Thomas Shelby - 'Help In The Campaign 2'

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"Congratulations Mr Shelby." A woman smiled as she shook the hands of Tommy; before walking past you.

A chorus of 'well done' went around the room, as they congratulated Tommy for winning the election and becoming the new mayor of Birmingham - all thanks to your hard work too.

"All thanks to you" He whispers in your ear, putting his hand on your lower back just before walked past you.

The music, food and chatter of people made it difficult to concentrate. You looked around, not knowing many people.

"You did an amazing job" Arthur giggles as he wraps an arm around your shoulder.

"Thanks Arthur but it was all Tommy" You laughed at the drunk man.

"God, why did Tommy not marry you?" He groans and you laugh at him, grabbing the bottle of whiskey from his hands.

"How many of these have you had?" You laughed even more as you took a swig of it yourself.

"Not many at all" He teases, raising his eyebrow and grabbing his bottle back. "Now I am going to find my wife and fu-"

"Arthur!" You gasp and cover your ears. "Shut up, I don't want to know!"

He laughs and walks off, leaving you on your own once more. Looking around, you awkwardly stand there, staring at people as they did their own thing.

"You know, now that he is mayor." You heard Lizzie say as she stood beside you, the two of you looking forwards. "He won't want anything to do with you now."

"Why are you so nasty?" You frown, looking up to her, but she continued to look on.

Tommy looked at you both from afar, but he did not make it obvious. You had no idea he was looking, neither did Lizzie.

"You are in my way of the thing I want" She snaps and you scoff at her. "You are in no way, a threat to me."

"You are contradicting yourself Lizzie." You glare. "If you are not that worried of me being a threat, why are we engaging in a conversation?"

"You think you are so intelligent" She looks down to you. "Maybe you should go back to where you belong, somewhere far away from here."

"Knowing that would make you happy, makes me not want to go even more." You retort and she scoffs at you.

"Maybe you should have just died with your parents in that crash." She says with absolutely no emotion in her voice.

"How could you" You let a tear fall from you cheek. Storming past her, she doesn't say anything else but just smirks as you walk out of the room.

"What did you say to her?" Tommy snapped as he came close to Lizzie; watching you push past people to leave the building. "Lizzie! What did you say to her!"

"I told her what everyone thinks." She snaps and looks to Tommy as his hands harshly grab her shoulders. "That She should of died with-"

Tommy did not need to hear the rest, he ran off in the direction you were going. He was concerned about you and raced on after you, but you were walking so fast.

"Y/N!" He yells and you both end up outside. You ignored him and continued to walk away from it all. "Y/N, sweetheart just listen to me."

"Why?!" You snap as you turned around, him bringing you into his chest immediately. "Why..."

"I'm so sorry" He whispers and kisses the top of your head.

"I hate her Tommy." You mutter.

"I know you do" He sighs and you let a tear go as you look up to him once more.

"No, you don't know why Tommy" You softly spoke and you felt more confident than ever.

"She told me what she said to you Y/N" He began. "It was disgusting-"

"No Thomas" You shake your head, not wanting to hear it again but it also not being the reason you disliked her. "Do you know why I hate her the most?"

"Why?" He frowns, confused on what you were talking about.

"Because She has you." You breathe out. "And I don't."

You both look to each other. Tommy did not know what to say, but he felt the exact same way; even though he was unable to speak at that moment.

"That is what kills me the most" You whisper, ending what you had to say.

"Fuck" He whispers, you not really sure how to take it.

"I am going to go Tommy" You gently smile, walking away; back to your small apartment you rented while helping Tommy out with the campaign.

Walking away from him again.


An open of the door, woke you up in shock as you lay in your bed, half asleep. You looked up and grabbed the small hand gun, standing up and walking around the house to see the intruder.

"Hello?" You called and then Tommy appeared from the corner. You breathed out a heavy sigh. "Are you crazy Tommy, I could have killed you-"

"Y/N, I cannot let you walk away from me again." He says and you shake your head.

"It is no use Tommy" You stutter. "I am leaving for London tomorrow. I am leaving your life so I don't mess things up for you-"

"You don't understand Y/N!" He snaps and grabs your arms. "You mess my life up by not being there."

"You have a daughter, a daughter that is hers." You raise your eyebrows. "I cannot intrude on your relationship."

"I don't love her Y/N!" He snaps. "Stop trying to force me to love someone, I don't. Besides, I am not the-"

"But you need to be with her-" you interrupted and he got more angry at you for being stubborn.

"Listen to me for Christ sake!" He yells and you jump slightly. "I am not the father."

"What?" You gasped.

"I am not the father" He repeats. "She knows who he is, but it is not me."

"Are you-" You began but Tommy pulled you closer to him.

"Don't ask questions." He demanded softly. "Don't question it at all."

"Tommy, do you love her?" You timidly asked.

"I love you" He says and you cannot help but smile at him.

"Say it again Tommy" You giggled and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I love you" He brings his face closer to yours.

"I love you too" You whispered back, grinning from ear to ear.

"I am never letting you go again" He whispers softly and rubs his thumb on your cheek.

"Never, never again Tommy" You smiled before pressing your lips against his.

"You are going to have to change your plans for London" He raises his eyebrows up and down, being hopeful.

"Maybe I will have too" You winked to him, making him lift you up and kiss you, placing you on the bed as you continued to kiss.

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