John Shelby - 'I Am Always With You 2'

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5 years went by, you went to school and you never forgot about John. You had tried to write to him, but you mother never let you - she always seemed to catch you. Never a single letter from John came to your doorstep either and it killed you the more you thought about it.

It was hard for you, as you were to marry a man that was incredible and mother and father approved; making it so much easier - but you could never get over John. 3 days before your wedding, you started to get cold feet and you decided you should go back to visit the place you had so many attachments too.

"Mam, this is the stop you need" The nice conductor announced as he handed you the ticket you had given to him to check.

"Thank you sir" You smile as you leave the train and step foot onto the familiar train station of Small Heath.

You walked to the house you once snuck out too and once shared an inseparable bond with someone you were still very much in love with - only hoping he felt the same way. As your hand went up to knock on the door, the door opened and it revealed the man you had not seen for years; he had not changed a bit.

The two of you looked to each other in silence; not knowing what to say.

"Hello" You whisper, tucking your hair behind your ear. He did not say a word; instead he just kept looking at you. "How are you?"

Still nothing.

"I shouldn't have come" You shake your head and walks away; leaving him still standing there and saying nothing.

Walking to the other side of the street you turn around once more; wanting to slap him and kiss his face off at the same time.

"Why didn't you write to me?" You stutter; trying not to cry. His eyebrows furrowed together as he came to the same side of the street.

"What?" He spoke finally; his hands curling up.

"Why didn't you write to me John!" You snap, a tear slipping down your cheek.

"Are you trying to piss me off?" He scoffs; getting more and more mad.

"What are you talking about!" You yell; hiccuping as another tear falls down your face.

"Of course I fucking wrote to you!" He grabs your shoulders and you flinch; putting your hand on his wrist as he pushes you back to the wall behind you.

"You wrote to me?" You breathed out; looking to his handsome face.

"Yes" He looked down to your hand and saw the rock on your finger. "But what does it fucking matter anyways. You are getting married!"

You didn't know what to say, you felt so foolish to be there and you felt as if you had let the man you had meant to have married - Harry - down. You shake your head and your heart-ached as you watched John's face.

"Why are you here Y/N?" He asks, breathing out a sigh.

"I shouldn't be here" You mutter and push past him; turning to face him once more. "I was foolish to come."

"Wait" He calls for you as you walk away from him; but he seems to catch up in time and pull you back around to face him.

"What John?" He breathe out as you look to him; realising how close the two of you were against each other.

"Why did you come back?" He questions and you blush; looking to the ground. Your heart raced and you wanted to have the courage to tell him the truth - something you knew you could manage.

"I wanted to see you" You begin and he goes to speak, but you stop him. "No, listen to me. I came back because I wanted to see you because John, I still fucking love you and I cannot help thinking about you. God, I love you and knowing that while supposedly meant to be marrying another man, plays on my mind and kills me. I don't expect you to feel the same, but I had to tell you."

He stood there. His eyes glazed over and it made you bite down on your lip. You didn't want to cry and you wanted him to talk so much, breaking your heart the more the silence deafened you. As he lips moved, he went to speak but a small child grabbed his leg.

"Daddy, Luke is being mean to me again!" He huffs and you look to John; frowning in confusion and then realising- that he was John's child.

"Okay James, go inside and get a snack or something" He hurries the child in doors and you blink fast; unsure now what to say. Where was the mother?

"Before you ask about about their mother, she died." He mutters and you looks down; fiddling with your hands before looking up again.

"I am sorry for your loss" You mutter and he shakes his head.

"Don't be." He puts his hands in his pockets. "She was my way of getting over and forgetting about you."

"Well, that was harsh on both parties." You mutter and roll your eyes.

"You wanted the truth, but it isn't like it worked. You were all I think about and still." He shakes his head and you try to control your smile.

"Good." You smile and he lets out a smile himself; making you blush.

"God I have missed you." He whispers as he puts a hand to your cheek; making you blush.

"I have missed you too" You whisper back; putting your hand over his as he moves closer to you.

"What are expecting to happen?" He asks; wanting to know the truth.

"I don't know John" You honestly speak. "Maybe it was a mistake coming. Maybe we should try to get over each other; get on with our lives."

"You know I wouldn't want that" He looks down to you; moving closer to you. "Would you really want that. Especially considering you came him from far away."

"What if everything I felt was still with me right now? What if now I am near you, those sparks have gone off once more?" You whisper as you move your hand to his chest; bringing him closer to you.

"Then i would let them go off and make some more." He answers and you blush; biting on your lip. "I have missed this feeling."

"So have I" You honestly speak. The two of you continue to stay within close proximity of each other; staring into each other's eyes. "John, I want you to kiss me..."

"Your wish is my command" He winks and leans in...

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