Michael Gray - 'Saviour From Sabini'

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"Yes sir" You mumbled, looking down at your work that Sabini's men had handed to you.

"He wants it done before noon." He demanded and you nodded your head; not arguing with them.

You were apart of the Peaky Blinders gang - undercover in Sabini's gang - finding out what his plans were, which you found out an awful amount. The gang seemed to have no idea what was going on, but soon, they were to find out who you really were.

It was soon noon and you felt something was off. People kept staring at you and you had a feeling, something was about to go down.

"Where is she?" You heard the voice of Sabini say. You stood up and started walking, trying not to be noticed as you walked through the busy crowd.

Walking around the corner, you tripped over your shoe, but a hand grabbed you and brought them into your chest. Looking up, you saw Michael Gray, standing there.

"Hey." You breathed out, looking at him.

"Hey there" He smiled, looking down at you.

"What are you doing here?" You said but he spoke over the top of you -

"What is wrong?"

"Where is she?" You heard Sabini say and you panicked; taking Michaels hand, you pulled him into the locked room and closed it before they knew where you were.

"She is not here." Another voice said and you breathed out a heavy sigh. "Check down town."

"You are in trouble?" Michael asked as he looked to you.

"Yes" You breathed out, trying to think of a way to get out, so you survived.

"Why? What happened?" He frowned. "Why are they looking for you?"

"I found out there plans, I had sent them over to Tommy." You whispered, then blushed slightly; seeing how close you were to him. "They must have found out the reason I am here."

"What were the plans?" He asked.

"Sabini had plans to set up a business in America." You looked to him intently. "They wanted to take over the business that we had over there and to start at fight with the blinders at the races. He had people come up to Small Heath, to try and burn down the factories."

"That bastard." He muttered.

"He had a secret spy, that he paid to come into the gang, his name was Gino Vender." You continued. "He told a lot of the plans to Sabini. Tommy is aware of that too and I have heard he did not survive his trip back to London."

"Tommy was not happy about that." Michael sighed and you nodded your head.

"I am surprised they did not find out sooner to be honest." You said to him. "Anyways, what are you even doing here?"

"Tommy wanted to me to come see Sabini, to negotiate a deal and see how you were getting on." He smiled and you blushed again, but not enough for him to notice. "I am glad I came before Sabini could get to you."

'Why thanks." You chuckled slightly, making him laugh back - but you made sure you were both quiet.

"I have no idea how we are going to get out of this place without getting noticed." You sighed, trying to think of the short cuts you had often taken, when trying to deliver things in confidence.

"I will have to get out and distract." He shrugged and you shook your head.

'They will kill you." You said. You both stayed in silence for a while and looked to each other, before Michael started to laugh. "What?" You asked.

"This a maintenance closet." He looked to see cleaning things in the closet you were in. "This is the most cliche you could have chosen - the most stupidest place we could have hidden."

"I am so sorry." You tutted, rolling your eyes at him. "I am so sorry I did not take us to the bloody Bahamas of hiding places."

"I didn't mean it like that." He laughed and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Yeah well, next time we might be in trouble, I will make sure I take us to the bathroom instead?" You smirked. "Or maybe the-"

Before you could say something else, you felt Michael press his lips against yours. Shocked at first, you kissed back and put your hand on his cheek and the other on his chest; while his hand cupped your other cheek and the other around your waist.

After a while, you both pulled away for air and you looked to him in shock.

"You just kissed me" You breathed out; touching your lips as you remembered his lips on yours.

"I know, I'm sorry." He smiled and cupped your cheek again. "I couldn't help it. How'd you like it?"

"It felt a little bit rushed." You whispered, smiling at him.

"I know. I know, I know." He said, looking at your lips again.

"I would not mind if you kissed me again though." You gently spoke, leaning in again.

"Neither would I" He grinned, pushing your hair behind your neck and placing his hand on your jaw.

Before you pressed his lips on yours again, you heard Sabini and his men outside the door. You pulled back and your heart raced.

"Are they going to come in here?" You stuttered as you looked to Michael in fear.

"I don't know" He breathed out and peaked through the key hole; seeing that they were about to come into the closet.

"We need to get out of here." You panicked. Looking around, you saw a small window behind a shelf of equipment. "A window!"

Michael gave you boost up and you managed to get through the window. Looking around to see if anyone was coming, you helped Michael get through and you were both safe.

"We need to get out of here." Michael demanded and grabbed your head, running to the car he had brought down with him.

You both got to the car and quickly got away; back up to Birmingham before Sabini and his men could reach you both.

"Take us home Michael." You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder, happy to be going back to Small Heath and away from Sabini and his men.

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