Michael Gray - 'Birds fly away'

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"Henry!" You giggle as he rides the bike faster. "I feel like a bird!"

"Then fly away Y/N!" He yells out a laugh as you went faster down the hill.

"Would you come with me?" You giggle more as you holds one of your arms out.

"Of course I would" He smile as you both fall to the ground; luckily the grass was beside you and you landed sort of softly.

"Oh my god" You laugh loudly; Michael leaning one arm over you and pulling you to face him.

"You are crazy" He whispers.

"And So are you" You stutter back. "You make me crazy."

"I hope in a bloody good way?" He laughs as he leans closer.

"In an amazing way" You whisper; Henry looking down at your lips.

"I think I am in love with you" he blurts out and you look to him in shock.

"And I think I am too" you tease but mean your words.

He leans in and kisses your lips. Cupping your cheek; his pulls you closer to his chest as he moves you up against him. The two of you making love to one another in one of the most adventurous places - quite romantic...


"He has what?" You stutter as you stand at the door of Henry's parents.

"He has gone to Birmingham." She cries, your whole world seems to crash down right before your own eyes.

"Why has he gone there?" You question; getting teary.

"That's where his real mother lives" She says. "I am sorry Y/N."

She shuts the door on you as she sniffles away upset. His other adopted brothers coming up to you and hugging your waist.

"Why are you crying Y/N?" James asked you as he kissed your hip - the height in which he was.

"Henry has gone for a trip." You slightly lie. "I just did not know about it."

"I miss him already!" Like groans as he pulls your arm to go play with them - which did distract your mind for a good few hours.

But every time you went to sleep, you thought of Henry. You thought of your time together and how he was just so easy on dispersing into thin air; without any look back.

Years went by and you were 21 years old. In some ways, you had forgot all about Henry - Michael; which you know his name to be now - from his adopted mother.

You haven't heard from him at all, but you know he is apart of the Blinders gang, which terrified you even more.

Love was no interest of yours anymore after Michael left you. Men had asked you on dates, but you would always kindly refuse - you had Michael to thank for that issue of yours.

It was the Cheltenham races today and you and your best friend Maria decided you both would go to them. You got your best dresses on and made sure you looked very suitable for the races - very prestigious races.

"God you look hot!" Maria laughs as she looks you up and down.

"So do you my dear friend" you say poshly as you both give a small hug to each other. "Should we go?"

"Yes!" She squealed and the two of you got into a car with two other of the boys you had planned on going with.

Once you got to the races, you saw the business of the people that rushed to get their bets in on their horses - winning big money was their goal.

"I'm going to place a bet." Maria giggled. "George, would you come with me?"

"Of course!" He blushed and followed her away to the bets.

"They Like each other" You say to Daniel.

"I agree!" He laughs. "Want a drink?"

"Bloody hell, yes I do!" You giggle as you walk to the bar with him; leaning against the bar as you look out into the crowd.

Looking around, your heart stops when you see a familiar face - one you weren't sure whether you really wanted to see. You stared at him in shock as he watched you with wide eyes. Before the two of you could make a move, a girl flung herself on him and kissed his cheek. You turned around quickly and Daniel handed you your drink, you chugged it all back at once and held onto Daniels hand as you pulled him to the racing track.

From the side, you could see Michael and this girl laughing - the two of them having fun.

"Daniel, pretend to flirt with me" you beg him as he sees where you are looking.

"Shit! Is that -" He begins to say but you cut him off.

"Yes it is, now please do it" you plead more and he laughs at you; bringing you closer to him and kissing your forehead.

"This Okay?" He laughs; catching the attention of Michael.

"Perfect" You giggle as you put your hands on his chest. "He is looking."

The whole race, you two kept pretending to flirt and it was getting under Michael's skin. Once the announcer told their would be a half an hour break before the next set of races; you looked to see Michael had gone and left his date.

"I am going to the toilet" you brush off Michael as you walk away to go to the bathrooms.

Walking in, you sort yourself out and walk back out to find Daniel.

"Nice try to make me jealous" you hear the familiar voice say from behind you; making you stop in your tracks.

Turning around you look to see Michael standing against the wall, with his hands in his pockets.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" you lie and turn around to walk away.

"Don't lie to me Y/N" he pulls your arm so you can't walk away. "I know you better than anyone."

"Not anymore" you breathe out sarcastically. "You have no idea who I am."

"Don't be like this" he sighed. "I am really sorry."

"I don't care about apologises Henry- Michael, whatever you are called." You snap. "I want you to let go of me."

"I can't let you go without explaining myself" He pleads And you laugh mockingly.

"You think I will want to listen to what you have to say?" You spit and He frowns at you. "I don't want to be near you."

"Y/N... please just listen to me." He begs more and you take a huge sigh out. "Then not here, somewhere else."

"I am with friends at the races" you ignore the plea. "And I want to enjoy it with them."

"Then tonight." He begins to say. "Meet me here at 7?"

You watch him for a moment, unsure what to do or say.

"You are so cocky." You groan. "I don't know you nor do I want to know you."

"You are lying Y/N" He snaps and you push him back.

"I am not lying." You argue; knowing that you were unsure on the situation; really wanting to slap him but kiss him - a complete mix of emotions.

"Are you telling me you never want to see me again? After everything we have been through?" He frowns and you shake your head in disbelief.

"You left me." You snap. "You know what Michael, this is what birds do. They fly off, once they have moved on."

With one turn, you walked away from the man.

"Y/N!" He yells and you ignore him. "I'll be here at 7. If you want to talk, I'll meet you then."

Shaking your head, you walk to find your friends and try to enjoy the rest of the race; but you can't help but think about Michael...

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