Tommy Shelby - 'You make me weak'

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You and Tommy have been friends for a long time. The two of you were close before the war and when he came back, he had changed a lot. Tommy was so infatuated with Grace and it killed you to see the two of them so loved up – as you really cared for Tommy.

"Stop staring" Ada warns. "They will notice."

"I was not staring" You mutter, your eyes averting somewhere else.

"Y/N, yes you were." She sighs handing you a glass of whiskey. You take a big breath out as you sip the whiskey, scrunching your face up as you swallow it all in one gulp

"You may have been right Ada" You chug her drink down too as you stand up, stumbling slightly at the impact the strong liquid had on you already. "It drives me insane. One minute I think he gives a shit and the next, I don't. But I do know he loves her. I have been replaced and I am okay with that."

"No you aren't Y/N" She sighs and hugs you into her. Tears threaten to spill but you try to keep it together as you see Polly looking at you and Ada with a questioning look.

"I miss how things used to be." You stutter; watching Polly coming over and putting a hand on your shoulder.

"You two okay?" She asks and a tear slip down your cheek. Instantly Polly knows what the deal is and why you are upset.

"You deserve better than him." She sighs and wipes the tear away. Not knowing what to say, you turn and look up to see Tommy looking over to you in a worried manner.

"I am going to get some air" You mutter as you walk out the pub and into the small alley way beside the pub; beginning to smack the wall in anger.

"What did that wall ever do to you?" You hear his voice say; Tommy comes over to you and you move away from him.

"Don't bother Tommy" You shake your head and walk away from him; saving an argument from escaping.

"Y/N!" he groans and grabs your hand. You tug away and walk away faster.

"Go away Tommy" You warn and he does not listen to you; continuing to follow you as you hurried along. "Go back to your precious Grace."

"Y/N!" He yells this time; grabbing your forearm and shoving you hard against the wall. Breathing heavily, you stare at him in shock. "Listen to me."

"What do you want from me" Tommy you say in exhaustion, looking away to the side.

"Look at me Y/N" He whispers and you shake your head, but the force of his hand bring you slowly and gently to face him. His nose brushed against yours as you bit down on your lip, getting Goosebumps everywhere. "I need her for my business."

"Tommy, don't give me that crap-"You cut him off, but he does the exact same back to you.

"I do." He snaps. "She knows a lot of people Y/N. Very important people that can help this business bloom."

"Oh right, silly me. I forgot the business always comes first." You roll your eyes and he watches your lips.

"Don't be like that" He snaps. "You know how the business is. You have been in it long enough to understand the certain sacrifices that need to be made"

"There is a difference Tommy between a sacrifice and punishment." You snap; trying to push away from him. "And you do not just make those punishments affect one individual, they affect us all."

"That is what I have to do Y/N! It is my living. For fuck sake, I am a leader of a gang!" He growls; not letting you move. "Do you think this is easy for me?"

"No I don't" You snap. "But I do think you should stop being a prick and actually be humane for once in the certain decisions you are making."

"You have no idea what I put up with." He aruges. "The decisions I make and how it affects me."

"Well you seem to hurt people pretty fucking easily." He rolls his eyes at you. "Stop Tommy. You don't like it when someone else rises up to you. You hate it. I know you more than anyone, even yourself."

"You don't get it Y/N" He hits the wall behind you; pointing a finger at you.

"What is there to get?" You scream and his face softens as he looks to you; welling up slightly as he touches your cheek softly.

"We are in danger" He whispers. "I cannot let you be involved with that. I care about you too much."

"You have a funny way of showing it." You glare and he sighs.

"I care about you. I want to keep you safe all the time and being with me won't ensure your safety all the time." He breathes out, leaning closer to you. "I want you to be by my side 24/7. Seeing you away from me and seeing the pain I cause you, makes me rethink the whole gang. I can't be seen as weak."

"You are saying I make you weak?" You get upset at his words.

"Yes." He honestly says. "You make me normal and Tommy Shelby the normal man, rather than gang leader. But I can't change now; I have already come too deep."

"I wish things were different." You let out a tear.

"So do I darling." He lifts up your cheek and wipes your tear.

He firmly presses his lips to yours; expressing the love that he had for you and the desire to want you at every minute of the day. You kissed back willingly as you melted into his arms.

The kiss was so passionate the two of you were gasping for breath at small intervals; it becoming heated as he began to lift up your dress slowly. You ran your hands through his hair as he pushed you against the wall some more – getting as close to you as possible.

"Tommy" You breathe out as he kisses your neck. "You need to stop"

"I can't help but carry on" He mutters as he leans his forehead on yours. "I need you every minute and the thought of you with someone else kills me."

He pulls back and tucks your hair behind your ear.

"I love you."

"I love you too Tommy." You grinned in happiness.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife." ...

Part 2, I don't know.... 😝

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