Alfie Solomons - 'Twin Brother'

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Alfie had a twin brother, Kyle - who was a crazy man who had been sentenced to three years in prison for grievous bodily harm. Near the end of his sentence, he was certified insane. The king was safe, but God save you all.

Walking in, linked arms with Alfie. You walk into the bar he owned in London; arm in arm as you show off your wedding ring to the people of London - making sure everyone knew you were Alfie's future wife.

"I am nervous on what they will say" You giggle as you walk together to see Alfie's twin.

"Don't be sweetheart" He continues to walk; but looks down to you with a kindhearted smile. Kissing your forehead as he holds your hand. "They will be happy"

"Do you think Kyle will be?" You ask as you both stand at the door to the club. He put a hand on your forearm and brought you closer to him.

"I truthfully don't know Y/N" he breathes out and kisses your forehead again; but this time his lips lingered there for a moment.

"Stay with me" You beg and he nods his head; breathing out a laugh as he looks down to you; kissing your lips before taking your hand and walking into the bar.

"It will be busy, so stay close" He demands gently.

But the comment was ironic. It was not busy at all. Friday nights were usually the busiest times of the week, but not today.

"Did I miss something?" Alfie frowned. "Is this not - This is Friday night, right?"

"Well, I tried to tell you." Ollie huffed.

"Yeah, but it's Friday night, right?" He was so shocked and did not know what to say nor do. "You didn't tell me that it was this bad, did you? It's Kyle, innit?"

"He's run the place into the ground. He's turned a straight money earner into a financial wreck." Ollie stressed as Kyle sat on the table; smoking a cigar. "And another thing: This place will crash when we get our tax bill next week."

Kyle walked over and looked you up and down.

"Come on Y/N, lets go" Alfie whispered in your ear; putting a hand to your back.

"That's very rude." Kyle frowned. "Oi, where are you going?"

"It's fucking criminal, mate!" Alfie screamed and pointed at his brother in anger.

"Oh, there he is, my beautiful brother, Alfie. A toast to my beautiful brother. Home at last, like Agamemnon returned to Ithaca." He raises his glass and looks to you. "And beautiful Y/N. Where have you been? It's as if you've returned from the dead."

"What are you doing, mate?" Alfie shouted and you hid behind Alfie's back; getting embarrassed. "What are you fucking playing at? Eh?"

"I'm not playing at anything. It's you." Kyle snaps and sees the ring; shaking his head. "You come in here. You don't even say, "Hello, Kyle." You don't even have a drink. You just bugger off and forget to mention you are marrying the ghost."

"Hello, Kyle. Cheers, mate." Alfie glared sarcastically. "Fuck you!"

"What are you shouting at me for?" Kyle snarled and you shook your head.

"Because you had the world on a string, yeah? But you couldn't hold it together so you fucked it up." Alfie squares up to his brother but still kept you close.

"I had to make do with what I had." Kyle breathed out the smoke in Alfie's face. As you watched them, you heard Ollie and another man speak behind you.

"Who you think will win?" Ollie asked and you frowned slightly as you listened.

"Score?" The man asked and Ollie muttered 'mhm'

"Alfie. He'll never go down in front of the missus." He said and it made you smile; even though you felt as though it was not the time.

"Alfie, please." You begged him; wanting to go. "Let's just go."

"It's all right, honestly. I got this. It's fine." Alfie smiles; turning to you to reassure.

"Yeah, actually, he's got this." Kyle glared at you. "Thank you very much. He's a big boy. We're talking about earning a living. We're talking about being gangsters, right, which is what we are. So you can just fuck off. Go on."

"Don't." Alfie seriously snapped and shoved a finger in his brothers face. Your eyes filled with tears as you allowed to the man to make you feel intimidated.

"You know, one of these days, Kyle Solomon's, your miserable life will swallow you whole." You spat back; feeling more and more anger towards him.

"You should know all about that, because I've heard all the stories. They're not good." Kyle walks closer towards you. "Your mum did palm us off with the damaged goods, didn't she? You're very, very damaged, aren't you?"

"All right, just get in the car." Alfie begged you as a tear fell down your cheek and he turned to his brother. "Don't ever speak to her like that again."

"Yeah, that's right, Y/N." Kyle snarled again. "Blood is thicker than water, and I've been with Alfie since the womb."

"Kyle, shut up. I want you to apologise to Y/N right now." Alfie demanded again; making his brother actually stop being a dick to you.

"Right." Kyle took a deep breath in and you bit down on your lip. "All right. Right, right. Y/N. I'm sorry, all right? Yes. I'm truly very sorry the club's very, very empty. A bit like you, really. There's fuck-all in it, apart from my brother's cock."

With one swift movement, Alfie punched his brother in the face and everyone took a huge deep breath in and gasped in shock.

"You, all right, are a fucking disgrace, mate." Alfie glared and they both looked at each other with wild eyes.

"You hit me." Kyle gasped through gritted teeth.

"Yeah." Alfie wiped his forehead.

Kyle punched Alfie back; the two of them fought each other in front of everyone that was in the bar - which was not a lot. Standing there, you started to become embarrassed as you watched your future husband fighting his own blood.

"Stop Alfie" you begged as people came into the bar; watching the men fighting each other.

It was more and more embarrassing as you saw your friends come in; snickering as they looked to you and then Alfie. They looked to you, with a nasty look and it made you feel so low.

"Fuck you Alfie" you muttered and walked out. Hearing him shout your name as you ran away. The rain poured down your face, as you walked through the streets of London.

After what felt like hours of walking, you felt someone grab you from behind and as you turned, you saw Alfie looking down to you.

"Alfie leave me alone" you say over the rain and he shake his head; dragging you into the alley way and out of the rain. "Alfie get off"

"I am sorry" He breathes out and you stare at him; taking a deep breath in.

"I am grateful that you stuck up for me" You whisper. "But it was embarrassing Alf."

"I know sweetheart" He smiles; putting a hand on your cheek and pressing his lips on yours.

The two of you kissed long and passionately; getting too heated while in the middle of the alley way. He lifted you up and moved himself closer to you.

"I want to protect every inch of you" He whispers; kissing your neck - giving you shivers.

You were catnip to him and he was to you.

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