John Shelby - 'Things Happen For Reasons'

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"You are joking?" You gasp, looking at John with a disgusted look.

"No, I am so sorry" He mutters, looking down to the ground in shame. "It was just, just in the moment and I could not stop it."

"Does this-" You snap, referring to your engagement ring he had given you. "Actually mean anything to you?"

"Yes Y/N, of course it does!" He stresses, but you mockingly laugh, not believing a word that comes out of his mouth. "Please, it was a mistake."

"John, maybe the mistake was wanting to marry you" You snap maliciously; not really meaning the words you were saying.

"You don't mean that" He frowns, but you did not budge - you wanted him to grovel and feel as bad as he could.

"I sure as hell do" You stutter, making known your uncertainty and utter heartbreak.

"You don't!" He yells, grabbing your shoulders and shaking your body. "Tell me you don't mean it."

"John get off me" You cry out, wanting him to let go; because it really hurt. His grip was strong, but he never meant it to hurt you.

"Tell me Y/N!" He screams and breaks down into tears. His voice was hoarse and he was slowly giving up. "Tell me."

"I don't want to see you ever again" You hiccup; taking the ring off your finger and giving it over to John. "Goodbye John."

"Y/N" He elongates, making you turn away from him; otherwise you would forgive him and come back.

"Goodbye" You repeat and walks out of his house, wiping away your tears as you walked out, feeling like the world had crashed beneath your very feet.


"Oh my fucking god!" Your best friend Sarah gasped as she ran up to you, while you were waitressing at the local cafe.

"Polly, I am working" You stressed, looking to her with annoyance; before serving the food to the customers - but she still continued to follow.

"You will bloody want to hear this" She continued to say in your ear.

"Sarah, please just tell me bloody later!" You snapped quietly, walking to the food hatch to get the next meal.

"John is married" Sarah blurted, unable to keep it from you any longer. Due to complete and utter shock, the tray you were holding, fell down to the ground and made a huge amount of noise.

"What?" You gasped in shock, looking to her to see if it was in fact the truth.

"It is true Y/N" She frowns and your heart sinks slightly. Slowly coming back to reality, you realised the mess you had made; deciding to distract yourself you picked up the mess.

"I am so sorry!" You gasped to the customer, who's fish and chips were all over the floor. "I will get you another, on the house."

"Are you aware of what I just said?" She snapped, following you around still.

"For fuck sake Sarah!" You scream, making everyone look to you; which made you go red in embarrassment. Pulling Sarah to the cupboard nearby, you looked to her sternly. "Do you really think I would have dropped a bloody customers fucking fish and bloody chips on the floor, if I had not have understood!"

She went quiet - realising the extent of your heartbreak. You looked to her with heartbroken eyes, trying to hold in the tears; which made you think you were stronger than you thought. However, you could not hold them in any longer. You burst into tears, hugging into Sarah as she wrapped her arms around you.

"I shouldn't be crying" You hiccuped.

"It's okay to cry Y/N" She whispers as she loving strokes your back as you hug.

"I still love him" You whimpered, making Sarah feel awful for telling you - but you had to know sooner rather than later.

"I know you do" she sighed, not really knowing what to say to you. "Why don't we go out later tonight and get so drunk that we forget about him?"

"I like that idea" you sniffled, wanting to crawl into a corner and never return from it.

"Come on then, finish your shift and we will get fucking pissed tonight!" She giggled, wiping your tears away before leaving you to finish the shift.


"Holy fucking shit!" You screamed as you danced with a man by the bar. "You are so gorgeous"

"Thanks sweetheart, so are you" He winks, making you blush - but only due to the alcohol going to your head too easily. "So what do you say, should we get out of here?"

"My friend is here, I can't leave her" You frowned, not having a good feeling on this, but you were too intoxicated to think properly.

"She'll be fine, She is with that man over there" He points out and you raise an eyebrow, shrugging your shoulders before turning back around to the man.

"Okay, lets go then" You smiled, latching onto his arm as he led you out of the pub. He walked in silence, which made you feel awkward. "Where are we going?"

He didn't answer and the alcohol was already wearing off, making you more aware of what was going on. You looked to the man, before trying to pull your arm away from him.

"Hey, let go of me!" You snap, as he continued to hold onto your tightly. "I am serious, you are hurting me!"

"Shut up" He growled. "You are coming whether you like it or not."

"I said get off me, you jerk!" You gasp, realising it may take a lot more words than 'jerk' to get him off you.

He said nothing but mockingly laughed, making you blush in embarrassment; you felt humiliated. You put your hand in your pocket, realising you had you pocket knife stored away. The man dragged you and shoved you to the wall. Your hands fumbled in your pocket, making the knife fall back into your pocket.

"Get off me!" You beg, trying to push him off you - but it was seriously no use. Your hands went back into your pocket and you got it out in front of you; stabbing the man in the side.

His drunk self, made it so he fell to the floor instantly and feeling the pain quickly. You ran away from you, running as fast as you could.

While you ran, you smacked into someone; making you jump in fright.

"Please don't hurt me" You cried out, cowering away from the person.

"Y/N?" You heard John say, making you look up to him in pure shock.

With no other words said, your eyes closed and you felt yourself disappear from the world momentarily.

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