John Shelby - 'Empowered'

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"It's not fair." Jane huffed as she smoked on her cigarette; one hand on her pregnant belly and her legs on the table. "They're off drinking and shooting rifles as we sit here and listen to the mugs swearing, spitting on the bloody floor for us to fucking wipe up! Without men here, they'll be like dogs pissing up the wall."

You continued to write in the book; preparing for the bids on the horses as soon as it turned 9am. John and the others were out today, off in the forest near Tommy's house in the country - having a great time, while you women were left to run the business.

John had made you promise to be on your best behaviour before he left for a couple of days; of course you obliged but you were not aware on what was about to strike your attention.

Polly walked in, looking like a mess as she smoked her cigarette; tear streaked eyes and a tired face. She looked to Jane as she flounced about the office and constant moaning about the boys. Jane was married to Finn; the two of them were made to marry because they found out Jane was pregnant and they did not want people to know she was pregnant out of wedlock - so the two decided to get married.

"I was just saying it's not fair." Jane huffed, snorting some cocaine she had brought from the black market - on the contrary to your protests to not.

"The men are down there like lords Jane-" Polly sighed as she went to the small bar in the corner and poured herself a drink; returning back to reality for a moment to carry on her conversation. "-just get on with it."

"I'm bloody five months gone!" Jane yelled and you shook your head; amused by her mood but it was getting annoying.

"Pol, you look like a fucking mess" You winked as you looked up to her unamused face. "Where the hell were this morning? They have been banging on the door since early this morning."

Polly walked over to the safe and tried to open the vault to get money out - which no one objected to or questioned why.

"Forgot the combination." Polly smacked the side and you looked up to her.

"24-8-22." You and Lizzie say at the same time; making you both smile to each other.

"How do you know the paper cash combination?" Polly questioned Lizzie; knowing that you already new the combination.

"Tommy talks in his sleep." You smirked as Jane laughs at your comment.

"Shut up, Y/N." Lizzie glared; which only made the two of you laugh even more on how defensive she was getting.

"He's changed the combination." Polly disagreed and you rolled your eyes; standing up and walking over to her.

"You've put it in wrong." You argue and look to her state that she is in.

"No, I haven't." She huffs and you see her trembling hands.

"Your hands are shaking." You shake your head; not asking any more questions and with one click you opened the safe up - allowing Polly to go in.

Sitting back down, you continued to do your work before you opened up shop. Silence filled the room for a brief moment.

"And, actually, I am sleeping with Tommy, OK?" Lizzie blurted out. Making you all look at her in a mixture of sudden confusion on the random outburst and amusement. "Now and then. Because he wants to. Now and then. When the mood takes him. Except we don't sleep. It's hard to sleep bent over a desk, isn't it? Happy?"

You snorted out a laugh but quickly tried to cover it with a cough. Then standing up, sorting out the pieces of paper around you; everyone else (including you) unsure what to even say next.

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