John Shelby - 'Changed for good'

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You and John had been married for 6 years now; the two of had 2 small children together - Toby, 5 and Rory, 3. Both of you wanted another child but because of the situation the gang were in at the moment, you both thought it would be for the best, to wait until the business is over.

Being one of the only women to not bother yourself in the business of the gang, made you rather left out of certain things. Polly was not your best friend, not knowing you very well because of your situation. The rest of the girls made their way to talk to you and to come round to see you and the children - but Polly was different.

"Mummy, I don't want to go to bed" Rory huffs as he plays with his train set John had brought him.

"I know you don't baby." You smile as you bend to his height. "But it is very late and well past your bed time."

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asks with a pout at the end. Not helping but grin at the mischievous pout he had on his face.

"You are a big boy Rory, you can sleep in your own bed" You raise an eyebrow and he huffs upset, then running back to you and hugs your legs.

"Please mummy" He begs and you shake your head no; lifting the child up in your arms.

You were about to speak, when you heard a loud sound come from the front door. Looking up, you saw John with Arthur and carrying an injured Tommy in their arms. Rory had not seen and you decided to hurry him upstairs; which he obeyed and still completely oblivious.

"Lay him over there" You point to the table.

As you rushed towards them, they laid Tommy down on the kitchen table; looking at you to know what to do next.

"Arthur get the alcohol by the sink" you instruct and John puts a hand to his mouth; anxious for sure.

"Here Y/N" Arthur hands it over and you thank him.

"Tommy this is going to hurt a lot, so I will warn you now." You inspect the wound and see how bad it is. "Shit..."

You wipe your forehead and look to the two men who are quite clearly panicking as they watch you.

"You are going to have to hold him down" You tell them and each one of them grabs an arm each. "Tommy I am going to clean the wound now."

He screams out in pain as you clean the wound and putting a cloth on it as soon as you are done. The two men have to hold Tommy down tightly; knowing the pain their brother was truly in.

"You two go get a drink" You whisper; looking to them. "You look bloody awful."

They walk in the living room and Arthur sits on the sofa; while John stands by the fireplace. You helped Tommy get sorted and gave him so sleeping sediment to calm him down; ultimately to make him sleep. Tommy was so exhausted and you could see it in his eyes.

"He will be okay" You say to John and Arthur as you walk into the room. "But you might want to move him to somewhere more comfortable; I gave him some sleeping tablets."

"Thank you Y/N, you are great" Arthur thanked you as he kissed your cheek; walking to his brother as you faced John.

"Y/N-" John began but you cut him off by raising your hand.

"I don't want to know what happened John" You shake your head; speaking softly still. "Just go help Arthur."

He walked into the room and did as you said; helping Tommy get into one of the many spare rooms that you had in the house.

Arthur, soon after left the house and told you he would call by in the morning. John was showing Arthur out, when you heard little footsteps come down the stairs.

"Who is that?" You giggle as you turn to see Rory standing there.

"Me!" He squeals and you pick him up; spinning him around.

"Who is me?" You gasp as you poke his belly.

"Rory!" He screams and you put a hand over his mouth playfully. "Rory Shelby!" He whispers; still giggling.

"Well Rory Shelby, it is past your bedtime." You poked his nose and he yawned slightly. "Come on sleepy boy, lets go to bed."

"Daddy!" He perks up as he looks to see John coming in behind you both.

"Hey little man" He kisses the small child's forehead. "How about I take you to bed?"

"Yes!" He giggles and John kisses your lips lightly, as he takes Rory off you; then disappearing upstairs.

Moments later, John comes into the bedroom you shared; changing as he watches you read your book. It was awkward tension in the air as you pretended to almost act as if he was not there.

"What's wrong?" He asks and you raise an eyebrow; still ignoring him. "Y/N?"

"What John?" You snap quietly, annoyed with him for making you stop your book.

"What have I done now?" He huffs and gets into the covers.

"You are joking right?" You frown; sitting up as he lays down beside you. "What have you done now? Your attitude stinks."

"You are acting as if I am your child" He spits in anger.

"Well, when you behave like a child, that's how I will treat you!" You retort and he rolls his eyes.

"I am sick of arguing with you constantly." He mutters and you roll your eyes back.

"So am I" you breathe out as you look to him.

You both stay in silence for a moment, but it felt like forever.

"I am just sick and tired of all the drama that happens with this life I am in" you confess as you look to him in sadness. "First you coming in half dead and now Tommy? I get you are in a tricky business John but I cannot keep letting affect me life and my children's."

"I know it's hard for you, I really do-" He begins but you cut him off.

"Do you really?" You mockingly laugh; shaking your head.

"Yes, I do" He snaps seriously. "I will try and change, Y/N I love you and for god sake I love my children too. I want was is best for you all and if that means leaving the gang, then I will."

"Do you really mean it?" You ask with hope in your voice.

"I do sweetheart." He smiles and leans up, placing a hand on your cheek. "I will help Tommy get back on his feet and then leave for good. I promise."

"I love you John, I really do" You confess. "But please, do not break that promise. For our children's sake."

"I won't darling" He kisses your lips softly, before pulling you into his body lustfully.

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