Michael Gray - 'Protection'

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"This does not seem a good idea Michael" You whisper afraid. "Why couldn't we go to your cousins pub instead. They know ya there."

"I want to do something for myself" he says and puts his hand in yours; walking close to you. "Besides, I told Isaiah to meet us there."

"I just have a bad feeling about it" You mutter and Michael stands still; putting his hands on your waist and then using one hand to tilt your chin up.

"I will protect you Y/N" He assures you and you believe every word he says.

You and Michael had been in a good place ever since he came to small heath. Being friends with Ada was the reason that you were in the gang. Ada's best friend was your sister and the two of you helped the gang out a lot - they trusted you both.

"I know Michael but that is not going to stop them" You breathe out as you slowly pushes you to the fence behind you.

"Stop panicking" He whispers and kisses your lips. "Trust me?"

You nodded your head as you turned to kiss his lips one more time. He kisses back and the two of you exchange an affection of love behind the pub.


"This has turned out to be a great night" You hiccuped as you leaned against Michael with a glass in your hand. "Isaiah?!"

"Y/N!" He laughs as he shakes hands with Michael and giving you a hug. Michael went jealous.

"We are the fucking Peaky's! Whiskey" He demands as you stand in between Michael legs. "What are the two of you drinking?-"

"I don't drink with blacks." A man spat as he came closer to the three of us.

"Here we fucking go." Isaiah snarls and stands up to the man; Michael stands up as he picks you up and pushes you behind him.

"Paddy, they're OK." The bartender pleaded the man to stop, which only made you feel bad for him. You stood with your hand on Michaels arm, holding on of his hands.

"Not with me, they're not." He ignored the plea from the owner and walks closer to the three of us; coming face to face with Isaiah. "I don't drink in pubs with blacks."

"So leave." Michael sternly says; making you internally flip. Thinking that your boyfriend was incredibly attractive when being dominant around people; showing them that he was not to be messed with.

"Sir, the phone is for you." The bartender called Michael and he kissed your cheek, following the man to the back room quickly. Mumbling a 'be careful' before he left.

"Look, my dad is the preacher round here." Isaiah spat back as they squared up to each other. "He has connections, ask anybody."

"I couldn't give a fuck who he is." The man named Paddy argued as he shoved Isaiah back.

"I'm telling you to leave it, Paddy." The Bartender snapped but was ignored again by the asshole.

"And I'm telling this- thing- to get out of here." He replied in return.

"You know something?" Isaiah snapped and shoved the man back. "Fuck off."

"It's all right, Isaiah, come on, leave it." You beg as you stepped forward. "We'll just go to Michael's cousin's pub."

"I like it here." He ignores and the man looks at you; coming closer and touching your face, you froze in your spot as he used his hand to lift up your skirt quickly and you let out a shriek. Isaiah punched the guy in the face and pulled you to the side. 

"You fucking - ." He yelled and let a punch out back to Isaiah, all the men chanting at the two fighting in the middle of the pub.

Chairs were breaking and glasses were smashing as the two fell to the ground, still continuing to fight. You tried to pull Isiah off but Paddy's arm came flying and hit you on the cheek instead of Isaiah.

"Shit" You heard the bartender say as he helped you to your feet.

"Thank you" You mutter as you are sat on the bar; holding a wet cloth to your face.

"What the fuck?" Michael yelled as he came over and looked to see your red and bruised face. "Don't tell me-"

Michael took his suit jacket off as he looked to your face.

"Michael please don't" You beg as he pulls away; stepping into the fight between the two of them and too, getting beaten and battered around the place. Paddy stood up and Michael went to help Isaiah stand up, but was completely unaware of the bottle that paddy was about to smash on his head.

"Paddy! The white kid's a Peaky Blinder!" The bartender screamed as you stood up and took the bottle.

"He's Polly Shelby's son!" You snarled and punched him in the ball, standing up and about to grab you.

"Are you fucking suicidal?!" The bartender added and the man groaned, looking up to see Michael pulling you away from him

"Sir Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He stutters and for a moment you feel sorry for the man; feeling completely awful that he was remorseful, even though he was completely in the wrong. That was your weakness.

"Get out!" Michael shouts and you jump; hugging into him. "Get out the fucking pub."

"I really didn't know." He begs and Michael says nothing but glares at them, putting an arm around your waist. "Fuck, let's go."

"Let's go Michael" You begged as he looked down at you.

"We ordered some drinks and we're going to drink them." He snaps and you glare at him, before following him to the bar.


"His face man" Isaiah laughs as you all walk to The Garrison. "Did you see his fucking face? You punch like a fucking kangaroo. I seen one once in a circus, you punch like that."

"All right, anyway, I need a fucking drink." Michael answered as he walked to the bar and ordered another drink.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Polly asks in shock as she looks to your face; touching it slightly as you wince.

"Polly, stop it hurts." You stutter and she hugs you. "It was Paddy."

"Why?" She asks and then looks over to her son and his friend drinking merrily away. "He had a problem with Isaiah's skin colour and started on all of us."

"He is a cock" She snarls and then pulls you into the room with John, Finn and Arthur; the other two came in shortly after.

"What happened to you?" John frowned as he looked to your cheek but he was interrupted by Michael and Isaiah coming in.

"Here they are, look, junior Peaky boys." Arthur laughs.

"So what's happened to you? You been scrapping?" John questions you all and you look over to Michael who stares at you.

"Some idiots at the Marquis of Lorne." Isaiah says and you start to well up; shaking your head for him to stop.

"Tried to stop me and Isaiah from drinking, but it's all right." Michael added and you shake your head at him.

"We fought them off." Isaiah nudged Michael with a smile.

"Arthur, we had to stand our ground and we did." Michael turned to the two older Shelby's.

"The Marquis, eh?" Arthur asked. "Where's your dad?"

"Preaching." Isaiah replied and you sighed.

"Right.  Don't nick any of me chips, Finn!" Arthur warned as he stood up with John; putting on their caps.

"Where are you going?" You ask them as they move past you.

"We won't be long." John smiled.

"Where are they going?" You asked Finn as Polly followed them out.

"The Marquis of Lorne." He answers and you let a quick tear out; feeling sorry for the bartender.

"Shame" Isaiah shrugs. "It was a nice pub."

"You both make me sick." You snap and throw your drink at the two boys that did not seem to give a fuck that they are about to ruin someone's living.

"Y/N, wait" Michael calls as you run out the pub.

"Fuck you Michael" You cry as you go back to your home; never wanting to see the side you saw tonight of Michael – the man you did not  know.

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