are worrying me Y/N!" He muttered and you took his hand.

You said nothing, just to slightly wined him up and put him on edge slightly.

"Just don't freak out."

"I am freaking out!" He huffed. "It is too late to control! Now please, sweetheart just tell me what's wrong- is it me? Have I done something to you-"

"-No!" You stopped him there.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"We are going to have a baby." You grinned and carefully watched his reaction.

"What?" He breathed out happily.

"You are going to be a dad" You smiled and he picked you up; spinning you around the place before realising he didn't want to make you feel more sick.

"Yes you are Finn and you are going to be the best dad a child can have." You brushed his hair behind his ear.

"When is it due?" He questioned and put his hands on your belly.

"In around 6 months time." You put your lips on his and he put you on the bed gently; before pulling away.

"Do you want to a drink, I can get you one?" He rushed. "Have you got appropriate shoes to wear for today?"

"Finn, my shoes are fine and I am just fine too." You grinned at how protective he was.

"I just want to keep you safe."

"And you will."

"I love you." He smiles and kissed you.

"I love you too."

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