John Shelby - 'True lover'

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"I still really do care about you" James smiles as he leans against the bar side; looking you up and down.

"So do I" You confess, him moving in a little closer to you; placing a hand on your cheek.

"I am sure most ex's would not be like this" He chuckles and you raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Is it a problem?" You tease and he shrugs his shoulders, making you frown in annoyance - what did he mean? "What?"

"I don't know." He laughs and you take a step back from him.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" You frown even more; looking at him in shock.

"Come on" He groans and runs a hand through his hair. "Don't cause a scene."

"I'm not" You answer calmly and put a hand on your hip.

"We are both single, we can go do what we want." He simple says; a serious tone to his voice as you nod your head in an understanding manner - but you are really fuming.

"That's great then" You bite down on your lip. "Well, I better go now."

"-Y/N come on" He begins but you cut him off.

"I'm fine, you know you're right James" You smile gently. "It is not like I am even a thing with you anymore. I'll see you later."

You walk out of the bar; feeling the cold air hit your face as you walk out and repeating yourself to not cry over a stupid guy. Walking down the street, you put your hand in your pockets as the wind brushes your hair back. As you look around to see the busy people around the busy city, you see John walking towards you with a smile on his face.

"Hey" You breathe out as he comes closer; kissing your cheek as he puts a hand on your waist as his lips press against you cheek.

"How are you darling?" He asks as he pulls back from you and your eyes tear up as he looks to you in confusion.

"I'm fine" You sigh and refuse to break down.

You and John have been good friends ever since you were kids. Both of you would do anything for each other and John was so protective over you, which made you feel so safe. Secretly, you liked John but you had not really admitted that to yourself and it was the exactly the same way he felt towards you.

"You sure?" He frowns and you nod your head; smiling to him.

"I should go" You whisper; waving a goodbye as you walk away from him. Allowing a tear to fall down your cheek as you walk away.


"I don't want to go" You groan as you look to Ada as she tries to force you to come to the event that was happening; the reopening of the Garrison.

"It is supporting the group" She huffs and pulls you up to your feet; brushing your hair back and making you huff back in annoyance.

"I know it is, but I don't want to see James." You sigh as you put on a new cardigan. She walks over to you and puts her earrings in.

"What happened?" She asked as you turned around to face her.

"He just said to me today that he still cares about me, but then reminded me that we are both single so we can do what we want" You speak in an monotone voice.

"He's a waste of space" She reminds you and you nod your head in agreement. "But let's forget about him and let's enjoy the night ahead!"

You both walk to the Garrison and speak to everyone as you get a drink from the bar. You see James walk in the pub but is blocked soon by John coming closer to you; making you smile.

"Hey gorgeous" He kisses your cheek and you do the same back. "You alright from earlier?"

"Yes, a lot better" You confess and you study his face; realising how gorgeous he actually is.

"Why are you staring at me?" He winks and then you blush, smirking back to him.

"Don't flatter yourself" You tease back and you look over his shoulder; seeing James kissing another girl in the corner of the room.

Tears prick your eyes as you look at them, unable to take your eyes off them. John looks to where you are looking and you go embarrassed; walking away from the situation for the millionth time.

"Y/N" John calls after you as you storm out of the pub; being followed by John. "Y/N!"

"Why would he do that?" You cry as you turn to face him; leaning your head against his chest and crying softly.

"Don't cry" He whispers and puts his hands on your lower back; pulling you closer to his chest. "Hey, don't cry. Don't let him see you down."

"I hate him" You hiccup as you look up to him; trying to wipe away your tears as they keep falling and John uses his thumb to help you do the same.

"Everyone does Y/N" He smiles. "You deserve so much better than him."

"I am not even sure what I deserve right now" You mutter; tucking your hair behind your ear as you look to him.

"I know you deserve someone who really cares about you." He steps forward and puts a hand to your cheek; staring at your face.

"John..." You stutter as you look to his face; unsure what to do, so you just stay still.

"I really do care about you" He whispers and you bite down on your lip; feeling a deep courage of passion and you decide to press your lips against his.

You both kiss each other's; sparks flying off each other as you move closer to his body and deepen the kiss. His hands move around your body as you put your fingers through his hair. Pulling back gently, you both lean your forehead against one another; catching your breath.

"I'm not sure what to say" He whispers and you shake your head; smiling as you move your head closer to his.

"Nothing" You grin and pecks his lips one more time.

"John?" You hear someone call his name as he turns around to see his brother Finn coming closer. "Tommy wants you for a second. Hey Y/N."

"Hey Finn" You wave, John turns back to you.

"I'll be back in a moment." He smiles. "You going to be okay?"

"Yes John" You grin back to him; pecking his lips again and feeling the ecstasy come from his lips. "I will be right here when you come back."

"Okay sweetheart" He whispers with a smile on his face.

John follows his brother; watching them both walk into the pub once more. You stand there for a moment and take a breather; getting caught up from the kiss earlier on. You knew things were going to end greatly - you had an amazing feeling about it all!

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