Tommy Shelby - 'Are you crazy?'

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"Are you crazy?" You snap as you look to Ada. "Do you know how dangerous this is?"

"Y/N give me lectures when I am back." She rolls her eyes as she puts on her coat.

"If I knew that you were going then I would have-" you begin but she cuts you off.

"Would have what?" She snaps and puts a hand on her hip. "Told my brothers? Not let me go? No one can stop me from going."

"Ada you might get into danger" You groan, feeling as if she is not thinking this through. "Ada will you listen to me?!"

She ignored you and it made your blood boil.

"Ada for fuck sake!" You scream, throwing a glass to the wall. "Freddie died of the same cause! It is no use fighting a cause that is pointless and won't have a good outcome!"

"It is pointless because you do not believe in it" She screams just as loud. "Just because Y/N arselicks the Shelby brothers - specifically Tommy. Because tommy can do no fucking wrong!"

"That is a cheap shot!" You shout as you follow her around the house. "Honestly Ada if you think insulting me is going to change my mind on how stupid you are being, then you are mistaken!"

"Why don't you go back and fuck my brother" She growls. "That is the way you got into this gang."

"You are being a bitch" you scream and she throws a glass vase at you. "You are crazy Ada!"

"Go away Y/N!" She throws another thing at you.

"This is my house as well!" You scream and throws a shoe at her but she ends up dodging it.

"You know what!?" She snaps. "I wish I never knew you. You are just friends with me to get to my brother. You are no friend of mine!"

You stare at her in shock at the words she has poured out.

"He probably fucks you just so he can get information out of you." She spits. "Or because you are an easy whore!"

Standing there, tears prick your eyes as she throws a glass that hits your arm and badly cuts it.

"Fuck you" you let out as your arm bleeds.

Wrapping up a piece of cloth and putting it on your arm, you slam the door and wince at the pain your arm is in.

Walking to polly's was a frequent thing you did when you were ever stressed or had a argument with Ada. But this time, it felt so personal that you thought the only suitable person would be was Polly due to the fact that Ada seemed to have an issue with anybody else.

"Polly" You hiccuped as you finally allowed the tears to fall down your face.

"Y/N?" She asks confused, coming into the room she sees you standing there bleeding. "What the-"

"Ada and I got into a fight" You cry and she pulls you into her.

"Come on sweet, lets get you cleaned up." She held your hand as she sat you on the chair in the kitchen.


You told Polly everything that was said between the both of you. Polly agreed with you about the rally Ada wanted to go to, it was too dangerous and we were just looking out for her.

"Then she said that Tommy was only so involved with me because I was a whore." You hiccup and shake your head. Polly hugs you into her tightly, then wiping away the blood.

"You are not a whore Y/N" She answers and you bite down on your lip due to the pain.

"I just can't help but think about tommy and I Pol." You mutter. "What if he doesn't care as much as I care for him?"

"Don't Be So daft!" She rolls her eyes and then pulls out some glass.

"Fuck" You gasp. "She threw fucking good."

"So lady like" John teases as he walks in. "What the Fuck happened."

"Fuck you John" you said playfully. "Your sister is a crazy person John. A fucking strange bitch with a fucking good aim."

"So many profanities." He retorted.

"I am surprised you know such word" you mock and he rolls his eyes, coming over and watching Polly.

"Does Tommy know?" He asks and you shake your head.

"He will go crazy at her" He sighs as he smokes his cigar.

"Maybe" you shrug and you shout out in pain as Polly tries to get some glass out of your arm.

"Stop shouting" Polly snaps and you rolls your eyes.

"What is all the shouting for?" Arthur asks as he comes into the room, seeing you sat there; tommy coming in behind him.

"Your sister is a c-" Polly began but cut you off.

"They got into a fight and Ada said some shit to Y/N, then threw a glass at her and resulted into her arm being attacked." Polly answered for you and you appreciated the better and more suitable version.

"What did she say?" Tommy asks as he watches you.

"Some stupid bollocks." You mutter. "That makes me afraid, whether it's true or not."

"What?" Arthur questions and John laughs, dragging him out.

"Right I am all done" She says and wraps the arm up in a bandage.

"Thank you Polly" You sigh and she kisses your forehead before leaving the room.

"What did she say Y/N?" Tommy says as he breaks the ice.

"She said some shit Tommy" You groan and stands up. "Some fucking stupid shit that makes me die."

"What did she say" He groans back, begging you to tell.

"Nothing" You stand up and go to walk away, before he asks anymore questions.

"What did she say?" He asks again, trapping you up against the door.

"That I am your whore" You say after a moment of silence. "That you only use me for sex."

"She is wrong Y/N" Tommy sighs and cups your cheek with his large hard. "Tell me you don't believe her?"

"For a moment I did Tommy." You breathe out. "After all, where are we even headed."

"It is difficult Y/N, you know that." He sighs and lights a cigarette.

"To love me?" You question. Tommy breathes out the smoke as he looks to you; giving you a disapproving look.

"Stop Y/N." He groans. "I do love you."

"Then say it like you mean it" You demand and he puts the cigarette down; pushing you to the wall behind with a thud.

"I love you" He whispers and presses his lips to yours.

"I love you too Tommy" You say against his lips as the two of you kiss passionately.

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