Michael Gray - 'Orphanage evaluation'

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"Come on children" You smiled as you opened the curtains to the new orphanage the Shelby family had set up. "Good morning girls"

You walked out and allowed them to wake up properly; while you went into the boys room and opened the curtains for them; saying the exact same thing. 

"God it is too bloody early" one of the boys grumble and you smack the back of their head lightly; making them groan in pain slightly.

"Watch your language" You smirk as he sticks his tongue out at you. "Breakfast is at the table"

You run down the stairs; galloping down each step. As you look down, you see Michael at the bottom of the stairs.

"Michael" you smile to him; getting to the bottom of the stairs. You rush to him and envelope him in a huge hug.

"Hey Y/N" he kisses your cheek as you pull away from the hug.

"What you doing here?" You grin and he puts a hand in his pocket and brings out a container of cigarettes; lighting one in his mouth.

"Tommy asked me to have a look around the place; see how the building is going and how the kids are" he smiles as he breathes out the smoke.

"So you are inspecting us for the day?" You asked with a frown and he shrugged his shoulder.

"Not formally, but kind of yes." He speaks and you roll your eyes.

"Nice to know we are trusted" you frowned sarcastically.

Michael laughs slightly as he blows the smoke again, which made him look so incredibly hot. You moved away from him and walked into the room where the breakfast was for all the kids. You sat down alongside them and began to talk to each one of them as they ate their breakfast.

"Michael" You heard one of the young girls laugh as she put her hand on his arm; while he was still smoking his cigarette.

You frowned at the two of them as they laughed at one another.

"Nice work you are doing" You mutter under your breath and she laughs again at something else Michael says. "Give over"

"Someone is jealous" One of the kids smirk; teasing you.

"Shut It Jack" You snap at him and he goes to yell it louder. But you quickly put a hand over his mouth and he licks your hand.

"Ew!" You yell. "Jack stop it"

"I am only messing with you Y/N" He laughs and then winks. You laugh alongside him. Michael looks to you and winks as you turn away from him.

Standing up after everyone had finished breakfast, you started to clean the table from all the mess and taking it to the kitchen. The rest of the kids go to their classes of the day, while you start to clean up the room.

"You like it here?" Michael asked, making you jump by surprise.

"Yeah, I do" you reply boringly and continue to tidy up; not speaking another word to him.

"That's good" He smiles and you roll your eyes. "You like the kids."

You nod your head in reply.

"You ever get out of here?" He asks yet another question.

"Why don't you stop bothering me with all the questions Michael" You snap as you turn to face him. "Instead of evaluating everything I am doing here, why don't you go back to that bitch of a teacher and go flirt with her for all I care."

He stays silent as he looks to you in shock, after the sudden outburst you just have had to him.

"What?" You frown and throws the material cloth to the oak table.

He doesn't say anything again; just smirking to you.

"What?" You repeat yourself. "God Michael first all the questions and now you are fucking mute-"

With one swift movement, he pushes you up against the side behind you and starts to kiss you. As soon as his lips touch yours you melt into his arms as his kisses you harder.

You put your hands through his hair as he picks you up and puts you on the oak table; still kissing your lips and not breaking any contact between the two of you.

He pushes up your skirt up slightly and you quickly pull away; leaning your forehead on his.

"Not Yet Michael" you breathe out; smiling hugely.

"Y/N I am in love with you" He whispers and kisses your nose and then your lips. "So madly in love"

"Michael" You mutter then someone comes into the room; you jump apart and pretend to make yourself look busy.

You dry the dishes up as the person comes in to get a glass of water; then walking out again.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks you as you turn back around to face you.

"Nothing" You grin and he smirks; pulling you into him again. "Why?"

"Because I want to take you out to the Garrison" He smiles. "For a drink."

"Meet you at 5?" You raise an eyebrows and kiss his lips; pushing him away.


"Y/N" Your hear Tommy call you at the entrance of his pub. "How is my orphanage going?"

"Great tommy!" You replied as he swung an arm around you. "But I do not get why you are making certain people coming to the place, to test me"

He looked to you confused at what the hell you were talking about.

"What?" He laughs completely confused.

"Michael..." You frown as you turn to see him walking into the pub. "He said you told him to evaluate the place, to see how we are doing-"

You stop yourself and Tommy catches on; looking at Michael. Laughing at him, you smirk as he comes closer.

"How was the evaluation Michael boy?" Tommy smirked as Michael went bright red.

"You little liar" you joke as you walk close to him. "You know Michael, you could have just asked me straight away. You did not have to lie"

You kissed his lips and let out a giggle at the boy you loved in front of you.

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