John Shelby - 'I didn't know 3'

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"You are very beautiful" The man, Toby, smiled as he swayed from side to side with you on the dance floor.

"Thank you" You blush to the handsome man, gushing at his never ending supply of compliments.

It was the after party and a lot more people arrived for the event. Everyone was having fun while talking over the music, drinking and dancing with new people. You had not seen John for most of the night and you could not help but wonder where he was.

You preoccupied yourself by dancing with other people, but you wanted to dance with John. Mary wanted to know everything and of course, in true best friend style, you tell her everything. She was excited for you, but you did not want her to exactly plan a wedding for you!

"You married?" He asked and you shook your head no, looking around the place - looking for John. "You looking for someone?"

"Sorry" You shake your head, feeling very rude and he pulled you closer to him; your face nearly resting on his shoulders, it would have if you were, relaxed.

"Come closer to me" He demands slightly, but his actions were becoming a bit dominant but you did not say anything.

His body moved against yours, making you feel really uncomfortable. You tried to pull back but he wouldn't let you, his grip only tightened. Panicking, you could see Mary and she saw the fear on your face. She rushed over and pulled you out smoothly.

"Y/N, I need to borrow you" she pulled you away and you breathed out a heavy sigh as you hugged your best friend; thanking her repeatedly.

"Thank you, I really mean it" you say to her as you chug down a glass of wine from the table beside you. "Fucking creep."

"I have no idea who he is" she laughs softly and you cannot help but giggle back. "Tommy invited the whole fucking neighbourhood!"

"Where even is he?" You laugh with her, not seeing him for a while.

"No idea" she shrugs and you see it bothers her slightly. You put a hand to her shoulder and she smiles to you. "I am so needy!"

"I get you" You sigh and the two of you hug again. As you look up from the hug, you see John, Tommy and Arthur walk in.

Tommy was a little flustered; Arthur's closed were torn slightly and Johns lip was bleeding, alongside the side of his head.

"Mary" you pointed to the boys, who came over. You looked to John and put a hand to his face, nearly touching the cuts.

He watches you and bites down on his lip; making you blush.

"Let me help you?" You ask and he nods his head. You take his hand and walk to one of the rooms in the huge house.

Pulling him into one of them, you run a towel under the sink in the bathroom and dabs Johns cut on his face. He winces slightly and curls his hands up.

"Sorry" You mutter and he just watches you in bemusement. "What happened?"

"Fucking douche bags wanted to ruin the wedding" He groans in anger as he looks to the ground - not aiming the aggression at you.

"And the brave Shelby's defend their territory?" You wink and John smirks to you - making you blush.

"We sure did" He winks back and you throw the towel in the bin.

"All cleaned up." You smile and you look down to him; seeing how you were position in between his legs as he sat on the bed.

"Thank you" He whispers and you gulp slowly, looking into his eyes.

"You are welcome John" You stutter and he smirks.

"You hated me a couple of days ago" He exclaims and you look to him with a slight frown. "But now, all I want to do is kiss you and I know you want to do that too."

"Oh do I?" You smirk and he nods his head in reply; saying nothing. "How could you be so sure?"

"By doing it" He smiles and puts his hand to cup your cheek; bringing your face closer to his as he presses his lips on yours.

You both exchange long kisses to one another, making your legs go numb with excitement as he stands up and lifts you up; wrapping your legs around his body. He walks back and pushes your back lightly to the wall behind; kissing you deeper as you run your hands through his hair.

"See" He whispers as he pulls back; both of you trying to control your rapid breathing.

"You were indeed correct" You whisper back and pecks his swollen lips, with yours.

"I know, maybe I should do it again?" He winks and you giggle at him, pretending to think about it.

"Maybe you should" You agree and you both kiss harder and realise the love that the two of you share with one another.


"What actually happened to your face?" You ask him as you both lay on the bed; your head on his clothed chest. You both wanted to spend more time with each other, alone.

"Business" He simply replies and you let out a 'oh' not going to ask anymore about the business. "Well you really are one of a kind"

"What do you mean?" You ask, looking up to him, completely confused.

"If business was mentioned to any other girl I have been with, they would jump to the chance to know what it entails." He sits up and you do the same.

"Well, it's you personal job." You shrug. "If you wanted to tell me, then you would."

"God Y/N!" He breathes out and runs a hand through his hair.

"What!" You squeal as he pulls you into his lap; hugging you.

"You really are amazing" He whispers in your ear; making you shudder.

"Pardon?" You cheekily grin. "What was that? I can't hear you?"

"You are amazing?" He says a little louder.

"John is that you?" You giggle and he gets off the bed, standing on the chair in the room.

"You are fucking amazing Y/N Y/L/N" He yells, his hands going out beside him; as if he was about to take off.

"That's better!" You giggle as you stand up; walking closer to him as you look up to his tall body on the chair. "Kiss me?"

"Sure can do" He whispers to you and gets down from the chair; kissing your lips once more.

"Y/N, that Toby creep is asking for a fucking dance again!" Mary gasped for air as she opened the door; seeing you and John standing very close to each other.

"Mary!" "What man called Toby?" Was said as the same time, by you and John.

"Toby was a fucking creep that moved his body all over Y/N earlier on!" she exclaims and turns her nose up; you stare at her in horror as you see from the corner of your eye, John getting wound up. "But it's okay, she pulled away from him."

"Good" He frowns and then pulls an arm around your shoulders; your hand going on his chest.

"How cute" She winks. "Love conquers hate."

"Okay Shakespeare" You giggle. "That's enough. Let's go enjoy what's left of the exciting party!"

You and John walked out hand in hand; more than happy that everything worked out in the end for you both.

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