Thomas Shelby - 'More Than A Protector'

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"It's very dangerous out there tonight, maybe you should cancel the show." Tommy worryingly said to you, which made you feel nervous.

Thomas had been your trusted protector/bodyguard from the very beginning you started performing your songs. You trusted him with your life and he made you feel so incredibly safe.

"I can't Tommy-" You mumbled. "I can't let them down. Besides, we have come a pretty damn far away just to cancel it." Referring to your travels to Ireland.

"The IRA are still about Y/N" He snaps angrily, knowing you were being stubborn.

"They won't bother the likes of me." You snapped back, defending yourself and your fans. "I won't let them down!"

Tommy huffed, storming out of the room and making a point of a slamming the door shut as he walked out. Crossing your arms in annoyance, you started to think about how dangerous this threat, could actually be.

"Fuck" You mumbled to yourself, running a hand through your hair and bitting the inside of your cheek. "Ah fuck it."

You performed at the concert and nothing bad had happened at all. Tommy was still on edge as he waited in the sidelines, wanting to pull you off that stage.

"Thank you so much for coming out." You waved and walked off, hugging the other people playing the band.

"Y/N!" A fan shouted and held a piece of paper out, with a pen, for you to sign.

"What's your name?" You smiled as you walked over to the side, Tommy immediately coming closer to have a visual.

"Sarah-" She squealed. "I am a massive fan!"

"Thank you!" You grinned, from ear to ear.

"Thank you for signing it!" She hurried off and you turned to see Tommy watching you intently.

"See-" You snapped. "What was she going to do? Hit me with her pen?"

"I am only looking out for your safety." He argues as he grabbed your forearm before you could walk away from him. "I do not know what I would do, if someone hurt you."

Blushing profusely, you said nothing and walked away - not sure what he meant by it. It could be either that he did it because it was his job or that he genuinely cared. You hopped it was the latter (which of course it was.)

"There are a lot of fans waiting beside the car." Your manager, Toby said as you walked out beside him; Tommy behind you.

"Y/N!" you heard screams say, as soon as you made it into their view.

"Hello" You smile, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people and flashing cameras.

"Back up." Tommy shouted as he saw your face; knowing how uncomfortable you were feeling.

"Y/N, you shouldn't even be here." Someone shouted and stood in front of you. "English scum-"

He grabbed something out of his pocket - a knife - but Tommy was quick enough to intercept it and unarm the man before he could potentially cause any harm.

A gunshot went off and Tommy's wild eyes made you panic. That wasn't Tommy's gun. The crowd screamed and rushed into safety, bashing and hitting into one another.

"Tommy!" You cried out as you saw two men coming closer to you. "Please Tommy..."

Your heart raced. You began to tremble in fear; wishing you had only just listened to Tommy in the first place.

As you stumbled back away from the approaching men, you felt two hands land on your waist and pull you against their hard chest.

"Get off me!" You shouted. "I will get my bodyguard on you and he won't be nice!"

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