Thomas Shelby - 'The Priest'

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You and Tommy had been in an awkward position for many years. The two of you cared about each other so much, but it never worked out between the two of you - due to the fact you were not interested at all, about the gang. You had how much the gang meant to Tommy and how he would put anything at risk for it. It made you feel vulnerable and you were not strong enough to cope with it.

The family kept in contact with you, even though you and Tommy cooled things off; after all, you were still apart of the family by heart - they all loved you.

You had meant another man, a vicar, a young man who followed God in the ways of life. You were never the religious type, but you believed in a God and the spirit in which he was taught by.

The boys were always taking the piss out of you and the relationship that you had with the Vicar - Tom; but you ignored them, knowing they were doing it in an harmless way. Tommy hated the fact you were with him and it made him extremely jealous.

Deep down inside, you knew that you shouldn't be perusing another man, when you were still very much in love with another. Tommy never got over you and watched the relationship between you and Tom flourish right before his eyes, which killed him.

"No fucking way!" Ada gasped as she looked to the ring on your finger. "And the engagement party is tonight!?"

"Yes way." You smiled as you breathed out your cigarette, putting it in your mouth once more before breathing the smoke out. "He wanted it ASAP. I told him he didn't need to both."

"When is the wedding booked for?" She asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "Well, you could sound more fucking happy!"

"I am happy" You defend yourself quickly, making her raise her eyebrows; knowing what you truly felt.

"You know, if you still have feelings for him, you should just tell him. I am sure -" She begins but you cut her off by standing up and putting the fag in the ash tray.

"I am happy Ada." You snap and grab your coat; before walking outside and slamming the door as you left.

As you walked down the lane, you kept looking at your ring - making you question everything as you continued to walk. You knew it was for the best and what you needed to keep you grounded. While you were too busy looking down, you didn't see that you were about to collide into a familiar chest.

"Y/N" Tom smiled as you looked up to him; smiling back to him as he kissed your cheek.

"Hey" You breathe out; smiling at him as he steps back to see you.

"Where are you off too?" He asks and you shrug your shoulders, looking around the place. "Okay, well I have to go. Got a service to attend too."

"Bye" You both say to each as he walks away; leaving a smirking John from behind where Tom stood.

"Shut the fuck up John" You growl as you walk past him; shoving his shoulder but he came running after you.

"I have heard a rumour." He smirks more; following after you.

"Oh yeah, well what would that rumour be?" You snap; looking to him as he sees your hand.

"You are engaged to him" He raises an eyebrow and lifts your hand up to show the ring. "And the rumour was true."

You snatched your hand back and narrowed your eyes at him.

"Does Tommy know?" You ask, your heart beating faster and faster.

"No, not that I am aware of." He answers honestly, lighting a cigarette and giving you one and the two of you stand in silence. "But He will find out sooner or later Y/N."

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