Isaiah Jesus - 'Race'

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"I am so happy for you, congratulations!" Ada squealed as she placed a hand on your belly.

You and Isaiah were expecting your first child together. Both of you were extremely excited to welcome your first baby into the world.

"Thank you Ada" You smiled to her. "I will need your help. I've never done this before."

"Oh darling!" She grinned. "I will give you all the help in the world!"

"I really appreciate it" You breathed out a sigh of relief. Both of you began talking about pregnancy and things to do and not to do.

While you began talking, you heard the sound of a cat meow from around the house. You frowned slightly and Ada saw your face; worried that she had said something that had caused offence.

"Are you okay?" She asked and you nodded your head fast; smiling at her to reassure.

"Yes, I just heard something." You said ignoring Ada's attempt to help you up, you walked over to the window where a black cat layed in the garden not moving.

"Y/N you really don't have to go outside been as they're there." She tried to convince you when she realised what you would do.

"They hurt an animal to try to get at me, fucking sickos." You march out side although Ada tried multiple times to drag you back.

Ever since you had got with Isaiah, the town seemed to have something to say about it and when they found out you would be having a child people took their words and turned them into actions.

You walked over to the car and cradled it in a blanket bringing it inside before being called various names by the men that stood outside your house.

"Don't rise to they're level Y/N." Ada pleaded.

You turned back around and as the adrenaline kicked in you were prepared to end this judgement after all.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You shouted as you walked over to the crowd.

"Easy for you to say with the fucking (n-word here/don't like writing it) that you're with." One man spat.

You attempted to slap the man but you suddenly felt warm hands pull you back, it was Isaiah. Ada saw and took off to allow Isaiah to calm you down.

"Thanks, Good day. See ya." He said to the men as he pulled you inside with his hands around your waist.

"Thank fuck." You said as you turned around to meet him with your hands on his shoulders. "But I could've beat him."

"Don't lie." He teased. "Why can't you learn to ignore them like I do?"

"Well first of all I won't have anyone saying that about you and second they hurt an animal." You say showing him the creature.

"They are bastards." He muttered, his hands cradling the injured cat.

"I think we should name her" You smiled and brushed the fur of the kittens body.

"She is not ours Y/N, we cannot go naming other people's cats." He sighed and you looked up to him.

"Maybe she doesn't have a home?" You suggested and his face softened. "I have seen her around here before. I used to feed the cat sometimes when we had scraps from dinner. The cat was the main reason the others started hating me even more - they thought it was to bring bad luck on me and therefore on them."

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